Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1193 Solving the Problem

"I am going? Is another task?"

Li Feng faces slightly, and quickly viewed.

"Task: Save the goddess, Mi Yifli (2)"

"Task Objective: Helping the Girls Spien Ali Ivli to dispense with the DSN shadow, no means, if the task fails, deduct the host 10 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 50 conquer points."

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... The two tasks put a piece of good, it's not a one?

After the heart was spitted for a while, Li Feng asked: "What is your breach of contract?"

Nothing to answer, Emily said: "Mr. Li, this is commercial confidential, you have no right to explore."

Scarlett opened his mouth, and smiled and shook his head.

Indeed, the amount of the breach of contract belongs to her confidential agreement with DSN, she can't be disclosed to her outsiders.

Li Feng nodded, did not continue to ask: "Ms. Scarlette, my employees are your fans, they want to get your signature, take a photo with you, can you?"

Amy Li's brow wrinkle: "Sorry, Mr. Li, Scarlett is very tired, she doesn't want ..."

"No, I am not tired, I am happy to take a photo with them and sign." Scarleti Ifiti is a hard interrupted Emily.

"Scarlett!" Amyi shouted high tone, and his face was very good.

"Emili, are you my assistant, isn't it?" Skyli looked at the eyes of Amy Li, and the cold voice said.

The air seems to be solidified, Li Feng is interested in watching them, and the expression on the face is very taste.

Emili Peisher glaved for a while, and finally sprinkled with a smile: "You are right, I am your assistant, please feel free to start."

Scarlett expression nodded, then looked to Li Feng: "Where is they?"

"I will let them come in." Li Feng pressed a button next to the sofa: "Jiayi, you can come over, remember the things used to sign."

"Thank you boss!" Shen Jiayi et al. Came from the call, it sounded very cheerful.

After a few minutes, Shen Jiayi, who was wearing flight attendants, and others.

Scarlett looks at Emily, my day, the sixteen-bit colorful flight attendants are the employees under Li Feng's hand?

The emperor is enjoyed, this is!

At this moment, all kinds of Li Feng and the sixteen flight attendants have appeared in the Barry Brand ...

It is not the darkness of Sheri, but she has seen too much such thing in the entertainment circle.

I am also a bit of good feelings in Li Feng. He is handsome, talking humor, very gentleman, um ... also gray often has money.

Now ... huh, she still doesn't evaluate.

Next, I will enter the chasing time. Scarlet is very patient with Shen Jiayi and others take a photo, sign, and one question, and the two sides have conducted very friendly conversations.

After that, Shen Jiayi et al. Very much to start the preparation work before the next machine.

"Thank you for your help, this is a travel fee, please accept it." Scarlett took a written check to Li Feng in front of Li Feng, smiled and said.

Li Feng looked at it and put it in the top of the top: "You are welcome, you can help Sheri is my honor."

Emili turned over white, and the colleagues received a pleasant, hypocritical!

"Yes, I haven't asked Mr. Li to come to LSJ, which is convenient to tell me?" Skye curiously asked.

"Well ... I will talk to HN shadow." Li Feng smiled.

Scarlet is slightly changed, the HN shadow is the old opponent in the DSN film, and the Li Feng is still unable to cooperate with the HN shadow?

"You really want to invest in movies?" Emily couldn't help but ask.

Li Feng shrugged: "There is this plan, but I am talking about HN shadow, but not investment movies, but ..." Fangxiang people "box office is divided into."

"You are the boss of Huaxia Shengtang Entertainment?" Scarlett has changed, "the square world" has caused a small sensation in the Miki film industry, and they have never thought of Huaxia movie companies to shoot such a good movie. .

This makes Hollywood feel pressure and challenge.

"Yes, is it surprised?" Li Feng played.

Scarlett nodded, she did not expect Li Feng, is the boss of the promotion of "squares".

At this time, Emili was confused: "Is there a partition of Sheng Tang Entertainment when the HN shadow is introduced?"

Generally speaking, it will signed an agreement before introducing the movie, but Li Feng also said that the problem of discussing the box office with HN shadow, which makes people feel strange.

"This is ..." Li Feng mysterious smiled: "Commercial secrets."

The gentleman does not report over the night hatred. If Qi Li Feng is reported on the spot, it will not delay the time.

Emili only felt that a bad breath was blocked, and he didn't speak again.

Scarlet didn't have traces laugh, and I didn't ask more.

At this time, the steady landing of the plane landed on the airport runway, Li Feng took the plane with Scarlett.

As for Liu Ming, Shen Jiayi et al, then go to the hotel nearby after handling the plane of the plane.

In this time they stay in Miga, the accommodation fee, transportation fee Tongtong is reimbursed by Li Feng, and the accommodation standard per day is 1,000 US dollars, and the traffic subsidy of 200 US dollars.

1000 US dollars accommodation standards, even if you can live in LSJ, you can live a five-star hotel, let alone $ 200 transportation subsidy.

Because Li Feng's private aircraft arrives international, they have to enter the governor, and they can customize it normally.

After the customs clearance, the two farewell to each other, Li Feng was quietly followed by the Skye.

"Scarlett, I always feel that the Chinese people are not a good person." Out of the airport hall, Emily spoken.

Scarleti Efli Xiuyi Wever wrinkled: "Emili, Mr. Li helped us."

"Cut, let's spend money, don't help." Emily disdain.

Scarlet sighed, no longer arguing with her.

"Ah, Scarlett, you're going to see there, is it a man of Marcus Sapir?" Emili suddenly raised his hand to the distance.

Scarlets are slightly changed, and they will see a black Chevrolet off-road vehicle. Two white people wearing sunglasses.

At the same time, the other party also saw Scarlett, I saw what they pressed by the headset next to the ear, and simultaneously stepped to Skye.

"What should I do now, do you want to run away?" Amyi asked.

Scarlet is shaking his head with dignity: "I will solve the problem."

After all, she took a deep breath and stood in place.

Her two bodyguards are stunned to stand around her, ready to shoot.

Soon, the two white people came over, one of them said: "Miss Star, our boss sent us to pick you, let us go."

Scarlette nodded and walked with them.

Suddenly, a figure came from the distance: "Ms. Scarlette, so smart, we met again."

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