Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1167 Let you help your face

In front of a villa in Winter, a villa in Linhai, Li Feng took the doorbell.

Soon, a old man wearing a gray clothes opened the door, and the box of the boulder, and I asked: "Who are you looking for?" "Who are you looking for?"

Li Feng two-handed bags, and the mouth is smiling: "I am looking for Du Shakang."

The gray elderly faces slightly: "Who are you, what is the matter?"

"Li Feng, looking for him to help a little busy." Li Feng smiled.

"Sorry, our monks have something to go out today, please come back again." When you finish the gray clothes, you have to close the door.


At a moment, Li Feng took the door in the door, Li Feng took the door, the gray clothes became changing, and if the low drunk, he should take the door to turn the door, but the result is not moving!

"Practice home ?!" The old man is changing again!

He is a martial art, which is a hardcomer of the B-level, don't say that Li Feng is a young man, even if you push the door together, it is not necessarily more powerful than him.

"Is it." Li Feng shrugged and played: "I know your owner, you can go to report, I am here."

The gray elderly know that Li Feng opponents, the face is changed, and it will turn to notify it.

After half of it, a Tang's old man came out of the living room. After him, he followed the old men and women, they all were murderous, and the calm pace and walked in the old man behind the main entrance.

"Who are you, why come to my family?"

After coming to the door, I looked at Li Feng asked.

It is just the idea of ​​being described here, and the ultimate proud of the Tang Dynasty, and the decent despise the ultimate contempt of Li Feng.

This is a destination for talents who have been high in the long life!

Li Feng lifted his skin, and smiled and smiled.

At this time, Du Jia people have changed their faces.

After half, Du Shao Kang cooked: "I listen to the king management family saying that you are coming to me, since it is to help, you have to ask for help, this is your attitude?"

"Search?" Li Fengbei picks up, see the old man: "I have said this word just now?"

Du Shakang also looked at the old man, facing the box.

"Master, this person is to find you to help a little busy." The gray clothes did not dare to conceal, and even the original words of Li Feng said.

Du Shaokang's face suddenly became difficult to look: "Find someone to help, but don't say seek words, young guys, you are too unreasonable."

As soon as I heard this, Du Jia people have changed their faces. How is the father who speaks so "gentle"?

Li Feng is obviously looking for things. The father should directly rebuilt the responsibility. "Don't understand people love the world" although it is a criticism, it is not very tough.

This is the people of Du Shaokang, knowing that he is a strong person in the future, and he can talk to him so calm, not there is a real thing, it is behind someone.

Before you understand the situation, Du Shakon didn't idle to unrecultrans directly with Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled: "Let you help, give you a chance, of course, you don't want to say words."

Du Shakang: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... Let you help you give you a chance, this is not to let you help your face?

Lying in the trough, this kid is in the end, talk so much?

"Who are you?" Du Shakang was afraid that the city government was deep, and it was a bit angry at this moment, and the tone could not be a bit higher.

"The old man, what is wrong with him, directly underworked him, and force him to come!"

"This kind of little thing requires the father to personally do it? I will come to him!"

Du Jiazhong is exciting, and there is a member of a member and wants to make Li Feng.

Li Fengbei picks up and turned to him.

At this eye, just as the dead god stared in the abyss, let the Du family members are stissible on the spot, and the whole person is not breathing, and it is cold as a water!

Du Shao Kang's face has changed, and he quickly shouted: "Tianrui, step!"

Du Tianrui has a gasping machine, and even busy back, until this, Li Feng brought him to him.

This makes Du Tianrui have some feelings, if not the old blonde, long time, he is afraid to suffocate!

He is a superior mid-term strong, even if he faces his father, he has not felt this pressure!

This is what the figure is Li Feng, why is there such a terrible look?

Du Shaoang deep sucking, Zheng Zhong, said: "Little Friends, who is you?"

Don't say Du Tianrui, even if Du Shakang is scared by Li Feng, the eyes of Li Feng, are scared. This kind of eye is the absolute confidence of his strength.

In the years, Du Shaokang only saw similar eyes in the eyes of the top four top Guwu family!

Li Feng two hands: "Who is I not important, it is not my opponent."

At this time, Du Jia people don't know what to say, the ancient Wujie is indeed a strong, but you can't say what is it?


Just on the side of Du Jia people, Li Feng suddenly broke out a breath of destroying the earth, and a giant shadow appeared behind him!

In an instant of this breath, Du Jia people have the impulse who wants to squat!

After seeing the emotion behind Li Feng, Du Jiazhong is almost scared!

Too strong, they don't doubt that Li Feng is only used by itself! More terrible is behind the vain, just like ancient gods overlooking them.

This situation ... direct hit the soul!

Li Feng did not let his own breath out for too long, soon he took back the breath: "Now you believe what I said?"

"I believe it is believed." Du Shao Kang wesked the forehead cold sweat and said.

As Li Feng showed the breath, Du Shaoang felt that he was strong than the top of the four top ancient Wu Shi's house, and he did not doubt that Li Feng had the ability to make Du family.

"Well, let's go in." Li Feng smiled.

"To the right, go in and said, Li Shao, please, Tianrui, don't hurry to get tea, soak tea!" Du Shaoale said no.

For a time, Du Jia is busy with a group, just to meet Li Feng this mysterious guest.

After coming to the living room, Li Feng was invited to the top, Du Shao Kang nature is a Tongshang fart, and adding a side of the way to attack Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled and said: "I am a half-level strong, three of the top four ancient martial arts have been hit by me. If you don't believe, you can give a call to people I know. ask."

Du Shao Kang was originally a half-shaite sitting on the chair. He heard the sentence after hearing this sentence!

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