Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1198 is not too greedy


With the big scream of Marcus Sapir, his hand took out guns to aimed at Li Feng, and only to Mucus Sapir, they will shoot.

"Hey!" Scarlette exclaimed: "Mr. Marcus, please don't do this!"

She knows what $ 35 billion means something, it is enough to let Marcus Sapier, and directly kill Li Feng!

After killing Li Feng, Marcus Sapier will not have any trouble, he can say that Li Feng is a gangster who broke into his house, which is protected by law.

As for evidence ... Marcus Sapir is evidence that the LSJ police will only take an overflow, then he is.

The Amili face has no envy and hateful look, only scholastic and ridicule.

How is it in the middle, Mr. Marcus didn't want to give it, and they didn't use it, and they will bring themselves.

Next, I will see that Li Feng knows, if he feels $ 3.5 billion, then you have to lose your life ...

Li Feng browned, then played with taste: "Mr. Marcus, what do you mean?"

"Hey, you have a thousand, and ask me what I mean, is the Chinese people don't speak credibility?" Marcus Sapir lined.

Li Feng sighed: "Do you have evidence to prove me?"

"Of course, there is evidence." Marcus Sapier is full of color, "but I won't show you, but give to the police, the crime is fraud."

"The amount of 3.5 billion in fraud is enough to rebell you for 150 years in prison."

LSJ has no death penalty, and the highest penalty permitted by law is in prison for 150 years, which means that this life will be in prison, until death.

Li Feng smiled: "You are shameless, I am very style of the year."

He is really a thousand, and the invisible gas is used to control the ball to fall into the No. 4 small lattice unless there is a half-level power in the field, no one can know his means.

Li Feng's intention is to take this to Mucus Sapier, let him relieve Johnson's gambling debts, and then return his 100 billion gambling gold back, this is over.

I have never thought Marcus Sapier is still black than him ...

Marcus Sapier smiled, nor denyed: "Of course, if you admit yourself, I can not pursue your responsibility. After all, you are coming from Huaxia, don't understand the rules here are also true. "

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks: "Will you be so good?"

"Of course, I am doing business, I would rather gain more than a friend, I don't want to cross a hatred." Marcus Sapier shrugged.

"Mr. Li promised him."

At this moment, the baren came to Li Peak, and the little voice persuaded.

Li Feng looked at Scarlett and used her heart: "Are you worried about me?"

He is afraid of Sherga with Marcus Sapir partnership, although this possibility is small.

"Yes, if you don't promise him, I am afraid that I can't get out here." Skye said that the tone is very eager.

Li Feng nodded, withdrawing, reading his mind, smiling: "Reassure, I have an inch."

Scarlette: "Ha?"

I don't know why, she always has an ominous premonition ...

At this time, Li Feng said: "Mr. Marcus, read the first time we met, you still don't understand me, I am willing to forgive you to the rude."

Scarlett hearts are sinking, dark: "It's over! This is completely guilty of Marcus Sapier!"

In the distance, Amyi first glance, then laughing.

Is there a pit in the brain in the Chinese people? Who is he thinks, how do you say Mr. Marcus Sapir?

Johnson's two eyes, surprised, looked at Li Feng's back, and the look was revealed to look forward to the look.

Marcus Sapier moon laugh: "Then you talk about what you are, I am curious."

"This is not enough." Li Feng smiled and gave a solution: "You only need to revenzy Johnson's gambling debts, plus 200 million US dollars, I just didn't happen, so I am all good."

"What do you say? Again again!" Marcus Sapier didn't dare to believe his ears. Is this Chinese people who are idiot? Didn't see the people of Laozi?

I can't recognize the reality, this idiot!

"It seems that you are not satisfied with me this?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles and laughs: "Then I will change it, I will have Johnson first gambling debts, and I will give me $ 35 billion. immediately!"

Said that Li Feng used a lot of rheumatic, the voice was shocked, and everyone only felt awkward!

Then, Markus Sapir came from anger, and the right hand was tall.

At the same time, his hand is holding a pistol, just waiting for him to shoot!

Scarlett is extremely nervous, shouting: "No, don't impulsive! Mr. Li, admit defeat, for your own life!"

The reality is not a movie. She doesn't want to see that Li Feng is in the bloody.

Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "Reassured, I believe Mr. Marcus will make a sense of reason, you are right, Mr. Marcus?"

Scarleti is speechless, Marcus Sapir is like this, can you make a good decision?

Emili is a face, she seems to have seen Li Feng's scene of honeycomb.

The atmosphere in the living room is nearly solidified, and the hands of Marcus Sapir are sweat.

Just then, Marcus Sapir said: "Mr. Li, only $ 1.1 billion on my account, other needs to turn over from the casino account, but it takes two days."

Scarlette: "???"

Emili: "???"

other people:"???"

Not ... Mr. Marcus agrees? Jane!

"Hey ... money is not enough." Li Feng touched the chin I thought about it, and finally sprinkled with a smile: "Money is a number for me, you only need to give me 1.1 billion, except for Mr. Johnson's gambling debt Yes. "

He used Marcus Sapir to use it, and he consumes 1000 system points per minute, and it is certainly impossible for two days.

Besides, he is indeed cheating, don't be too greedy ...

"Okay, I will give you money." Marcus Sapier quickly went to Li Feng's card number, and the hemp is starting to turn money.

Soon, Li Feng received a text message: "Oh, not bad, 1 billion arrived."

Hearing here, Scarlett and others have been completely pushed, and Marcus Sapir is really turning!

What happened, what happened to Mucus Sapir happened?

"Mr. Johnson's owe, take it out." Li Feng hook his finger.

Generally, this will be owed in the casino, and the high interest will be owed. With this owed, you can just knead the debt.

Marcus Sapier quickly took out the owed, Li Feng saw a look to Johnson asked: "Is this this?"

Johnson nodded for it: "Right, this is this."

Li Feng nodded and took out the lighter.

When I am underfishing ash, Scarlett suddenly has a feeling of relieving ...

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