Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1172 is a forecast

"Is this taken away?" Murong Snow said something olved.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "What do you want?"

"I want to see how you want him." Murong Xue smiled and smiled.

"... Xiaoxue, you are definitely itchy." Li Feng turned a white eye and said.

Murong snow face flashed a shy, hands pinching the corner, the right foot tip is smashed on the ground, Zhou Shi said: "Xu Man sister is still there, you don't talk like this ..."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... I said, I have, you don't show this little daughter, I will not hold my own!

Xu Man "" laughed out, her life was very bored, no friends, no boyfriend.

After the encounter of Li Feng, it is different, Li Feng, Murong Xue, Wei Bingqing, all of these people are talents, talking well, she is super like to be with them.

"You are waiting for me, see if I will not kill you." Li Feng pointed to Murong Snow and said.

"Then you will kill me, I will let you kill me, you have to get me, I will ... I will change my boyfriend." Murong is not afraid.

Xu Man has a big red face, Xiao Xue once is a pure girl, how can I become so unfair?

At the time of Li Feng with the Murong Snow, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Hey, congratulations, ' price' task is completed, task rewards are issued ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquer points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience: 79.02 million 100 million

System score: 192 million

Conquer point: 2700

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quits the system: "Ok, don't be poor with you, time is not early, let's go back to the hotel?"

"Go back to the hotel ... How to rest?" Murong Xue asked with a big eyes of Waterwell.

"Yeah, Mengli lived with us, in case they found it ..." Xu Man thought about it.

Although everyone is a lot of entertainment, Li Feng is a boss, but it is not allowed to have someone will have a mouth!

"What do you think, I said to send you back to the hotel, I am looking for a place to live."

"Hey, I don't see some time, how do you become so polished?"

Li Feng said.

Xu Man was looked at the eyes and the powder fist will be opened: "Well, you are a bad guy, deliberately pick us us, see if I don't kill you!"

Li Feng is a half-god strong, and the two women are not afraid to give him a bad, anyway, how to get the gas, finally take Li Feng to end ...

"Okay, I am tease you, since I come to you, I naturally want to take a break with you, hehe." Li Feng smiled.

Two women's faces are red: ", who wants to take a break, self-satisfaction!"

"It's, our road is very tired for a day, just don't take a break!"

"Yes?" Li Feng's mouth evoked the radians of the taste: "In this case, then I will go to the place to live, please ~"

The voice falls, and Li Feng is going to lift your feet.

"You don't go!" The two women quickly looked with Li Feng, and it looked very eager.

Li Feng smiled: "Don't say it, the body is very honest."

Two women have been shame of a big red face ...

"Cough, you will go back, wait until later, I will find ways to touch your room ..."

Li Feng did not continue to tease two women, and immediately said his plan again.


After returning to the hotel, Xu Man was drilled into a room, and the Meng Chao and others were not surprised. When the road appeared outside, the two often lived a room. When they often sighed Xuandong and Murong Snow. What is the feelings of my sister ...

Wait at 11 o'clock in the night, Li Feng took the wall with a stealth to enter the two women's room, and then went a layer of real gas barrier in the room.

In this way, it should be "called the broken throat and no one to hear" ......


After five days, Xiao Jia people finally handled the immigration procedures, and sat on the plane to NY under the supervision of Luo Tianzheng et al.

After another week, "squares" will be released in the official release at 12 o'clock tonight.

A few rounds of preheating promotion, the heat of "squares" has been completely fried, and many netizens have expressed their expectations to release "squares".

At this moment, the online celebrity FAXYo sent a DISS "square world" microblog.

"I heard that the" squares "expectation" squares "is released? Then I will make a forecast.

If you shoot a movie or drama with this lineup, I believe it has a big sale, but it is a fantasy film.

It's been 9012, there will be no one thinks that Huaxia can shoot a good-looking fantasy block, no, will it be?

The post is a certificate, if this drama is more than 1 billion, I live in a live broadcast! "

Once this Weibo issued, it immediately caused an uproar in the network!

Who is Fan Xingyu? He is a director, or a rich second generation, with Wu Feiyu, a grade of Wu Feiyu, 10 million microblog fans, very popular on the Internet.

Fan Xingyu used three movies as a director, and the most famous movie called "playing entertainment circle", reputation burst into dogs.

It can be said that Fan Xingyu is the first director of the famous Huaxia movie. Because a piece of Douban score 3.1 points, many netizens met him.

After met Fan Xingyu, he found that he was a treasure boy, obviously can go home to inherit the billionaire, but he is as directed by himself.

When the director is also, it is often a comment on the people in the entertainment circle, many stars, directed by Fan Xingyu DISS.

For this reason, Fan Xingyu is very bad in the entertainment circle, but this does not hinder him to continue to shoot movies, because his father is really super super cost.

There is money, there is resources, Fan Xingyu can screenplay, producers, directors, and have money difficult to buy!

Some people in the entertainment circle will feel "clearly see him uncomfortable, but can't do it" ...

Meng Chao is one of them, two years ago, he was published by Fan Xingyu because of the "playing entertainment circle". Two people played a long time.

Later, the end of Meng Chao.

This time Fan Xingyu directly issued a microblogging DISS "square world", it must be related to this matter.

Fan Xingyu's Weibo is still very fanned. After all, Huaxia 's fantasy movie does not have a countertop. Some netizens even gathered in Fan Xingyu's Weibo.

Because this microblog, "the square" is the result of a hard work, there is a sign of water drift ...

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