Li Feng nodded, and said: "It is indeed, people's life is invaluable, even if it is even more than eight pieces, it is also invaluable."

Scarlet Iforat: "???"

No ... What can you stand in the station? How can I help Marcus Sapir?

Marcus Sapir looked at Li Feng and laughed: "Mr. Li said, yes, people 's life is invaluable, so 50 million gold replacement, Mr. Johnson is very fair."

"Of course, if Scarlet is a lot of more than 50 million, it doesn't matter, cut off Johnson's two hands, two choices, I am very reasonable."

"No, no, don't!" Johnson struggled, look to Scarlette: "Scarlett, giving him 100 million US dollars, I will never gamble, really don't bet, this is the last time ! "

Scarlet is complicated to see him for a while, and then turned to say: "Mr. Marcus, I don't have so much cash ... Please give me some time, I will sell NY's house, used to repay This debt. "

Since the exhibition, Skye Ivli has already exceeded 100 million US dollars last year, she was listed as the world's most golden female star, but she really couldn't take a time for a time. Billion of cash.

First, she has a lot of gambling debts, and I have taken a lot of income to do investment, gold, bonds, real estate, stocks, etc.

"Yes, of course, but my interest can be very high, you better raise money." Marcus Sapir flavored.

"The interests given by Marcus are 3% interest rate, and it is a strong perspective ..." Johnson reminded.

Li Feng: "???"

3% interest rate, still benefit? Isn't that a month after the interest rate is higher than the principal?

This can be a veritable highly loan!

Of course, Li Feng did not consider the problem of unhanectation. Since Marcus Sapir dare to do so, it means that people are not afraid.

As for the status of Scarlett ... It is indeed a superstar for ordinary people, but it is a drama for Mucus Sapir.

I haven't seen it before I broke out a boss of a rice, the hidden rules of the artist's news?

Scarlett really wants to expose this, borrowing public opinion to engage in things, Marcus Sapier can make more crazy things.

What's more, gambling is legal in rice. The debt is also the same, and Scarlett can't stand in morality.

Scarlet is a white, so high interest, it is not in time, it is a no-hole.

However, the seller is taken. If the emergency sale will definitely be maliciously compressed by buyers, but in order not to be dragged by high interest, it can only be a knife.

On the occult in Scarlett, Li Feng said: "3% of the rock is a bit too much?"

"Oh?" Mucus Sapier's eyebrows, it is like laughing, "Mr. Li has different opinions?"

"Since you are friends with Scarlett, I am free to see this interest, I can't see it down." Li Feng said with a smile.

Scarlet is a mason, just she still thinks that Li Feng is to stand on the side of Mucus Sapir, and turn to her to say good words.

However, Li Feng said that there is no component, Marcus Sapier will not listen.

Marcus Sapier first glance, then laughed in the sky, he stopped laughing, said: "If I remember is right, Huaxia has an old saying that 'in the commercial business", can't affect business because of friendship Decided, isn't it? "

"You said it also makes it." Li Feng touched the chin.

Scarlet is sighing, although she has long expected this result, Li Feng is so easy to be convinced or let her disappoint.

"Hey, is that a roulette?" Li Feng suddenly shifted the topic and pointed to a machine in the corner of the living room.

"Yes, why, Mr. Li wants to play?" Marcus Sapir flashed and played.

People who open the casino, the favorite thing to do is to lead the rich to the gambling table, as long as the gambling table starts bet, no matter how success this rich is in the mall, they must be taken down by the casino.

Like Li Feng's rich from Huaxia, Marcus Sapir is most wanting to lead to the gambling table.

"I can also be idle, play one can also." Li Feng shrugged, and then went to see.

Scarlette Micro-change: "Mr. Li, don't you want me to take you to LSJ? The thing here is handled soon."

She knows how much gambling is harmful. Her dad is a ready-made brigade, so she doesn't want Li Feng to fall into the circle of Marcus Sapir.

"Small gambling is pleasant, there is still time, let me play." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Li ..." Scarlett has to persuade, Emily breaks: "Scarlett, Mr. Li wants to play, let him play, you don't advise him again."

She hopes that Li Feng is sitting on the gambling table, then lose a lot of money.

Both people talk, Li Feng has come to the roulette: "How do you play this thing?"

Marcus Sapir walked over and laughed: "This is actually very simple ..."

After he introduced the rules, Li Feng said with interest: "The highest 35 times the date of interest? This is too cool."

There are 38 different small squares on the roulette, and each small square has a unique number, 1-36, and 0 and 0.

These numbers distinguishes between odd numbers and even numbers, red and black, where 1-18 is red, 19-36 is black, while 0 ration is green.

There is a small ball on the roulette. After the gambling begins, the ball will turn in counterclockwise, and the gambler begins bet.

When you bet, you can put the chips in any of the plaids, or you can pay anything in different plaids according to your own preferences.

It can be drawn or single or double, or a single number or a combination of 2-5 numbers, and the odds are different.

After the bet is over, the ball will gradually lose power, and finally stop in the roulette. There is a number of digits in a number, the ball stops the number of this game.

If the gambling passenger is a single number, in the middle, you can get 35 times the bet amount.

For a few more, if Li Fengju is the number 7, it took 10,000 pieces, and finally the ball didn't fall in the grid of the number 7, then he can get 350,000!

Extremely terrible return rate! Of course, the chance is small ...

"Yes, Mr. Li does not try to try 35 times the return rate?" Marcus Sapir said in the side.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "Of course, I have to confirm before playing, if I am in order, you will really give me 35 times a reward? Do you not pay?"

"Of course, this is my reputation for me a businessman." Marcus Sapier said his chest.

"Well, then I will first put 1 billion." Li Feng big hand.

Marcus Sapier: "???"

Scarlette and others: "???"

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