Under the main position, Du Jiazhong also stood up by this news, all the mouths of the mouth, a horror.

The four top ancient Wu Shijia is the ceilings of the Huaxia ancient weapon. Don't say that three of them are told, even if I only play one of them, it will be the new height of the Chinese ancient Chinese!

If it is not a horrific person before Li Feng, they will definitely regard Li Feng as a madman!

"This ... is not very good." Du Shakang did not dare to pick up.

No matter whether this is true, it's true that it is directly to ask the four people who ask four people ... Du Shaokang will not dare to do.

It is like someone to say that I have given your boss, you can ask your boss, you say this phone, do you play?

I really want to play this phone number, how do you say it directly, ask the boss, I heard that you have given it before? "

The boss doesn't have a way to play him, but there is a hundred ways to pack your way!

"This is really it is hard to be, or I am coming." Li Feng smiled and took out the phone to dialed Wang Sun Hong video.

Soon the phone was connected, Wang Sun Hongqiang's exciting old face appeared in the screen: "Li Feng, do you know how long have you been waiting for this day? You finally contacted me!"

"Let's talk, what do you want, as long as I can do it, I must all meet you!"

Li Feng: "..."

How long is the god? All met the grandfather eggs. You are very easy to make people mistaken!

Du Shakang: "???"

No ... This voice is a little familiar, it seems to be the voice of Wang Sun's master?

I rely on, Wang Sunhong is related to Li Feng, shouldn't he like Li Feng?

Du Jia others have never heard Wang Sun Hong's voice, but it is also a full amount of this amount of information, and the atmosphere in the living room is fascinating.

"Cough, Wang Sun, you don't misunderstand, I will call you, just want you to help me prove one thing." Li Feng said.

Wang Sunhong has a color. He thought that Li Feng was turned to change, agreed to return to Wang Sun's family!

But very fast, Wang Sun Hong adjusts his mood, although the reality is not as good as it is, Li Feng will find him to help, it is a small progress.

When I gave birth to two, I slowly Li Feng could set up a good relationship with Wang Sunjia, water to the stream.

"Yes, what need me to prove?" Wang Sun Hong said.

Li Feng gave the mobile phone to Du Shakon: "Hey, this is Wang Sun, and if you know him, you should know that what he said should be calculated."

Du Shaokang nodded like a garlic: "Understanding, who does not know Wang Sun, the world?"

Anyway, a horse is the most correct!

With Wang Sunhong's intervention, Du Shao Kang's saying of Li Feng is a thousand and thousands of believe.

At the same time, Du Shaoang has a bit painful. You said that you will move Wang Sun's master to move, do you have so many moths?

When I ended the video call with Wang Sunhong, Du Shaohuo congratulated the mobile phone to Li Feng: "Li Xia, what do you need to do, however, as long as I can ... no, what you let me do, I Just do it, even if the front is the Kyami Railway, I am absolutely horizontal, don't blink! "

Just like Li Feng said, finding him help is to give him a chance, Li Feng, this big thick leg, he must hold it, even if you pay a heavy cost!

"Not so serious, just want Luo Yi to bankrupt, this should you do it?" Li Feng said with a smile.

"Luo Yi? Winter Shou Rubi?" Du Shaokang's expression suddenly became weird.

Luo Yi is a big figure for ordinary people, the winter is richer, hundreds of billions of houses, but for Du Shaoang, Luo Yi is a horse.

Even Luo Yi has today's achievements, and also supports the back of Du Jia's relationship, and Luo Yi's several companies have Du Jia's shares.

Although Luo Yi's bankruptcy is a bit difficult, Du Jia is complete, it is to kill the enemy a thousand self-damage 300.

Du Shaokang does not understand, why is this simple little thing Li Feng to let him help, take Li Feng's ability, don't say that Luo Yi is bankrupt, even if Luo Yi is broken, it is a thing of the finger?

"Yes, it is him." Li Feng hooked a smile of playing taste, said: "I know what you are thinking, I can let Luo Yi break, but he is not worthy of myself."

"More more, you are more fun by you."

"It's fun?" Du Shaokang is a little unclear that Li Feng's meaning.

The cold light in Li Feng, said: "Because Luo Yi becomes the richest man in your support, the so-called county officer is not as good as the current tube, and you will be more desperate, he will be more desperate."

"Hey!" Du Shao Kang couldn't help but take a breath of cold.

This is the heart of the heart! It is worthy of the three of the three families, and the boy is batch, can't afford!

"I have some of Luo Yi's black material, which should help you next action."

The voice falls, and Li Feng took out a USB flash drive from the arms to Du Shakang: "The action is faster, before 8 o'clock tonight, I hope to hear Luo Yi's news."

After that, Li Feng took the shoulder of Du Shao Kang.

After 10 minutes, Li Feng left Du Jia, Du Shao Kang used the fastest speed to read the content of the next USB flash drive, and the more stunned.

These materials are too embarrassed, almost cover Luo Yi from all black materials from startups, these black materials are enough to let Luo Yi stay in prison!

If the average person gets these information, it may be pressed, but from Du Shakang, at least the winter gates are no one dare to press!

"Luo Yi ... finished!" Du Shaokang sighed, then flashing in his eyes: "Dead Touch is not dead, for Du Jia's future, can only let Luo Yi die!"

The voice falls, Du Shaokang took out the phone and dialed a few calls ...

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a lengthening version of the Rolls-Lys Phantom came to the front of the four seasons, Xu Man and Murong Snow sat in the protection of the hotel staff.

Looking at the luxury car of this local license, waiting for the media at the door, fans have a little puzzle ...

After 15 minutes, the extended version of the phantom entered a private club. This club is a place to talk about business. It is similar to Jiangnan gardens. There is another independent hospital, very private, suitable for the bosses We will eat this, will not be discovered.

After two women got off, I walked into a courtyard under the leader of the driver.

Luo Wei, who had already waited for a long time, gave a lot of laughter after I saw two women: "Miss Miss, Miss Murong, I am waiting for you!"

He is about to hug two women before speaking.

Two female brows hide, then Xuoman said: "Mr. Luo, I also brought a guest to come over, please don't mind."

Luo Wei first glanced, then looked at the driver, the driver shook his head.

"Miss Xu, you don't know, this club is not allowed to bring ..."

I didn't wait for Luo Wei to finish the words, and a figure was slow into the courtyard.

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