FJ, Winter City, Dragon Soul Branch, No. 1 Conference.

Suddenly received an intelligence to the end of the world: "Dragon Soul has been attacked by several secrets in foreign countries, Zi Yan, you will go back to Beijing to discuss the plan. "

Shen Ziyi mouth is one: "I am still on vacation ..."

It is said that she still stands up. From the moment of joining the dragon soul, she will swear in the Dragon Soul's banner, and she has to struggle for the cause of the dragon soul.

Don't say that I am a holiday, even if I am a boy, she has to go back to the dragon soul in the first time.

"Do you need me in the past?" Li Feng browned slightly.

"I don't need it. If I need it, I will contact you." Said to the end of the world.

Li Feng will use the key moment, if a little small matter makes Li Feng help, Li Feng does not say anything, he will be embarrassed.

"You are too small to see our dragon soul." Shen Ziyi reached his hand, and turned to go outside the forehead.

When I came to the door, Shen Ziyu suddenly stopped the foot: "The mobile phone holds 24 hours to boot, I will always check."

After that, Shen Ziyou walked out of the meeting room.

Opposite, I have a smile to the end of the world. After taking a nod, I followed it out. After a few seconds, I was far away from the laughter of the world ...

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "A single dog who has not been qualified to be checked, even look at the young jokes? Rely!"

After the belly, Li Feng stretched a lazy waist, whispered: "Xuoman is like Xiao Xue seems to be in Winter City these two days? In the past, see."

Produced by Tang Dynasty, Meng Chao directed, the first before and after, the fantasy masterpiece "squares" was killed in a month ago, and the road moved before the release is currently being released.

"Fangzhou" is a rare giant system in China in recent years. The actor is strong. The female owner is Huaxia Super First Rong, the male is the new piano prince, the music is talented. Beethoven.

This is still the first electric shock on the first time after the famous name, and then the "square in the world" has a lot of selling points. It will definitely attract a lot of Beethoven's fans into the theater.

The choice of supporting roles is also very particular, the old skull of the acting explosion, also has a colorful value, the actual power is a small meat.

"Where the square" is still adapted to the network novels of the top three in the top three of the thousandths of the world, the original particle is huge.

Whether it is the director, sewage chemical, or actor, post production, script, in China is top, plus a hidden man string of Murong Snow after a small day, this masterpiece has a sale.

Of course, wine incense is also afraid that the alley is deep, and there should be some propaganda.

What's more, this is the first big film launched after Li Feng acquired the promotion of Sheng Tang entertainment. It must let it fire, so it is very versatile, so it will start through its respective channels during shooting. heat.

For example, Xu Man, Murong Snow, Beethoven's Weibo, "Fangzhou" promotion stickers have been in the top position, and they will be very useful to "squares" when they participate in variety programs.

And Sheng Tang Entertainment has already talked with major promotion channels, and the first platform of the major platforms is hot.

In addition, it is the road to the film released.

Every road show, the whole country will participate all the best, including this time to come.

After the company's efforts and main creation personnel, the heat of "squares" has been completely created, and there are two road moves, "squares" will be released. At that time, they came to the test of everyone's time.

At this moment, the Winter City Cultural Square has set up a high platform. It is at noon, and the sun is empty, the ground temperature has exceeded 40 degrees.

It's just that the high temperature can't stop the enthusiasm of the fans.

The fans of each family shouted the name of the idol, looking forward to the play of idols.

" you are the most beautiful!"

"Xiaoxue Xiaoxue, you are the most!"

"Beller, I want to give you a monkey ~"

Bailfather is the outer number of fans to Beethoven, and it is very popular on the network.

Under the expectation, the master of "Fang Xiangshi" came from the background, and he boarded the high platform one by one and opened this round of roadshows.

"Luo Shao, when are we going?"

In the rear of the crowd, several black people surrounded a young man wearing a fashion costume, one of the black people asked.

Luo Wei smoked a cigar and laughed: "Wait, now the road is now starting, and it is not the best in the past."

After half an hour, the roadshow has reached a superb, and the atmosphere of the audience was mobilized.

Luo Zhen drove away from half of the cigar, and squeezed the crowd under the protection of the black man, and came to the high platform.

This scene caused the fans' dissatisfaction, and also caught the attention of Xu Man and others in Taiwan.

The security personnel in front of the high platform quickly stopped, but he was pushed by a few black people, and Luo Yu embarked on the high platform.

Meng Chao stigted the road to temporarily interrupted, and then greeted Luo Zhen, smiled and asked: "This gentleman, I am the director of" Fang Xia ", Meng Chao, I don't know why this gentleman is?"

"Mengli, hello, my name is Luo Wei, the vice president of the winter door industry, maybe you have not heard my name, but you should have heard my father's name, his name is Luo Yi."

Luo Yu stopped and said with laughing.

Meng Chao is a glimpse, followed by a slight change: "It turned out to be Luo Gongzi, long-lasting! Luo Gongzi, this, we are in the road show, you see you are going to go first, what is the case of the road?"

Luo Yi is the richest man in winter, engage in shipping, 100 billion, and has a lot of influence throughout FJ.

The other industry Meng Chao is unclear, but the film and television circle he has listened to others. I want to open the situation in FJ. The best way is to find Luo Yi to help.

It doesn't matter if I don't want Luo Yi to help, as long as you don't provoke him, the top more progress is slow, but if you are unfortunate to him, then you are directed or expressed in the film drama, it is difficult to release it in FJ.

Meng Chao unless gives up the FJ market, he will not be sinful.

"Don't be Meng, I have a work." Luo Wei smiled slightly, turned to see Xu Man not far away, laughed: "Miss Xu, why give me a reply, I am waiting for you. "

Xu Man Xiuyi is slightly wrinkled, silent.

"What reply?" Meng Chao is a bit.

Luo Wei shrugged and played: "Oh, I have told Miss Xu, I want to ask her to have a meal, she has not given me a reply, I personally find it."

"Miss Xu, I put this this today, if you don't agree me, I can just reluctively, and the road playing you is to hold it."

"There is no way to do it," the square "is also called in FJ."

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