Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1160 Full Open

Lu Long noodles slightly changed: "Hand!"

Under the order, Chen Youlong, who has already prepared, has been disconnected, and there is a surrounding circle between breathing, and will be surrounded by Li Feng.

Next moment, Chen Youdong et al Qi waves hands in the weapon, and went to Li Feng to the priest.

The three fairy people have a sword, and the Sword of the Xi Xi Xiangxian, Chen Youwong and others' swords are also Lu Long personally forged star swords, but there is no material on the material, the stars, Unable to release the star river with the sword.

However, the realm of Chen Youlong and others are far more than Lu Xianjie, especially the Xiao Tian, ​​who has just broken out of the fake god, this sword, the void vibrate, the power is shocking!

More terrible is that the virtues behind the six people behind Chen Younang also raised their hands, and the two-handed star shot gave a sword. As they came to Li Feng, they fell to Li Feng!

Six people, six directions, twelve swords, they want to kill!

"I rely on, the aid soldiers of Xiaoye have not arrived yet, you will be with you, shameless!"

Li Feng, thought that Lu Long will chat with him a few words, and then don't even say a few words before playing. For example, "I want to kill you for my son to revenge".

As a result, Lu Long did not say it, this is too simple, but there is no realization of the disappearance!

Lu Long couldn't help but laugh: "The winner is the king of the king, and how can it be dug, as long as you can kill you, you can revenge for me!"

A long time ago, Lu Long is still an ordinary disciple, there are many people say that he is "there are not many people, Sanxian, I am Dragon Brother".

At this point, you can see all the hostages from him.

The rushing in the distance is obviously the aid soldiers brought by Li Feng. Lu Long will wait for those people to come over after another.

Just when Lu Long said, the swordscent of Chen Youwong and others have come to Li Peak!

"Bang" "Bang" ...

The explosion sounded, Li Feng was drowned!

Chen Youdong and others have specially stunned: "When you are in the trough, he didn't hide."

"This ... this is too unbearable?"

"What is he afraid of being a slag?"

Six people's full hits, don't say that he is half-god, it is to be smashed by the hustle gods, so Li Feng is so killed by them?

At this time, Lu Long shouted: "Do you forget what I said before? He can be immunized, continue to play me!"

The anti-sentiment died, which although the stalk in recent years, Lu Long realized the true meaning at the earlier.

At the beginning, he was deeply in the mind of Lu Long with Li Feng, so he would never drop eyesight!

Although Chen Youdong and others are doubtful, Lu Long's words are orders. When they will sword again, countless swords are like a continuous waves generally bombarded Li Feng.

"Time hourglass!"



Li Feng, who has already opened an invincible aura, no longer hesitate, and turn it on the remaining three tops.

"Boom" "Boom"

The breath on Li Feng has skyrocketed and directly came to the peak.

At the same time, Shenwu Jian, Shenwu appeared, Li Feng came up with the strongest state!

Under the influence of time hourg, Chen Youlong and others have fallen ten times, and the swords they cut out have slowed down to the ground that Li Feng is easily escaped.

It's just that Li Feng didn't avoid it. He went straight to Chen Youqing to kill.

In the six people in Chen Younong, Xiao Tian's realm is the highest, and the realm of other people is a half-peak.

Li Feng, who has played several group war, knew that in such a battle, the thief first smashed the king's way, which would only let each other break.

Shanghe's best is to kill the people with low realm, and leave the highest in the realm.

Although Chen Youdong is a master, his war is the lowest in six people, it can be said that it is very unstable.

First destroy Chen Youdong, and then kill the other four half-god peaks, there is only two pseudoons.

At that time, Luo Tianzheng and others were almost arrived, eight pairs of two ... still played!

"This death, he can don't have access to attack!"

Li Feng rushed out of the moment, Xiao Tian, ​​etc., the face, followed by greedy color.

They believe that Li Feng can ignore attacks. It must be related to this golden armor. If they have a armor, can you be invincible in the world?

Just when Xiao Tian and others played Xiao Jiusi, Li Feng came to Chen Youwong, and before Chen Youdong, Shenwu, the sword!

A Tongtian Black Pillar appeared, and the world of Chen Youdong was in the dark!

"" sounds ...

Darkness, bright, then ...

"Master!" Xiao Tian and others sent a excitement, and they didn't dare to confuse!

In their sight, Chen Youwong's body has been divided into two, blood is angry!


Lu Long, who is in the distance.

As soon as this blink of a blink of an eye, his university Chen Youwong was smashed by Li Feng to a sword for two halves? Still under the siege? !

"Next, feel the feast of killing together ..."

Li Feng is low, and the body disappears, and it has come to Qin Ming when they appear.

"Two brothers are careful!" Xiao Tian's face changed, and he was going to save Qin Ming in the feet.

Qin Ming, who was stared by Li Feng, turned into the cold, and immediately left the original place, Lu Long and the rest of the three people waved the long sword to Li Feng.

It is only the effect of time hourgap, and their speed reduces ten times in Li Feng's eyes, and Li Feng is in an invincible state, I can ignore attacks, so the attacks of Lu Long and others cannot have any effect on him.


Li Feng, sword, this world has become a dark!

At this time, Xiao Tian also has a few meters away from Qin Ming, and Qin Ming also stayed in place!

"" sounds, night dishes ...

"Two brothers!"

"Old two!"

Qin Ming took two and a half of the body to let Lu Long wait for people to break, while horror.

In less than two seconds, Li Feng looked at two as a strong force, or under the crowd, Li Feng's strong is completely unexpected to Lu Long and others!

Lu Long and Xiao Tian were still better. They themselves were pseudoons, confident to prevent Li Feng's attack, but Xiao Tian's three brothers were different. Li Feng can easily kill Chen Youlong and Qin Ming. Easily kill them!

These three people have been born, but they don't dare to run, how do you face Master?

Li Feng saw hesitation in the eyes of these three people, and the corner of his mouth evoked, and his body disappeared again.

Lu Long noodle drama: "The old three old four old five, run!"

The three people are moving, then turn around!

Just then, this side of the world became a dark!

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