Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1189 does not meet

"It is reported to everyone that when the HN film in the rice country introduced the" squares ", I signed a gambling agreement with Sheng Tang Entertainment.

Simply disclose the specific content, the rice box office broke the $ 200 million, and the Tang Dynasty entertainment can be divided into HN shadow, no more than 200 million US dollars, HN shadow only pays $ 20 million of $ 20 million in Shengtang Entertainment.

Now everyone knows why the box office statistics system of the Migrate lines of the rice is suddenly downtime for half a month? "

On a Mercedes-Benz Big G to Shangjing International Airport, Li Feng, who sat in the co-pilot, sent a microblog.

Soon, this Weibo caused a fierce discussion of countless netizens on the network.

"Lying, can you have such a shameless person?"

"I said," Fang Zhongshi "is so fierce, how to have an average of more than $ more than $ more than 1 million in the box office, which is the fact that there is such a factor in it, it is disgusting!"

"This is a Ming Dynasty to grab money. Li, Li, must not be so much, you must let HN shadow pay for cost!"

Of course, there is a netizen who is angry with Tang Tang Entertainment, and there are also small partial guides to publish different opinions under the bottom.

"I am odd. What is the first to think that the HN film is in the box office statistics? Just because the box office of" squares "does not break 200 million? Don't avoid the conspiracy!"

"Only psychological talents will use the worst possible to think about others!"

"There is a saying, the rice people are still very integrity. If I let me choose a partner, I will choose the rice in the country, not the Chinese people."

Seeing these comments, Li Feng almost gave a mobile phone on the spot.

The gods, pay attention to the dog egg, this is a good integrity in the country?

It's not the main melody movie by the country?

"I am going to the way to Beijing International Airport. Next stop, I will get the evidence of ghosts, and then take evidence to those who say young people's conspiracy!"

Li Feng took a photo outside the window and sent a letter to Weibo.

"Lying in the trough, Li is Li Zheng!"

"That's not, after all, it is a man who has a pair of positive lines, and it is even more embarrassed to those spiritual rice."

"Support Li, look forward to the evidence of Li Gong to get the HN shadow!"

All netizens have expressed support.

Those skulls are very iron, still yin and yang strange rhythm: "Oh, people in the conspiracy always feel that they can find evidence."

"Well, I am looking forward to your evidence, I am afraid that you can't find evidence."

Ignore this Li Feng directly, telling these people, it is not good, only use evidence to play their face.

Of course, even if you take the evidence, you will still jump out next time.

Some people pay more attention to how Li Feng is traveling: "Li, you go to Miki to take the class, etc.?"

"What is the first class, Li Chang this kind of rich must be privately airlined!"

"The private plane of the more curious Li Li is the model, the bay flow G550?"

"I heard that I bought a private aircraft of the A380 modified A380, and I also bought an same paragraph when Lee."

"A380? The world's largest commercial machine? Poverty limits my imagination ..."

Just when the netizen guess what Li Feng is going to travel, Li Feng picks up one of the reply: "Hey ... I don't think about it, the A380 is I bought."

The air suddenly quiet ...

Then it is a full screen 666.

"Lying in the trough, Li Tongiu force!"

"Li, we are often curious about the internal facilities of A380, can you take a few photos to explain?"

"Li, I have a friend, I also want to buy the same as ash machine. He let me ask you, how did you spend more money?"

Li Feng, smiled: "No problem, I will take a few photos for a while, and the netizen who has a friend, I can't have no boyfriend, but I can tell you the price ... 4.5 100 million. "

"450 million? The factory price is not so good, is it second-hand?"

"The king is second-hand, Li always said that the euro is US gold!"

"Feelings you let me drive, do you play mobile phones?" On the main driving position, Shen Ziyi said uncomfortable.

Li Feng smiled and smiled and said: "Really, it is addictive with people."

"You have a half-level strong with ordinary netizens to the wool, childish!" Shen Ziyu turned a white eye.

Li Feng smiled, and quickly held the right hand of Shen Ziyan: "Go to the rice with me?"

"Cut, do you know that I can't say this?" Shen Ziyan's holiday has already ended. If Li Feng suddenly came to Beijing, she won't come out.

"Xiao Yan can't accompany me, so disappointed ..." Li Feng said some grievances.

Surge Shen Ziyan took the hand to hold the arm of Li Feng, "" You just be poor here! I warn you, don't touch it after I go to the country, otherwise ... Hey! "

Li Feng nodded himself.

"Right, I am very beautiful for the flight attendant to find you, I hope you can be satisfied." Shen Ziyan suddenly turned.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Shen Ziyi will be so good? Isn't this a pit?

Thinking of this, Li Feng joined the righteous words: "For me, the color of the flight attendant is not important to the body. It is important to excellent professional skills."

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye: "Oh, man."

Li Feng: "..."

A few minutes later, Mercedes-Benz Gl came to Beijing International Airport, and the two dedicated channels came to the Airbus A380.

At this moment, some leaders in Tophoto have been here.

After the A380 flew here, Li Feng gave Shen Ziqi to sign the hosting agreement with the Airlines, a year of hosted costs of 20 million.

The unit of A380 is also selected from the crew members of Shen Ziyi from the unit members of Tono. This part is nearly 10 million.

Coupled with some of the expenditures of mixed-to-have, Li Feng is about 40 million Huaxia coins in Beijing Airlines in one year. This big customer is worth a great courtesy!

After the short cold, Li Feng took the plane under Shen Ziyan.

"Welcome to Li!"

Eight sisters who are in the middle of the cabin door are all in the blue white uniform, and their value is more than 8 points, the body is also a beautiful, unified black stockings, black high heels, slim, and delicate.

They are responsible for those who are living in the plane on the plane.

Li Feng can't believe his eyes, this sixteen beauty is really Shen Ziyi to help him choose?

Shen Ziyi is really not afraid that he is wrong!

In addition to this tenth of sixteen flight attendants, there are four men - a captain with three deputy captains.

During the process of each other, the sixteen young flight attendants were watching Li Feng, and the eyes were generally peach.

In their way, I bought the rich of the A380 private machine, how to get 50 go up, the result is so young, so handsome!

Love at first sight, there is wood!

This man is simply satisfying all the fantasies of the future husband!

At this moment, in their minds, I have imagined a blood story from the prince and Cinderella ...

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