Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1197, you have a thousand!

Scarlett can't believe your ears!

What is called first? Is it more than one hundred million? I know that you have money, you can't get money and don't make money!

"Cough, Mr. Li, what you said is referring to ... Huaxia coin?" Marcus Sapier recovered the emotions and asked uncertain.

If it is Huaxia coin, there is more than a million dollars, and it is not a matter of riches of this level.

"Here is the country, I said is of course a dollar." Li Feng said with a pair of expressions.

"... What are you sure?" Marcus Sapir felt that Li Feng was joking with him, and his family opened!

At least for so many years, Marcus Sapier has never seen such a gambler who will take so much money, they will try to test the water first, and then slowly add it.

When I finally lost my eyes, I lost my sense of reason, I like it to take billion dollars.

"Yes, it is nothing wrong with me. The most important thing is that this can bring me stimulus, what is more exciting than unknown?" Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

Scarlette is slightly wrinkled, and it is necessary to speak.

99% of this money is to make water drift, and then stimulate it, you can't get a joke with 100 million US dollars.

"Scarlett, you still say a few words, he has already got it, this time, if you advise him, let him think that you are Xiaoyi, what should he do?" Amyi is Persuaded.

Scarlet is frowned, thinking that Emiti said it is very reasonable, some rich is really proud, the more others do not let him do, but he is not to do.

In addition, she is just just about her with Li Feng, and this time she persuaded that it will be counterproductive.

"Mr. Li said the right!" Marcus Sapier thumbs up, smiled: "Since Mr. Li wants to first!

If you open a casino, you will not be afraid of gambling gambling, what is 100 million yuan, and the 10 billion people are not refused!

He is now worried about Li Feng not so much money! There can be no more gambling in the casino.

"Well, swipe the card." Li Feng took out the bank card.

The Mucus Sapier's eyebrow is a pick. Some surprised Li Feng's refreshment, then he played a referring, so he took a POS machine under his hand.

Li Feng also refused to brush 100 million US dollars directly.

When the POS machine played a small ticket, there was a quiet living room.

Even if I know that Li Feng is a rich, I still feel a little shocked after I seeing his eyes and I don't blind.

Especially the senior gambling ghost Johnson, his eyes are more exploding a light, if he is the same as Li Feng, then he still uses the wolf like now? Earth is turned over in the gambling table!

The more you owe a huge gambling debt, the more you want to turn back through gambling, because in addition to gambling, they can't think of the second way to quickly turn over.

So Johnson's ghosts are only one, and the home is broken!

"Mr. Li is really cool!" Marcus Sapir patted his hand and made a box of chips under his hand.

This box is chip and the roulette is Mukus Sapier takes back from the casino. The original intention is to let the guests can have a recreational event. I have never want to send a big usage.

"Mr. Li is ready? To start." Marcus Sapier walked to the wheel machine, hand on the button and laughed.

Li Feng got his hand and took a deep breath, nodded: "Wait!"

Marcus Sapre almost presses the button!

No ... who is special, say it, let's say it, can you take the truth according to constant execution? If you don't have a child, this button is now pressed!

"What is Li Mr. Li?" Muskus Sapir laughed, asked MMP in my heart.

"Do you have a $ 3.5 billion in cash, what will I win?" Li Feng asked. "Li Feng asked.

Marcus Sapier: "..."

Scarlette: "..."

other people:"……"

No ... What does your voice you have won? Unexpected?

"This no need for Mr. Li is worried, the cash flow on the casino account is very abundant." Marcus Sapier spit out a touch and laughs.

The lack of opening the casino is the cash flow. If you take a $ 3.5 billion, although you will have to live in Marcus, he can still take it out.

Besides, the chances of single numbers in the preparation are too low, then what is he worried?

"I am relieved, I am starting." Li Feng nodded and prepared for bet.

Marcus Sapr's mouth hook, press the button of the roulette.


The ball on the roulette starts to turn counterclockwise, after a few laps, Li Feng put the chip in the number 4.

Star didn't expect Li Feng to bet so soon, tense his head for a while, did not dare to look again.

Amir's mouth is smoked, and the taunt in the eyes is getting rich.

The old gambling ghost Johnson shines, and I stared at the small ball on the roulette. I kept listening to: "4, 4, 4, 4!"

The atmosphere of the casino is getting up ...

Marcus Sapier has also become a bit nervous, although the probability of a single number is small, but it is not there.

Time is slowly passed, everyone holds breathing, and only hear the ball in the roulette in the route.

Soon, the speed of the ball rotation is obviously slow, and it will stop rotating.

At this time, the gerli has also turned his head, and I stared at the ball and looked at the ball.

34, 35, 36, 0 ... When the number 1 is coming, the ball has lost kinens, and it is necessary to fall into the small lattice of the number 1.

At this time, Marcus Sapir has been excited to tighten the double box!

Johnson sighed, Emily ridiculed.

And Scarlett closed his eyes.

However, at this time, the ball actually moved, slipped over the number 2, slipped over the number 3, and the Dalida fell into the small lattice of the number 4!

" !" Marcus Sapier grabbed his hair with his hand, and his face was a dog's expression!

Why did he think of understanding, just a small ball, how do you walk three plaids in front of it, do you have a Niu Ji?

" !" Johnson also called, then excitedly: "4, really 4, my day, I don't miss the wrong, really 4! Li, you sent, you I have sent it, $ 35 billion! Oh, I bought it! I can't believe my eyes! "

Si Jiali took his mouth, and his face was shocked.

She disgusted gambling, hate gambling, but I saw someone to win by 35 billion with 100 million. This impact made her heart rose a kind of impulse who wants to try his hand!

As for Emily, the face has already had a ridicule and sly, only envy and hate!

At this moment, Marcus Sapir suddenly pointed at Li Feng, "" This is not counted, you are old! "

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