Meng Chao has a large change.

The road is not small, and it is impossible to release it in FJ.

China has a total of 34 provincial-level administrative units. The economic level of FJ is in the country, and there is less than this big market. The box office impact on "squares" is too big!

The media reporters on the spot were not right, and they took the camera to Luo Zhen and Xu Man, and even reporters have begun to edit news reports. How long does it take for a long time, a rich two generations of Winter? Pass through the network.

For one of the silent people since there is such a gossip, the popularity of her will be a fatal blow!

For the "squares" of the Mandan for the woman, this is also a fatal blow!

"Mr. Luo, please don't be unreasonable here." Xu Man's face was sinking, and the cold voice said.

If you change it before, Luo Zhen threatened her, she may worry, but she is now a strong peak, I am afraid of a rich threat?

That is, I don't want to add trouble to the crew, otherwise Xu Man has already put Luo Wei in a punch.

"In Miss Xu, I invite you to eat a meal is unreasonable?" Luo Yu's mouth evacuated a scratching smile: "It seems that Miss Xu is iron and does not want" squares "in FJ. "

"Oh, yes, there are several media in the scene. If Miss Xu's answer can't make me satisfied, maybe you have always been collapsed."

The main creation of "squares" has changed its face!

Threat, red fruit threat!

They have never seen such thick and shameless!

In the entertainment circle, the rich pursuit of actresses is a very common thing, but in general, the rich will be very gentleman, unless it is pursued for a period of no results, it will use a more tough way.

As Luo, I used a threat to the way to force others to promise to eat together, it can be said that it happened.

Of course, if they have aware of Luo Wei, I will know that this is just a routine look of Luo Hao.

Luo Wei likes to hunt in the entertainment circle, the common method is that when a actress came to FJ, he directly found the door to go to the door, and used the means to force each other to eat with him.

Then I made a hand feet in the wine when I was eating, I got a actress, and I naturally took evidence in the process, it was used to threaten the opponent's shutter.

This trick can be described as a hundred trials, and many actresses have been disaster.

This time, Xu Man came to Dongmen Road, Luo Hao was ready to prepare, he was not a day and two days ...

When Murong Xue is, it is necessary to help Many to give Luo Zhen away. As for what the consequences will be ... Murong Snow doesn't want to think.

She believes that even if it causes the "square world" unable to be released in FJ, Li Feng will not blame her, but will praise her!

"Small snow, give it to me."

Xu Man pulled a small snow and said.

Murong Snow Xuebei Micro Refuse, Summit: "Xu Man Sister, how do you plan?"

"First promise, let the road showing normal, then talk about how to solve it. Rest assured, we are all supreme peaks, will we also be afraid of an ordinary rich second generation?" Xuoman also sounded.

"Well ..." Murong Snow nodded and didn't say more.

"Miss Murong Snow?" Luo Wei saw Murong Xue, and he looked at him: "You have to be beautiful than TV, tonight, make a lot of Miss, how?"

"Hey!" Murong Xue snorted and turned his head.

Luo Hao Mei picks up, laughs: "Miss Murong Snow is very spleen, I like it, then you are so fixed, you must go tonight, otherwise I have to worry."

"I ..." Murong Xuegang has to worry, Xu Man pulled her: "Well, since Mr. Luo is sincere, I will pass with Xiaoxue."

Luo Wei didn't expect Xu Manhui to agree so much, it was a little stunned, but immediately smiled: "Well, I will let the driver tell you time. Waiting two big driving!"

The voice falls, the media reporter under Luo Wei turned and made a eye, and then took his bodyguard to Yang.

"Rely, this person is really arrogant, do you want to notify the boss?"

After Luo Wei, Meng Chao asked in anger.

"No, this little thing we can solve." Murong Snow said.

On the face of the face, Murong Snow is dominated by this moment, they only have seen it in one person, that is the boss.

People often say that a couple will have a husband and wife, it seems that the rumors of Murong Snow and the boss are not a good air.

With Luo Wei's departure, the road to temporarily interrupted continued, of course, this is less explanatory for Meng Chao.

Fortunately, the fans in the scene did not hear Luo Wei said on the stage. Meng Chao's explanation is easy to obtain a knowledge of everyone.

Waiting until the end of the road move, it is over 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the whole master is knewing, makeup is quickly, with the help of the on-site staff, the whole of the people will leave the square, take the respective babysitter, then return to the hotel .

Li Feng also hit a taxi at this moment, rushing to the hotel where you are changing.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

When Li Feng will arrive at the hotel, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"At this time, is it related to Xu Man, Xiao Xue?"

Li Feng has always believed in his intuition. When you click on the task, you will see it.

"Task: The price of "

"Mission Objective: Let the goddess of Mandan, Murong Snow's Luo Wei pays a heavy price, and if the mission requirements are not met, the 5 million system points are deducted to punish."

"Task Reward: 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquers points."

"Luo Wei? Dare to ? Is it a special young master to mention the knife or this is called Luo Wei?"

Li Fengbei picks up, facing the murderous whisper: "The price of heavy heavy ... I took the hand too much."

"Young guy, are you going to four seasons of hotels to chase stars?" The taxi master suddenly asked.

Li Feng first stunned, then shook his head: "No, how, how do you pull the four seasons of hotels?"

"Yeah, Xu Man came with Murong Xue, after coming to the winter gate, I will continue to meet the passengers who go to the four-sei-quarter hotel, they are too hot."

The taxi master said first, then he was suspected: "Do you really not chase the star? Or you are embarrassed?"

Li Feng shook his head, and smiled and said: "I don't think about it. In fact, I am two boyfriends."

taxi driver:"???"

After a while, the taxi stopped in front of the four-season hotel, waiting until Li Feng got off the bus, the driver's master was whisper: "The brain chased by the star is not normal, and now the young people ..."

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