Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1190 Mystery Passengers

Private planes don't want to fly, you have to make a route declaration in advance, and you can take off after approval.

Fortunately, these things don't need Li Peak treatment. As long as the money is in place, I will give it to Beijing Airlines.

After Li Feng decided to go to the country, he sent the requirements to Beijing Airlines. Under the money of money, it will be made two days.

After aware of it, the four drivers returned to the cockpit and started the final preparation before the take-off.

Li Feng's multi-functional entertainment room of the top of the plane in the two flight attendants.

Since it is a multi-functional entertainment room, it is naturally entertaining, the middle is a circular surrounding leather sofa, and the sofa is opposite the sofa is a 100-inch Sony Z9D model TV.

This TV set with a value of 500,000 Huaxia coins, plus the sound of the Berlin surrounding the entertainment room, can give people vision and auditory top-level enjoyment.

If you use them to call electric, then feel ... cool!

In addition to this, there are multi-functional entertainment indoors, chess tables, and these entertainment facilities can be really extravagant on the plane.

This is the first time after Li Feng bought this plane. In order to fulfill his commitment, he first took a few photos to take a few photos, then sit on the sofa and opened the TV, ready to find a few Movie look.

The progress of science and technology has brought all-round improvement. You can't open your mobile phone before the plane. Now many planes have been able to connect to WiFi.

As a luxurious private aircraft, the network function is naturally not lacking. This flight time takes at least 12 hours, and Li Feng wants to mate after watching movies.

"Li, what do you want to drink?"

Just when Li Feng found a movie, the flight attendant called Shen Jiayi leaned over.

Shen Jiayi is a passer, 26 years old, is a woman's most attractive age, according to Li Feng's aesthetic view, Shen Jiayi is a sixteen flight attendant, the highest shape.

Although than Song Yunjun, Wei Bingqing's top beauty is still some, but it is not the network redness on the Internet.

Pretty elegant face, unparalleled high-sealing and slow figure without any knife, plus the bonus of flight attendant uniform, and the charm value is self-evident.

When she leaned down, Li Feng felt a fragrant wind, a bumper.

"What are you?" Li Feng asked.

"Coffee, milk tea, all kinds of drinks, famous tea ..." Shen Jiayi said with a false thinking.

After a $ A380, Shen Jiayi has already traveled every corner on the plane, and Li Feng needs anything, she can come out.

This is why she can be selected by Shen Jiayi as the passenger fortune!

"Cough, come to whiskey." Li Feng said and added another sentence: "Is there? No, change other wine, Moutai, Wuliangye, etc.

He is really not so paying attention to drinking, and it doesn't like to let others be difficult.

Shen Jiayi smiled, Li Shi really is very cute, even something on your plane is ...

"Some Lee, you will wait."

When she finished, she turned, and walked to the wine cabinet.

At this time, another flight attendant called Yang Wei said: "Li, you are tired, do you need me to press you?"

"You will also massage?" Li Feng was surprised, it doesn't seem to be a skill that flight attendant should master?

"Will, I have been trained for training." Yang Wei pressed the shoulder of Li Feng, massage him.

Also said that Yang Wei's technique is really good ...

Soon, Shen Jiayi left back, she first surprised Yang Wei, and then smiled in front of Li Feng in front of Li Feng: "Li, please use it slowly."

Li Feng nodded, drinking wine, enjoying Yang Yu's massage, looking at the movie.


After 10 hours of sailing, the Airbus A380 landed in NY International Airport, because the route coordinated problem, Li Feng's A380 was waiting here for two hours and flew to LSJ.

In 10 hours, Li Feng looked at the two movies, he ate two meals, and the sixteen flight attendants came to him to face the face.

The life of rich people is such a simple and boring boring ...

"You can go to the duty shop for this time, just come back on time."

After the plane stopped, Li Feng said to the flight attersound around himself.

"Yeah! The boss is really good to us!"

"We are trying to ask, the boss will help us say it, the boss, you are too good."

After a friend, the flight attendants took the plane and went to the duty-free store to start Shopping.

Li Feng hit an electric electric on a 100-inch big screen, um, it was a Terrier who played when he was a child.

It is no use of the trick like the left and right left and right, right, 3, because Li Feng is now the speed, the response ability, one life can make customs clearance.

Just like Li Feng played, the captain Liu Ming knocked on the door: "Li, I have to report it to you."

Li Feng presses the pause: "Come in."

After Liu Ming came, he said: "This is the case, the airport tower is contacted us, saying that we can pay a few passengers when we will take off, they are willing to pay the corresponding reward."

Li Feng is a little bit: "Not ... Why do you want us to take it, don't you buy it directly to buy LSJ?"

"The airport means that passengers are temporary to go to LSJ, but the ticket has been sold." Liu Ming said.

"This hammer ..." Li Feng brows, slightly wrinkled, a little thought: "What is the other person? A total of how many people?"

"A total of four people, but specific identity ... The airport did not reveal." Liu Ming replied.

Li Fengbei picks: "Tell the airport, I need to know who the other party is to decide whether he is one way."


Liu Ming just turned to the cockpit, Li Feng looked: "I will go with you, save you to run back."

"Don't use it, I am running more." Liu Ming bureau promoted the treasure.

Li Feng took a shot of his shoulders: "Nothing, I have been sitting in this time for a long time, and the activity is active."

Liu Mington showed the color of the face, Shen Ziyan took a 5 million annual salary to take him.

Sentence is not good, give you so much money, let you run a few more legs, it is what you should do.

Can Li Feng can think of him for him, how can this be touched?

Soon, the two came to the cockpit, and Liu Ming got contact with Tower and said Li Feng's request.

The airport tower did not give a reply. After a few minutes, he contacted Liu Mingdao: "Ms. Scarlet, Ms., you should know who I am talking about."

Liu Ming stunned, and said that the face was rising: "Is Skye Ivli, a" Super League Alliance "?"

"Yes, she, she follows her assistant and two bodyguards." Answering the airport tower.

Liu Ming: "..."

Li Feng: "..."

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