Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1162 you are safe

Li Feng: "???"

Sanxian party? Pseudohen strong this one?

Invincible is fast, Li Feng still wants to hurt each other with Lu Long! As a result, Lu Long was scared!

Still "I will come back", do you think you are a breeze?

"Call, fortunately, don't you have to be a good."

After half of the half, Lade is really far away, Li Feng is dark, it looks a little.

After the sky, the arrogance in Li Feng is almost taken out, if Lu Long doesn't run, Li Feng should run.

In fact, Li Feng has been going to run, that is, use the body to hang Lu Long, let Luo Tianzheng wait for Rune, slowly blotting.

When Li Feng recovered, everyone will take Li Long.

However, this is a big risk. If you don't care, there will be a war. Now Lu Long is scared, it should be the best ending.

After a minute, Luo Tianzheng waited for a lot of breath, and then they looked at the empty wooden boat to fall into a stagnant state: "Zong ... Zong, people?"

"I just watched this battle, why didn't you?"

"I rely on, the principle, you don't tell us that the enemy has been eliminated!"

The enemy is Lu Long's business, Li Feng has told Luotian and others, so Luo Tianzheng is already preparing for a bad battle.

As a result, they came here, but found that the enemy did not see ...

This is like a good fortune, but it is as uncomfortable as it is!

"Cough, you will come late to step ..." Li Feng shook his head and sighed, and said.

"Really let the master give it?" Luo Tianzheng and others have changed.

The host is very fierce, this is clear, but a self-evident one of the fake gods, this is beyond their expectation.

It is very powerful that the power of Lu Long's projection is very powerful. At that time, Luo Tianzheng has calculated it. They got seven people to join hands to kill Lu Long's projection without damage.

If less than seven people, there will be a casualty situation ...

"How to be Lao Luo, are you questioning the strength of the primary?" Wei Bin smiled.

Luo Tianzhi Zhang Zhang said: "I ..."

"You are you, this is a generous, what kind of people don't know?"

"The power of the host also uses me again, although I can't make your intuitive feelings, how powerful."

"Hey, don't say a Lu Long, even if the two pseudo-necklaces are here, the master can also give them!"

Finally, I will give Li Feng to the Wei Bin, the Wei Bin, the wind.

Luo Tianzheng: "..."

No ... Is this a bastard to say people? How can I question the host? I am a question!

Also ... Do you take a slant point? Can the two pseudo-unspeak the power? Are you not afraid of the blush?

Yes, now I said that it is late, and the more black, the old man is closed.

Just as Luo Tianzhi, Li Feng smiled: "Old Wei, you are still right, just here is the strong sense of pseudohen."


Not just Luo Tianzheng and others, even Wei Bin is special, he is a shot, how is it true?

"Don't be so excited, I haven't finished it yet." Li Feng's mouth hooks, after the back of the face, make a look of a foreign high-end man, two eyes hope to the distance, do a posture, this is said "In addition to the two pseudoons, there are five half-gods."


Luo Tianzheng did not talk.

The two camouflage is not enough, but also add five half-peaks, this ... This is too exaggerated, so that they are thinking that Li Feng is joking with them.

I don't know how long it took, Wei Bin stretched out the thumb and said: "The main owner, you are this in my heart."

"To the right, in our hearts, this is this!" Luo Tianzheng and others also have thumbs up and sent a horse ass.

Li Feng sighed: "Unfortunately ..."

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

Not ... Is there any inversion? Can you tell you a breather?

"I only killed six, Lu Long ran." Li Feng shook his head and sighed and looked very disappointed.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other. They feel that Li Feng braggy is forced, and it is definitely only Lu Long, and the remaining six are Li Feng compiled.

But Li Feng is a host, they can't be dismantled, only to send a remember next to him again.

Li Feng knows that they don't believe, there is no demolition, but laughed: "You know, don't go out, you don't have to go out, low-key."

In this way, Luo Tianzheng and others are more beautiful in the idea of ​​Li Fengxian X ...

In fact, this is also the effect of Li Feng, doubting it, there is no relationship, the truth has a day of water, and how do you think about Luo Tianzheng?

"I will go, the primary is not blowing, it is true!"

Then Luo Tianzheng et al. Worship Li Feng will get more and higher, and Li Feng said, no matter what they say, their probaches will believe it ...

"Isn't it right, people?" Luo Tianzheng is not right.

"The host, the hostage will not be ran by Lu Long?"

"What do you think, how do you take a lot of hostage? It is estimated to be thrown into the sea to feed the shark ..."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "The hostages are saved by me."

"Save? Where is it? Transfer?" Luo Tianzheng is shocked.

I rely on, more than two hundred people send together, the number of spaces of this space is not in the limit! Bull!

"You look at it yourself." Li Feng turned over white, and then used the system to control the submarine floated from the sea.

When I saw this black paint, Luo Tianzheng et al.

Even the submarine is used, the primary is the real bull!

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to get people on the boat."

Li Feng opened the entrance and exit of the submarine and said.

After making a transformation, it is easy, but it is not good, one is climbing, I have to use it for a long time. What should I do in Lu Long in this time?

I can only help Luo Tianzheng.

"Yes, the master!"

The voice falls, Luo Tianzheng and others will jump into the submarine.

"I rely on, I haven't seen the submarine in this life."

"Wow, is this a submarine, look very fun?"

"Oh, what do you say, from which the submarine, the dragon soul is provided?"

"Can you engage in a submarine to play fishing?"

Although Luo Tianzheng and others have a lot, the movements are not slow, and 211 hostages are brought to the deck of the wooden boat.

Because the blink of an eye will enter the submarine, the fishermen are still in the moment, and the feelings are more flustered.

At this moment, Li Feng stood out and said "I am Li Feng, you are now safe."

This sentence is like some kind of magic, and more than two hundred fishermen have fallen!

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