Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1161 I will come back!

"Virtuality!" Li Feng flashed the bloodthirsty light, and sword three!

"" "" "" ......

The night dissipates, the bright is coming, Xiao Tian's three brothers are all divided into two, bloody rain!

"The third old four old five!" Lu Longmu wants!

"Teacher!" Xiao Tian Yang Tian frenzy!

Opposite, Li Feng's breathing is slightly short.

In the state of high-intensity operation, it is a matter of ruthlessness, especially the last three swords, almost no interval, even if the Li Peak is true, this moment is also a bit dissection.

At this moment, it will only be opened for 5 seconds. There are still 4 seconds left, and the time hourglass is five seconds, violent, and there is 26 seconds.

If Lu Long, Xiao Tian is just a super-peak strong, Li Feng has full of grasping them, but it is a pity that these two are pseudoons ...

"The death, how can you be so strong, this is not reasonable!" Lu Long face is ugly looks at Li Feng, there is no meaning to continue to do.

"The Huaxia Ancient Woods Tibet is a tiger, you don't understand this Donglu people." Li Feng laminated.

He takes a little time to recover, don't mind, you will have a waste of time with Lu Long, the most important thing is that this sentence may move Lu Long's heart.

"how do you know?!"

Lu Long face!

"What?" Xiao Tian also became the same face, turned to Lu Long.

The Master is Dongpu? How can this be!

Lu Long Luolong, this is a Chinese name! And the Master has no characteristics of Dongpu, whether it is the accent or behavior!

Just because I don't believe in Xiao Tian, ​​Lu Long Ji has just sold himself in the fact that he is Dongpu people!

Li Feng's mouth evoked a smile: "This is to ask ..."

Speaking here, Li Feng suddenly shot a sword to Xiao Tian!

This one is in the dark, and Xiao Tian is asged, "mean", and uses it to eat it next to it.

"" sounds, Xiao Tian sent a pain.

Lu Longdeng is nervous: "Old six, you are fine ?!"

If Xiao Tian is also killed by Li Feng, then he can consider running.

"Master, I am fine."

Fortunately, Xiao Tian gave a response, while the night was disheadie, Lu Long saw a wound in Xiao Tian's waist.

"His swords are completely hiding, rest assured that the teacher is honored." Xiao Tianxin said in some stealing.

When Li Feng killed his six brothers, Xiao Tian had a fear.

Semi-god-level strong, just a sword, one sword, a sword, with special killing chicks, who is also panicked.

As a result, Li Feng also gave him a sword. Although he did not completely spread, it was just a little less injury, and he was back to the heart!

"Yes?" Lu Longbei picks a lot, laughs: "Well, ok, then you can give you the friends!"

The voice falls, the breath on Lu Long has skyrocketed, and the voids in the body have begun to slightly spent.

Star explosion, three fairy people enhance the secrets of fighting!

After the pseudohen strong, the power of the pseudohen is used to improve the power of the power, although it is unable to reach the world, it can still be nearly 30% of the current power.

This makes Lu Long's infinite looks close to God!

Xiao Tian face revealed a cruel smile, and the star explosion was used.

Different from Lu Long, Xiao Tian's body's void did not tremble, from this aspect, it can be seen that he is still better compared with Lu Long.

Li Feng suddenly felt pressure, so in the invincible eucalyptus, there were two seconds of two seconds. In this time, he can do some attempts.

"Want to revenge them? If you ask my fist answer, you will not agree!"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng took the goddess of the sword, and the right hand held the box to Xiao Tian.

"Is it ready to pass the use of weapons?" Xiao Tian was laughing, and the sword was swing to Li Feng.

On the side, Lu Long dragged out of a residual shadow and killing Li Feng, the same sword!

Double-sided feet!

In the invincible ring state, Li Feng did not take Lu Long after his stay, and he didn't flash to Xiaotian, and then a punch!


A sprinkle, Li Feng is in the mouth of Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian is only gently shaking, and his smirk is not faded, and a sword is on the neck of Li Feng!

At the same time, Lu Long's sword was on the back neck of Li Feng!

"" ""

Jin Guang floats, Li Feng is no injury!

Xiao Tian, ​​Lu Long faces slightly changed, and then the sword will continue to sword.

However, Li Feng's fist is faster!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

It is also the four boxing of Xiao Tian's heart, a punch is bigger than a punch, and it is already five times hurt when he is the fourth box!

More terrible is that this five punches are in his body less than 0.1 seconds, so short time, let these five fists like a boxing, and the damage layer is superimposed!

Xiao Tian has changed his face, and his body swayed from the first punch to the fifth punch. The blood turned to the throat, and the top of the five organs were never injured!

Xiao Tian felt threats. If Li Feng came again, he would drop a layer of skin if he didn't die!

When Xiao Tian is going to go out, just Li Feng's attack speed exceeds his imagination. In his instant, Li Feng actually slammed two boxes!

Sixth box, six times hurt!

Seven fists, seven times hurt!

It is Li Feng from unbearable !

, from the first punches, the seven-fold damage of the seventh punch, in just 0.1 seconds, the damage layer is superimposed, you can live!

Plus the time of time hourglass, this 0.1 second time is shortened by ten times, 0.01 seconds, the seven punches, do not give Xiao Tian's time!

After the seven punches, a violent feeling hit straight in Xiao Tian body, Xiao Tian's body is like an inflatable ball.

"Old six ?!" Lu Long noodles, I want to save save, but I don't know how to start, I can only sway the sword to Li Feng back.


Jin Guang floats, Li Feng did not hurt.

Lu Long's mentality collapsed directly!

Lying in the trough, the sword is not moving, and the sword is directly cut, and it is still a person.

Confused Li Feng, a sword one sword one, with special cuts, too special bully!

Just when Lu Long's mentality exploded, Xiao Tian has ... burst!

"Bang" is a big sound, the violent gas is out of Xiao Tian, ​​and the blood is rain!

Xiao Tian, ​​this explosion, Lu Long's mentality has already collapsed, and he didn't even heke himself, and he ran.

Flying out of the blink of a thousand meters.

Until this, there is only one voice to come. "Li Feng, I will come back, you are waiting for me!"

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