Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1204, you have no value in my eyes.

"I don't gamble with you!" Emili out of mouth.

Your sister, gamble with your luck against the sky, then come back to Li Feng's XX? This lady is not so stupid!

Mark Jonathan is coming: "What?"

"Gambling" the square "" in the real box office of the country. "Li Feng's wine glamor is light and laughs.

Mark Jonathan: "... I don't quite understand what you mean."

Emili also said: "The box office statistics of" Fang Xiangshi "did not come out? $ 199 million, I remember this number."

Scarlette nodded: "Yes, it is indeed 19.9 billion."

They are all movie industry practitioners, and the three people pay attention to "squares", so the final box office remembers very clear.

"Please note that I am talking about the real box office." Li Feng put down the wine glass and laughed.

Mark Jonathan first glanced, then smiled: "What you mean is fake in the box office of the" square world "? Isn't that I have said before?"

"Yeah, Mark just said that the true level of" squares "should be a million dollars average average box office." Speaking here, Emily smiled: "Mr. Li, you have a little bit Face. "

When Lian Jiali didn't understand Li Feng, I wanted to do it, I can only be quiet.

Li Feng shook his head: "No, you misunderstood, I mean ..." Fang Xia "The total box office is less than $ 199 million, the total box office of 4-500 million US dollars is its true level, So do you want to gamble with me? "

"Ha? What? I didn't listen to it?" Emili directly questioned three even, then muddy: "A Huaxia film can get a box office with more than $ 400 million in rice? Haha, what is your joke?"

Mark Jonathan also ridiculed: "I also feel impossible. On the contrary, the box office" of the square "is only normal."

Li Feng's mouth hook: "So do you want to gamble? If the real box of" squares "is more than 400 million US dollars, Mr. Mark is introduced to the new movie in Shengtang Entertainment to help publicize the following."

"If the real box of" squares "is less than 400 million US dollars, I will give you the difference."

Mark Jonathan is very popular in the West, "Titanic" is filled out, and he will help the publicity before the global release.

Wine incense is also afraid of the alley!

"Give me the difference? I don't quite understand what you mean." Mark Jonathan did not respond.

"Take a bit, if the real box of" squares "is 100 million, 400 million minus 100 million is the difference, that is, I will give you $ 300 million, understand?" Li Feng smiled.

Mark Jonathan: "..."

Emili: "..."

Scarlette: "..."

I am going ... This is too big. If you let Mark Jonathan said, he can get a huge amount of $ 300 million from Li Feng!

300 million, dollar!

On the contrary, if Li Feng won, Mark Jonathan just helped be a propaganda, and it can be ignored with $ 300 million.

"Mr. Li, what if you win, what should I pay?" Amy asked the words.

This kind of good thing must be involved, do not say $ 300 million, give her half of her is willing!

Of course, she must have a point, after all, she just said that she didn't play with Li Feng ...

Li Fengbei picks: "You?"

Emily nodded.

Li Feng shakes his head: "Sorry, you have no value in my eyes, or don't give it."

Woman, Xiaoye has already been to you for a long time!

Emily only feels that a old blood is blocked!

There is no value in the god, this lady is also very good in the rice entertainment circle in the rice? At that time, your new movie is introduced, this lady will send a twenty that is also very effective!

On the side, Scarlett only felt secret.

Emili is the DSN film school to monitor her, so Emisi will be the main way, always commented on her, and Shergi has been enough.

It's just behind Amyi is a DSN shadow. It is not good to tear the face with Amili signed a long to DSN shadow.

After deep suction, Emily forced squeezing a smile: "Mr. Li may not know me, in fact, I ..."

"Don't, I don't want to know you at all, you still introduce yourself." Li Feng quickly interrupted it.

Sister, the woman is not a sneer along all the way, and I still want to take advantage of Xiao Ye? Don't make trouble, even if you will lose, Xiaoye will not bet with you!

"Hey, no gamble is not betting, who is rare!" Emily is not thick enough, and after Li Feng continued to refuse twice, it will no longer mention the gambling.

Just ... 300 million US dollars, good fortune!

"Mr. Li, you are too gentleman." Mark Jonathan shook his head.

Li Feng shrugged: "I only have a polite person."

Emily has a slight change, then a snort to turn his head.

"Well, I can gamble with you, but I want to know how to assess the real box of" squares "." Mark Jonathan turned back to the top.

The total box office of "Fang Xia" is statistically statistically, unless Li Feng has a way to change this statistic, otherwise, this gamble is not established from the beginning.

It's just that the box office statistics are not so easy to change. This is involved in a lot of interest and institutions. How can I have any way in Li Feng?

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "It is very simple, the final statistics of the tax authorities of the rice."

"National Taxation Bureau?" Mark Jonathan's face suddenly became weird.

If you ask a foreigner, what is the most powerful institution in the country, most people will say that it is F13i, after all, many people have received F13i Warning.

But for the rice people, the most powerful institution is the State Taxation Bureau, and F13i is a brother with the National Taxation Bureau.

In Miki, the consequences of tax evasion taxation are very serious, and the National Taxation Bureau can freeze anyone's bank account, and you can send a person who has the right to tax evil taxation to the prison.

The final statistics by the National Taxation Bureau shall be prevailing, and it is definitely nothing. Since the HN shadow is dare to do, it must be to get the State Taxation Bureau. Is there any way Li Feng changed the national tax bureau?

"Well, I will do it according to what you said!" Mark Jonathan has decided.

From the beginning, the gambling will stand in an invincible place, win the money, and lose, it is to help Li Feng to do promote, worth a bet!

"Hey! Mark, is it you? And Stari? Hey, I am so lucky today, I have encountered two you here!"

Just when the two were determined, an exaggerated, light sound was rang from the distance.

Li Feng looked up, seeing a young white white man dressed up in a surrounded by a surrounded by it.

On the side, Scarlette whispered: "Wat, how can I encounter him!"

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