Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1171 Hello!

"You ... what do you want? I warn you, here is the winter gate, not a pearl, not the big warehouse, if you dare to hurt me, I will guarantee that you can't walk out!"

Luo Wei was afraid that Li Feng made his rough and walked.

Li Feng's mouth hooked a ridicule: "What happened to the winter gate, what happened to the big warehouse, you won't think that the winter door is your site, I don't dare to do it? Oh is not right, the winter door is not you territory."

"Who said that it is not my site, the winter gate is our land!" Luo Zhen has a kind of anger.

"Maybe it is before, but after I came to the winter gate, it became my site." Li Feng said deeply.

On the side, Xu Man is laughing with Murong Snow, and they like Li Feng like the domineering side leakage ...

Luo Yu's mouth is slightly, Nima, this person said, and he actually unrestricted refutes? No way, who makes people fists big, he said that his site is him, anyway, this thing can't run ...

"Li Xia, is the brother, I have a look, you will put me as a fart." Luo Yu finally decided to recognize things.

"Brothers, not your brother, don't let you put, it is a violation of the law, your brother persuaded you to go, so you can get a wide process." Li Feng took Lu Luo's shoulder.

Luo Wei is in the same way, surrendering? I am my head. For those things I have committed, they are so shot 8 back!

"Big brother, do you want to say it straight? As long as the brothers can give it, I must give it!" Luo Wei didn't temper, crying and loving his face.

"If you want you, ok?" Said Li Feng's face.

Luo Wei: "???"

Xu Man: "???"

Murong Snow: "???"

God wants you, feelings you are interested in men? Laozi Xin has worked hard, I want to get defense, Murong Xue, you have come directly, I want to make a child later? !

"You won't be true?" Li Feng noodally said: "How many faces are you thinking, think that Xiaoyan likes you? Little master teases you!"

Murong Snow also faced the color, then said the expression exaggerated: "You are bad, I like it!"

Xu Man: "..."

Murong Snow sister, you are also super stars, you will be a bit, Axi!

Luo Yu is a breather, then there is a bit of irritating: "Li Feng, what do you want to do? I also know the military strong, I really want to worry about me, I will die with you!"

His original is intended to be awarded, then find Du Shaoang to help, and repair Li Feng is a meal. Now Li Feng will not let him go easily, he can only move Du Shakang in advance.

"The person you said is not Du Shakang?" Li Feng's mouth hook, muddy: "Now Du Shaoang is busy, no time to take care of you."

Luo Wei face color: "Do you know Du's grandfather?"

If he is just a jealous of Li Feng, now is fear, Luo Wei is very clear about Du Shao Kang, if Li Feng is related to Du Shaoang, it is troubles!

"Well, I just saw it today." Li Feng shrugged, then looked at time, play: "Time is almost, big surprise is coming."

"What?" Luo Yu listened to a mist.

At this moment, the mobile phone on Luo Zhen suddenly sounded. He shaked his body, and his hand took out his mobile phone. He found that his father, suddenly, and then went to look at the eye Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged and said deeply: "Pick up, listen to what surprise."

Luo Zhen is in the heart, and even the phone is connected: "Feed Dad, you ..."

"Your defeated home, I originally used your mother to give you you, I know that there will be today, I should get you on the wall."

If Luo Zhen has been finished, Luo Yi will open it in the phone.

Luo Wei was sprouted? From small to big, Luo Yi has never spoiled him! What happened, will Luo Yi are so fire?

"You don't know if you can't get people, I am going to sit in a person now? Do you know that Lao Zi Xin has worked hard, because you are destroyed outside ?!"

Luo Yi screamed in the phone.

"What ?!" Luo Yan's body shocked, and his face did not dare to confuse!

"I am finished, Luo Family is over, you have to finish! You are a mix, I shouldn't take you at the beginning ..."

"Live Luo Yi, time is here, go to the police station. Take him with him!"

"You let me say ... Dudu Dudu ..."

Listening to the busy tonna in the phone, Luo Hao is like a loss of the soul.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Wei recovered a bit of angry, pale asked: "This ... this is what you do?"

"Yes, this is part of my surprise I gave you." Li Feng shrugged.

"Part?" Luo Yu is a burst of stunning, then afraid: "What did you do?"

Li Feng scared, taste: "In addition to let your father stay in the middle of the life, the winter is bankrupt, I also handed the evidence of your disappointment to Du Shakon, transferred to the police."

"Look at the time, the police estimate that it is coming soon, enjoy the free time left."

Luo Wei is a shock, and then go back to the ground after going back!

If he didn't have the phone call, he will think that Li Feng is with him, and now he is in question, but it is convinced that he is convinced of Li Feng.

Just he doesn't understand, why Li Feng has the black material of their father and son, why did Du Shaokang will listen to Li Feng?

Just then, suddenly came in a rush of footsteps, then, a team worked in the uniform rushed in.

"Luo Wei?" A leader came to Luo Wei to stand, and asked coldly.

"No, I am not Luo Wei, you have admitted people, I am not Luo Wei!"

In the mad, Luo Wei rushed to crawling, but he had already been scared to be soft and soft, and it was a professional person, and he was caught in a few steps.

"Luo Wei, now some real names report that you have voluntarily the relationship with you through illegal means, I am now forcing you, this is a detention procedure."

The leader of the leader took out a document of the printed stamp in front of Luo Zhen, and then two were in front of the hands of Luo Wei.

In an instant, Luo Wei fell into the ground!

At this moment, Luo Wei regretted, if he didn't have a heart to Xu Man, can he continue to do it in the winter gate?

Unfortunately, the time cannot be reversed, and there is no regret medicine in the world. He can only let him down, despair, etc.

"You are Mr. Li? Mr. Du Lao let me tell you, things are all, I hope you are satisfied."

The leader of the leader came to Li Feng and said respect.

Li Feng nodded: "Thank you, you have worked hard!"

The other party nodded and then leaving Luo Wei left here.

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