Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1199, heart compassion

"Is it owed to burn? I have no gambling debts? My God, I can't believe my eyes!"

Johnson danced in the excitement!

Scarlett just felt relieved, Johnson feels that it is stressed in the mountains, his life has been bleak, this suddenly turned out!

Muscus Sapir's hand faces each other, they are bored, what kind of nerves are sent to the boss, how can I avoid Johnson's debt, and turn $ 1.1 billion to Li Feng?

This doesn't conform to the boss's consistent style!

Although the heart is puzzled, the boss always goes to me, they don't dare to have any objections.

After a long time, Scarlett believes that all this has really happened, and the complexity is complicated: "Mr. Li, thank you."

What happened today is simply divided by the movie plot, she first received a call from the ground, knowing that he owed a huge gambling debt, must catch back to LSJ as soon as possible.

Then I found NY flying LSJ's ticket sold out, helplessly linked to Li Feng through the airport relationship.

Later, Li Feng came to Marcus Sapier with her, and took 100 million US dollars to play the roulette and earned 35 billion.

Marcus Sapier has always made people done Li Feng, but suddenly changed, not only gave Li Feng 1.1 billion US dollars, but also removed her gambling debt ...

Movie screenwriters don't dare to write!

"You are welcome, to raise your hand." Li Feng shrugged, then said: "I have a few whispered to tell Mr. Marcus. Can you go out first?"

Skye has no objection, just Marcus Sapier's hand, but Mucus Sapier personally opens, they have released Johnson.

After Shergie and others walked out of the living room, Li Feng wore a genuine barrier around the living room and then relieved Mucus Sapir's slices.

"I killed him!"

After getting rid of the control, Mucus Sapir waved, and the anger.

His hand appeared for more than a second, and then asked Qi: "Boss?"

Marcus Sapier stunned, when is the response under his hand? Wait ... When did they put the gun down?

Where are you going?

After the god, it is anger: "Who let you put down the gun? I killed him!"

"Yes, the boss!"

Although the one of the people can not understand, but the boss's order will be implemented in the first time. When they will lift the gun, and then the trigger is went together!

"" "" "" ......

The gun sounded, the smoke is filled!

Under the muzzle, Li Feng is calm and as usual. He even even fingers did not move, and an invisible real air barrier appeared in him.

Those bullets like the rain to him are like hitting an invisible big net, but it is only in the air, and it is rare to enter!

After half of the half, the bullet lost the kinetic energy, and the freedom fell to the ground, tapping a series of crisp on the expensive floor.

A silence between the scenes ...

"Hair! What is this?"

"This is dead! What did I see?"

"Xie! I must be crazy! This is impossible!"

The manus of Marcus Sapier is crazy, they are all professionally trained, and they have never seen those who can ignore bullets!

"You ... who you are?"

The reactions of Marcus Sapir are not so strong. After all, it is the upper person, I have seen too many big winds, but his voice is also trembled.

"You can easily kill you."

Li Feng's mouth hook, his fingers moved, a warhead that fell on the ground, and then "" rushed to Marcus Sapir.

Marcus Sapier is not coming to make a react, I feel that the right ear is a hot breathing!

He quickly touched his hand, a hand, when he was scared!


In his man, he would go to protect him, Li Feng smiled, and the warhead under the foot was suspended halfway, and the direction of rotation points to these men.

This action is scared to those who have stopped in the original place!

"Mr. Li, you must be the legendary martial arts?" Marcus Sapir spit out a touch and asked.

Li Feng shrugged: "Yes, I am a martial art, what do you think?"

"I have no idea!" Marcus Sapir quickly shook his head: "I just think that I have just been wrong, Mr. Li did not have a thousand."

"So you are willing to give me $ 3.5 billion?" Li Feng hooked a smile and asked.

Marcus Sapier opened his mouth, and I was smirk after half of it: "Mr. Li, I really didn't have so much money."

"Well, there is only 1.1 billion dollars on your account, and the money on the casino account will take two days." Li Feng said with a smile.

Marcus Sapier: "... How do you know?"

His hand suddenly became a weird, "Boss, this is what you said."

"Yeah, the boss, you have turned Mr. Li to 1.1 billion US dollars, but also gave Mr. Li."

"That owed Li Mr. Li has already burned ..."

Marcus Sapier: "???"

No ... When do I do these things, how do I really don't remember?

So did he have a hypnocride by Li Feng? No wonder he doesn't remember when Skye is waiting for it!

"Mr. Marcus, our Huaxia has an old saying called 'to be a Rao people and spare people'. According to a reason I have to come back from you, it is 3.5 billion dollars, but my people are compassionate, so I will be 1.1 billion except Mr. Johnson's debt gave this. "

"Remember, don't think about finding Johnson or Scarlette, otherwise ..."

Speaking here, the warhead in front of Li Feng quickly flew out, playing on the wall behind Marcus Sapir.

Marcus Sa Pue almost thinks that he has to be hidden! A heart has mentioned the eyes!

Opposite, after the man looked at Marcus Sapir, the collective was in a stagnant state.

Lying in the trough, those warheads constitute the pattern of "DIE" on the wall? Do you want such a horses? !

"Yes, I remember, I will never find them any more!" Muus Sapier nodded, and the gambling swear.

"Well." Li Feng nodded and smiled: "Let your hand drive us back."

Marcus Sapier is running, waiting for Li Feng out of the living room, he is sitting on the floor.

"Boss, you look back."

At this time, his hand reminded a sentence.

Marcus Sapier turned back, this saw the "Die" pattern consisting of warheads, and he quickly stood up and quickly returned.

When Li Feng leaving the villa, Marcus Sapier said: "You give me waiting for Huaxia kid, this matter is definitely can't be so much! I will let you pay the painful price!"

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