Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1170 is not unexpected?

The medicine has expired, complaining that the seller is a dog egg!

Luo Wei even didn't have a brain, and I heard it in this time. Li Feng definitely knows the medicine in the wine. He will definitely work!

Just this is not scientific, this matter only he is known to the driver and the staff of this club, how did Li Feng know?

Even if you know, how do you move your hands? Is the staff betrayed him?

"Don't be embarrassed, hurry to call, the seller who sells expiration drugs can definitely can't have any tolerance, you tolerate him once, he will pit more people."

Li Feng said to his teeth, as if he is a human being ill.

"Hey ... what is wrong in this matter." Luo Wei said out ofk.

"There is still a misunderstanding, can you have misunderstood? You are not under the wine we drink, have we drank, but there is nothing, this is not a preliminary medicine?"

Li Feng said straight.

Luo Zhen almost nodded, Li Feng said too much, but you don't think this is why you said by you?

You are most victims, you don't want to find me trouble, but also let me find the trouble of selling medicine, your person has a cat?

This is like a person bought a gun in the black market. It took this shot. The fart that was hit did not, persuaded his trouble to find a gun.

Dai Speludes!

"How do you know that I will go to the wine, don't be a good person!" Luo Yan finally turned over the god, and quickly denied it.

"Isn't you just said?" Li Feng looked at the staff of the eye.

The staff of the club is white, and it is busy with the head.

Luo Wei snorted: "Are you talking about our conversation? Then you repeat the words we just said."

Li Fengbei picks: "Yes, you find him later, 'I let you do what you do?' He said 'did it,', you said, how to have no effect, you are not Too few? 'He said' no, I put all the medicine you gave, '. "

Luo Wei's mouth is pushing: "... you are still very like."

Li Fengxue's only wonderful, even the voice looks, Luo Wei specializes that Li Feng is standing opposite them to talk to them!

"My learning is still quite strong." Li Feng shrugged and said: "Now you should admit it to the wine under the wine?"

"Haha, hahaha." Luo Wei smiled: "Who is going to drink in the wine, I am talking about the mouse medicine! I found that there was a mouse in the club. Mouse. "

"Results I just saw a mouse when I wash my hand, I asked him to ask questions."

The staff of the club nodded: "Yes, it is such a situation, I will now suspect that Luo Shao will expire for my mouse drugs, or fake medicine."

Nima, Luo Shaotai special wit, even the reason why this ghost is thinking!

Li Feng listened to the mouth and couldn't help but knead, there is a mouse in the top club? If I am the boss of this club, I can even kill your heart!

"It turned out to be such a situation, long-term knowledge." Li Feng nodded, then curiously said: "The mouse, take me to see."

Luo Hao: "... Run, can't find it, I see you or continue to go back to drink."

"There is a mouse and also eat the yarn. Is this hygiene condition you rest assured?" Li Feng turned to see Xu Man, Murong Xue: "Do you rest assured?"

Two women shook their heads Qi Qi.

Luo Wei's mouth is slightly, I rely, he seems to give himself to the death alley, this special mother!

"Cough, in fact, the sanitary conditions of the cluster are no problem, the kitchen is very clean, I can assure you."

"As long as the kitchen is suggested, the other is a small problem, and then said ... Maybe the mouse is a pet that came this."

Luo Wei is not a master that is easy to give up, soon I thought about left their reasons.

Li Feng first was awkward, then shook his head and smiled: "You are really a small mortar ghost, even this kind of reason can be thought of."

"Okay, don't talk to you, you can show up, your I plan to be clear, you know what is the medicine in the wine, you will go to the police station, you will go to the police. Ugly. "

When I heard the first half, Luo Yan also had some proud of the heart, and the latter half sentenced to make him face the big change: "You don't have a blood, I'm going to the wine, don't think you are Oswim I don't dare to put you, I don't believe me, I can't let the "square world" can't be released in FJ? "

"Frank, I really don't believe it." Li Feng laughed, step forward to Luo Zhen, directly looking at his eyes: "You have done a lot of things before? If you are all Exposure, will you be sentenced to more than? "

Luo Wei took a step back, then the reaction came over and said: "Hey! Don't face it, really do you think is you? Old Liu, let me cut him!"

The voice is falling, the driver's old Liu rushed over the distance, and a arrow jumped into half-air, and lifted his foot to Li Feng's heart.

Old Liu Zi Xuedu, took the champion in the provincial-level Sanda competition, and later opened a martial arts, very much.

Two years ago, the enemy is looking for the door, almost destroyed the old Liu Quan family, fortunately, I met Luo Yi, who was eating nearby, saved by Luo Yi's bodyguard.

After that, Lao Liu became a full-time driver of Luo Wei, and Luo Shang was loyal.

Luo Wei ordered to sharpen the peak, and Lao Liu won't consider Li Feng's identity, but talked to complete the order of Luo Wei.

If Li Feng is an ordinary person, the old Liu's foot will have to have half a life!

"Don't self - quantitative." Li Feng shook his head smile, nor to turn around, it is the backhand.


A self-excited, directly on the right foot of the old Liu.

"" Sounds!

Lao Liu's right foot is like being hit by shells. It takes directly to exploding, flesh and blood is blurred.


Lao Liu fell on the ground, holding the right foot of the wrong right and hitting!


The staff of the club has turned over white and scared the past.

Luo Wei also almost scared the urine, but he had seen similar intercourse, so henced to bear a strong staff than the club, but his face was pale, did not scare the past.

"You ... are you a martial arts ?!" I don't know how long it took, Luo Yu told.

"Yes, I am a martial arts, it's not surprising that it is not surprising to stab, but you don't be too excited, because more exciting is still behind." Li Feng is like laughing.

Luo Wei: "???"

He suddenly had a very bad premonition!

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