Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1163, 1181, seeking a heart

After stability, the fishermen began to "small question marks, have you have a lot of friends".

Li Feng naturally explained unclear, which involved too much, helpless he could only use the system to modify the memory of these fishermen.

Because it is ordinary, there is not much score of the system, 100,000 system points, and Li Feng is sprinkling.

After modifying memory, the memories of the fishermen have become the past being dizzy by Lu Long and others. After waking up, I found that I was saved ...

Seeing this, Luo Tianzheng is sighing.

The power of the primary is not only the force of force, but also the skills of their gods, and give them 100 years old.

"I have something to ask, how many people have you been caught?" At this time, Li Feng asked.

The fishermen shook their heads, and in this case, there is still how many people have been caught, they are not awesome.

"Leading ... leaders, I don't know how many people caught, but I know that the king brother is killed by the gangster."

A friend of middle-aged man stands up.

"What ?!" Li Feng is very shocked very angry, half-awkward: "This group of damn bastards, even ordinary people don't let go, funeral!"

Wei Bin and others also knew that there was humanity to be killed, and Li Feng, Li Feng, Li Feng and others.

"There is a little behind him, and the whole family pointers his family, hehe!"

"Yeah, the king's family condition is not good, and now it is a snow."

The friends of middle-aged men have sighs, and some people say that they have begun to wipe tears.

They are all experienced in the sea, and they have experienced the "comrades", the feelings are very deep, and the king's death is also very big.

At this time, Li Feng said: "You don't have to worry, the king's death, I have a responsibility, I can't let him die, but you can let his family eat clothes for a lifetime."

Lv Long is to find him to kidnap these fishermen. The death of the king's death is very guilty. No matter how he wants to give a certain compensation for the family of the king.

Listening to this words, although the friends of the princes did not believe, they grateful to Li Feng for courtesy.

In the next time, the fishermen asked some other questions, such as Lu Long and others, and Lu Long asked Li Feng, all by Li Feng, who was brought to the country.

After that, Li Feng retrieves the respective fishing boats with these fishermen, and makes a vast filament to drive to FJ Hong Kong.

After returning to the port, it was 10 hours later, Luo Tianzheng and others were withdrawn when they were about to arrive at the port.

When you receive the message, you have been waiting for a long time. The local Dragon Soul segment has already prepared, and then take them to sign the confidentiality agreement after receiving these fishermen.

In a conference in the Dragon Soul Division, please Li Feng after the end of the world, thumbs up: "Li Feng, you once again let me look at it!"

On this way, he has listened to Li Feng to tell the experience of rescue people. Although there is a fisherman killed by gangsters, but in such a short period of time, the five half-gods peaks, and rescued At 211 fishermen, who didn't do it, I didn't do this.

On one side, Shen Ziyu said: "There is no way, who makes him a man I look? If there is no such thing, it is not worthy of me."

I picked up to the corner of the world: "Can you always talk to dog food, I am still alone."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... "Is it a single dog to the faucet? No way!

"Cough, Li Feng, you have to be right around you, and introduce it to me." Said to the end of the world.

Shen Ziyan is a smirk: "To the leader, say the sentence is not good, Li Feng really has a right to have a suitable wheel, I have been eaten by Li Feng."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Zi Yan, is this kind of person in your eyes?"

"It is obvious ... Yes." Shen Ziyu cooked.

Li Feng squinted with his chest: "Delicate, Zi Yan ..."

Looking at the chest to the end: "Li Feng is like this, I am still with him, I am taking advantage of it?"

Shen Ziyi smiled, Li Feng also smiled, the atmosphere in the conference is very happy.

Just then, a system prompts the audio: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'sea rescue' mission completed, task rewards are issued ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 20 million experience value, 30 million system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 7802 million 100 million

System Points: 190 million

Conquer point: 2680

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

"Oh ... there are more than 20 million experience values ​​to upgrade, the king is looking at."

Li Feng also flashed, withdrawing from the system: "Faucet, there is something I want to ask you to help."

"You said, as long as I can do it." Said to the ends of the world.

Li Feng is now the most thick thigh in Huaxia, he must be firm.

"I want to give Wang Jun's family to make some compensation, I hope that you can find someone who is trustworthy."

When Li Feng, Li Feng told him to do the specific compensation.

Wang Jun is the middle-aged man killed by Lu Long, and Li Feng on the road, Li Feng, has already thought of compensation programs, 10 million Huaxia coins, plus a set of 180 square meters of large houses in the local city center.

In addition, he also wants the dragon soul to arrange the Wang Jun's family's work, study problems, such as letting Wang Jun's family to go to state-owned enterprises or agency unit, do not need high salary, as long as there is a certain benefits can.

Wang Jun's children go to the local best school, and the tuition fees are naturally Li Feng.

This is a little thing for Li Feng, he just seeks a heart.

I nodded to the end: "Don't worry, this thing is in me, absolutely help you do it properly."

Then he looked at Shen Ziyan, smiled and said: "Zi Yan, Li Feng is a good man, you have a very eye."

Shen Ziyi nodded, there was a bit of saying: "Let's make it."

To the ends: "..."

Li Feng: "..."

The hard woman has seen a lot, but it is still ahead of the mouth like Shen Zikai ...


At this moment, Lu Long, who fled, has come to the outside of Sanxian Island, looking at the familiar scenery in front of him, and the face is cloudy.

After half, Lu Long spit out a turbidity: "Decades, directly back to Sanxian Island is not a good choice ... Dongpu, my ancestral place, it is time to go back and see."

It's self-speaking, Lu Long turned around to bypass Sanxian Island, all the way to Huanan ...

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