Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1194 Are you a dragon set actor?

Scarlet Ifdi is slightly changed, and the face is weird: "Yes, I met again."

"You follow us?" Amyi questioned by the side.

This is also the place where Sheri feels confused. Just now Li Feng is obeyed with her, but now it is here ...

Li Peak is ridiculed: "Miss Emili, are you funny, here is the airport, not your home, do I have anything wrong with it?"

"You ..." Amyi is a sprint.

"Miss Scarlett, who he is?" Muskus Sapier wrinkled.

"He is a friend I have encountered on the plane." Si Jiali Ifdi did not introduce Li Feng, she didn't want to give Li Feng to take trouble: "Mr. Li, I still have more things, I will not with you. Talk, goodbye. "

After I finished her, I had to leave here. Who knows that Li Feng's foot stops in front of her: "Don't, I will come to LSJ for the first time, life is not familiar, I hope someone can give me a width."

"This ... Mr. Li, I really have a very important thing to rush to deal with it. If Mr. Li is not anxious, can I wait for me to deal with the matter and come back to find you?" Skye said.

"This is ..." Li Feng sinks a little, sprinkling, smiling: "It's better, I will take care of you first, after processing, you will take me all around you."

Scarlet Iforat: "???"

Emili: "???"

Markus Sapier's two hands: "???"

No ... Justus Jiali refuses you, you are not interested, how much thick face can you say this?

"Don't talk, you agree, then let's go." Li Feng went back from Gu, said: "Which is to pick your car?"

Scarleti Ives: "... Mr. Li, I ..."

"I know, your business is tight, first deal with your things." Li Peak said.

Markus Sapir's two hands only feel that the forehead is jumping!

Lying in the trough, they follow Mr. Marcus for many years, never seeing like Li Feng so coming!

"Hey, Huaxia Kid, you are best to leave here!"

The two quickly captured Li Feng, and he took him behind him.

"Hey, I am a friend of Sheri. That's a friend who treats boss?" Li Feng broke away, and then he looked away from Scarlett and dissatisfied: "Ms. Scarlet, your two hands Too rough, this is not good. "

Scarleti Ivli takes the hand, I want to explain it, but I don't know how to open.

The color of Emily facies, waiting for Li Feng out.

"Huaxia kid, see what I am on my waist? If you know, you will hurry, or I am a shot of you."

One of the white people opened the top, revealing the pistol on the waist, and said.

"You are dragon cases, this guy looks like it." Li Feng is going to take the pistol.

White people can't believe in their own ears. This Chinese people's brain circuit is how fertilized, why will he feel that he is a dragon case, and then think about this shot?

"Mr. Li!" Scarlet was frightened, and quickly stopped.

Li Feng hand stopped, doubt: "What?"

"Hey ... this is something of the crew, the outsiders can't touch it." Scarlette thought a reason to say, then said to Marcus Sapir's hand: "I can return to LSJ, Mr. Li is helped. Very busy, so can I bring Li Mr. Li? "

Although she didn't want Li Feng to mix in, Li Feng looked at it, and it was inevitable that there would be no accidents in the words, and they can only bring him on the first.

"I have to ask BOSS." White Capricorn said there is no expression.

Here is the airport, it will be troublesome, if you don't use a violent means, this brotherhood is not very good, it is a special gun to hit it, but also no SI.

Of course, if you have to take him away, you can't do it, you must ask the boss.

When the white big man under the lower ear, report it to Marcus Sapir.

"The boss agreed, you will go with us."

The white man is cold and looked at Li Feng at a glance, and the cold eyes also mixed a few tattoo colors.

When I arrived at the home of the boss, he believed that Li Sum will regret it for his own reckless.

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "You don't have anything, this is not a call."

"Hey!" White Han Dynasty praised Li Feng at a glance, and step forward to the off-road vehicle first.

"Mr. Li, you shouldn't stay." Scarlet came to Li Peak, and the voice said.

"Why?" Li Fengbei picks up, a face is not solving.

"This ... Nothing." Scarlet sighed and said no more.

Amy Li said: "Mr. Li, this is, you should follow us, you will never regret it."

Li Feng's answer is also very domineering: "I have never been 'regret' in the dictionary of Li Feng."

Emili jokes, no longer, rich people usually have a little arrogant, always feel that they are omnipotent, until kick the iron board ...

Marcus Sapier is the iron board that Li Feng is about to kick. Amyi suddenly expects Li Feng to see what Muxus Sapier will happen ...

Two off-road vehicles under Mucus Sapier, so Li Feng sat up and relaxed.

The off-road vehicle leaves the airport and takes it to Buffali.

Bververly Mountain is the most famous rich area of ​​LSJ, with the world's most exciting residential area, many super rich, Hollywood superstars, NBA stars live here, some Huaxia rich are also keen to come here to buy a house.

Marcus Sapir's house is in a three-story villa in the depths of Frego.

One hour later, Chevrolet offshore vehicles came to the door of this villa, and the door security was inspected after they entered.

"Hek, is this Ms. Scarlett? It is very beautiful." The trailing row of off-road vehicles, Li Feng asked slightly.

There is no expression in white, and there is no response.

Li Feng's mouth hook, no more.

Soon, the vehicle stopped, the white people said: "Give me honestly after it."

Li Feng shrugged and followed him.

"Mr. Li, you will never talk more about it, everything is handed over to me, can you?"

Spherie walked from another car and came to Li Peak.

Li Fengbei picks: "Of course, this is your business."

Scarlettone tone.

At this moment, a cigar, a white middle-aged man wearing a white suit, came out of the villa living room, which is Marcus Sapir.

After seeing Scarlett, Marcus Sapier opened his hands and smiled: "Hey, Miss Jehi, let's meet again."

The voice is falling, he will come over with Scarlett hug.

Scarlett quickly, he would give a polite response. Who knows that Li Feng suddenly stopped in front of her: "Sorry, Scarlet is not used to hugging with strangers."

Scarlette: "???"

Emili: "???"

Marcus Sapier: "???"

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