Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1192 has tasks

"Lying in the trough, this time does this task should I have a relationship with Scarlette?"

Li Feng is in the heart, and quickly viewed.

"Task: Save the Girls Spien Eps (1)"

"Task Objective: Make clear the gods of the gods, Ifole, why suddenly change the trip to LSJ, solve the trouble, if the task fails, then deduct the host 5 million system to make punishment."

"Task Reward: 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 10 conquer points."

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Li Feng said with a flash, and used his mentality after exiting the system.

"Mr. Li, this is the private matter of Scarlett, do you seem to have no right to ask?" The distance, Emili, which is boiled coffee, does not ridicule.

"Emili! Please don't answer everything, okay?" Scarlet et al., It is not very happy.

Emili is slightly changed, and there is no talk.

Li Fengbei picks: "It seems that Scarlet is quite complained about Emily ..."

This is a little strange, like the huge star of Scarleti Ifolan, the assistant around us should be very obvious, how is Emisi always claim?

"Sorry, Mr. Li, Emily is more straightforward, you don't mind." Sori Ivli apologize, said.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't have a sound.

Meditation is definitely mind, but he will not say it, because only if you don't do it, it will make people feel that he is very bullied. If you want to do it, you will be afraid of yourself.

However, this requires opportunities, a chance to break out, Li Feng is willing to create opportunities for Emily.

"I returned to LSJ, I have an urgent thing to handle." Scarlet et al., Said, said.

Li Feng nodded and pretended to ask: "private affairs?"

"Well ..." Scarlet Ifolan dragged the length of the tone, nodded: "Yes, private affairs."

"If you need me to help, you can just open." Li Feng sighed and said sincere.

Under reading, he already knows what is the urgent thing to be said by Scarlet et al. This kind of thing makes a woman to solve it is really difficult, even if she is the international top actress.

"Mr. Li, is you very late in the country?" Emily walked back with a cup of coffee, and asked after handing in his hand.

Li Feng brows smile microstruck: "No."

"Then you are afraid that I can't help Scarlett, unless ..." Amy is sighed, and the eyes flashed a lottery.

A person who has no one in the rice country, but also wants to help Skye to solve trouble, come over.

Of course, Li Feng really wants to be helping to bare, it is a big bleeding, and it is not necessarily completely resolved.

"Unless?" Li Feng asked.

Emili smiled slightly: "Unless you pay for the parents of the Garry ..."

"Emili!" Scarleti Ivli quickly interrupted him, then Tong Li Feng apologized a smile: "Mr. Li, I suddenly be a bit tired, have there be a rest on the plane?"

She wants to talk to Li Feng for a while, at least know what Li Feng is doing? But Emily has multiple times, let her cancel this thought.

Continue to talk, she is afraid of Emily anger Li Feng ...

Li Feng nodded: "Some, please come with me."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng took the door of a room with Scarleti Ivli.

In addition to a main bedroom, A380 cabin, there are nine rooms, in addition to this, there are 20 rooms that have been resting on the staff.

After all, it is a super-large plane that can be the highest passenger, so that dozens of people can do so like a five-star hotel.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, take a break, I will turn the money to you when I get the plane." Shergia Ifali said.

"Okay, if you can press the button on the bedside table, Liu Ming will tell me." Li Feng smiled slightly and turned away.

Scarleti Ivli walks into the room with Emily, and the two bodyguards are guarded at the door of the guest room.

"He actually agreed, my God, the rich of $ tens of millions of dollars is still 20,000 US dollars?"

After entering the room, Emisi got the dissatisfaction.

In order to take Li Feng's private aircraft, Scarleti Ivli is willing to pay 20,000 dollars.

20,000 US dollars, for Li Feng, this tens of billions of dollars, is not a nine cattle, but he is so embarrassed? My God, is the Chinese people so small?

"Emili, I don't think Li Mr. Li has to have anything wrong. This is the spirit of the agreement. I am tired, if you want to rest, you can rest this."

After saying the bare, I walked to the bed, lieked with my clothes.

Amili is a number of times, and finally, he didn't speak again.


After half an hour, Shen Jiayi, who went to the airport duty-free shop Shopping and returned, and Li Feng told their Skye Ifye plane.

After a scream, Shen Jiayi and others regret it just why they are not there.

Li Feng secretly smiled: "It doesn't matter, you can see her when you get off the plane, remember to sign her."

What else is more than the boss to support your chasing? For a time, Shen Jiayi and others have added a lot of good feelings of Li Feng.

Soon, the plane took off and finally came to the emal of LSJ after two hours of flight.

At this moment, the bare, Efli with Emily, two bodyguards came out of the room, came to the multi-functional entertainment room, found Li Feng, who is watching movies.

"Hey ... you are watching" Super League 4 "?"

After seeing the pictures on the 100-inch large screen, Skye's expression becomes weird.

"Yes, it will be relied again." Li Feng is also auramid, and Scarlett rests in the room, and he is watching the movie that is starring Scarlett, very wonderful feelings.

"Your acting is very good, just I am also preparing to invest a movie, don't know what Skye is intended to show the heroine?" Li Feng closed the TV and asked.

"Ah?" Scarleti Ifolan first glanced, and it wo the face: "Do you want to invest in movies?"

I didn't wait for Li Feng to answer, Amy Li was here. "Sorry, Scarlett only played the film of DSN film investment, will not cooperate with other companies."

Li Feng browned, turned his head and looked at the Spirit, Scarleti smiled nodded: "Yes, I sign the contract with the DSN shadow, I don't work with other companies in 10 years."

Li Feng was shocked by listening: "10 years? Isn't that he said that your career is in DSN shadow?"

Scarlett is 30 years old and 10 years later, is 40 years old, can she take a movie heroine after 40? Have hope, but very embarrassing.

This is not distant to restrict Scarlett!

Scarlett nodded and faced a bitter.

At this time, it is also a system prompt tone ringing next to Li Feng: "Hey, host, you have a new task, do you see it right now?"

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