Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1191 Skye Ivli

I am going, isn't it, really Is Sheri Ivli? That is the name of the Jie Ji Yifli?

The esteem is Skye Ifolan gives her out the outer number in Huaxia's fans, the origin is very simple, is the abbreviation of especially wu sister.

How to deform the beauty of Scarleti Isli? Perhaps use direct hit people to describe a little more appropriate.

The exquisite facial features with the perfect body, let her become a lot of men's dreams, superb acting also makes her a well-deserved female one in the "Super League".

Compared to the world's first super model, Scarleti is more famous in the world.

After all, most people will go to the movies, but they will not go to the big show, and from the audience group, Si Jiali Ives is very exciting.

As for the charm of the two, there is a thousand autumn, and the fans in both parties also have part of the coincidence, such as Li Feng.

Li Feng has been a fans of Scarleti Iforawan for a long time, and I have been like a sports star. I think that I can drink her bath water towards her day ...

Although Scarlet is 30 years old, she has not married, and she talks about two boyfriend, now is single.

In a short time, Li Feng has passed this information again, then the small heart will not be angry.

Xiaoye took a big way to sway, and in NY, he moved in NY, and he met the things of Scarlet et al., This is the fate!

"Lee, you see ..." Liu Ming also resumed the calm, and turned to ask Li Feng's opinion.

Li Feng sinks slightly, calming: "Since encounter, can help it."

Liu Ming face is happy: "Thank you boss!"

After that, Liu Ming found that his reaction was a bit too excited, and he quickly explained: "Li, you don't misunderstand, I just ... is ..."

"I understand, you are the fans of Scarlet Ifolan, excited is also a human condition." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Tell you secret, in fact, I am also."

Liu Ming smiled with the other three departments.

After Liu Ming's affirmation, the tower will notify Scarlet Iforat, more than 10 minutes, a black babysitter came to the aircraft runway, and a plane passengers immediately followed it. come.

After the two cars stopped, first two white people wearing a black suit walked down the babysitter car. The two glanced a circle to determine if there is no problem, and the turn is turned with gestures.

Then a red-haired woman took a black sunglasses, and the blonde woman wearing a black V-neck dress walked down the kidster, and quickly boarded the plane at the airliner.

Soon, the four people came to the Class A380, at this moment, Li Feng has led the four captains here.

"Ms. Yes, Ms. Yapi, I am from Huaxia, I am very happy to meet you."

Li Feng reached out and introduced himself.

Sudley, Ifola, wearing sunglasses, will take advantage of Li Feng, then the red-haired beauty suddenly holds her hand: "Sorry, Mr. Li, Sori, Sori, did not have a habit of shaking hands with strangers."

Li Feng brows, what is the meaning of this girl, really when Xiaoye doesn't know what you are socially socialized with social etiquette?

Don't say that he has been here, even if he hasn't seen it, can you have seen it?

Scarleti Ivli Face Micro-change: "Emili! What are you talking about!"

Red-haired woman Emili joke, no longer.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, Amyi may be more guard against strangers, please don't mind."

Scarlet Iforathed with Li Feng shake hands and laughed.

Originally Li Feng is still a little angry, but Scarlett laughed, his anger in his heart became a dark.

As if the Jiali Ivli is the red lip jade, who is going to live?

Besides, Si Jiali Isli's little hand is too soft, and the V-neck of this black long dress is a bit low ...

The roots of troubles!

Then, Scarlet Iforam with Liu Ming four people, excited four people in a time, Li Feng guess, after they go back, it is estimated that it will not wash hands for a month ...

After that, Li Feng invited them to enter the plane.

Even if it is the international top actress of Scarlet, I was shocked after seeing the A380 luxury internal decoration: "Oh my God, is this the customization of Huaxia style? Really beautiful!"

Red-haired female Emiti is also a shock loss, I rely on, this Chinese people have a good time, how much does it cost to buy this plane?

But no matter how much he has money, he can't change his fact that he is a Chinese man ...

Emili's reasoning does not want to make Shergi with Li Feng, is because Li Feng is a Chinese man, and she can't look down on the people, accurately ... Amyi is a race 7 viewer.

In Emili's eyes, only their white people are noble, colored people are low-hearted creatures!

That is, Li Feng didn't use a mentality for her, or he will let Almi know why the flowers are red ...

After visiting, Li Fengzi Bayi and four people came to multi-functional entertainment room.

"What?" Li Feng went to the wine cabinet and asked.

Scarleti Efole is not affectionate: "Coffee, is there?"

"I am also." Amyi is more welcome.

As for the two bodyguards of Scarlett, it is very professional, before the boss, two of them are like wood people.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "Some, Miss Emili, you have a coffee machine on your right hand, there is good coffee beans, trouble rushing five cups, thank you."

If the Amyi's attitude is better, he doesn't mind helping her a cup of coffee. Does a man want a gentleman?

Can Emily see yourself with a noble face, then he can't give her face again.

Amyi pointed to his nose: "Do you say let me go to coffee?"

"Don't you do it?" Li Fengbei picks up, slightly mocked: "I am the owner of this plane, you are people who ask me to help, do you want me to help you with a hundred billions of dollars? Coffee? "

To deal with rice people, it is necessary to force a little, otherwise they will think that they are so bullied, and they will get enough.

Emili: "???"

Scarlet Iforat: "???"

Two bodyguards: "???"

How much? They didn't listen wrong? $ Tens of billions of dollars? real or fake?

The country is a country that is extremely advocating rich people, because everything in this country is serving money.

What is the concept of a million? In the country, it should be able to discharge the top 20, such a richest saying that Emiti is the star assistant, even if Scarlet ethere is can't afford.

"Mr. Li said, this should be my job." Emili squeezed and squeezed his smile and turned to the coffee machine.

"Sorry, Emily is more straightforward ..." Scarleti Ives didn't know how to wash Emily, only ambiguous reasons can be found.

Li Feng shrugged and invited her to sit down: "Ms. Scarlette, you suddenly change the trip to LSJ is an urgent thing to handle?"

"This ..." Scarleti Ivesi is hesitated.

At the same time, a system prompt sound rang in Li Feng: "Hey, host, do you have a new task, do you see it right away?"

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