Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1205 Tu Little Rockets VS Table Blood Emperor

From Scarlett's tone, Li Feng heard a strong concern and alert, and Li Feng was very curious about his identity: "Who he is?"

"Jim Albert, HN shadow big shareholders Baren Albert's little son." Scarlet Efli sticked to Li Feng Ear and said.

"Do you seem to be afraid of him?" Li Feng brows and asked.

"Hey ... I can't talk about it, it is very difficult to wrap, it is best not to be entangled with him." Skye said deeply.

Looking at the two people said whispering, Mark Jonathan is very unhappy, this is what I just know, I don't know, I thought you were a couple!

"Hey, this yellow skin is who, is DSN to take a clown?" Jim Albert came to the card holder, and his body was close to Li Feng asked.

Mark Jonathan is dark, this is his first time Jim Albert, listening to the ear.

Therefore, the enemy's enemy is a friend. This is really extremely correct!

Li Feng looked at Jim Albert's eyes and smiled: "The people who are ugly to see who is a clown."

Jim Albert is something that I can't believe in my ears, and I dare to say that he is ugly person in LSJ? Who is this yellow skin kid?

"Do you know who I am?" Jim Albert was deeply sucking, and he asked.

"Do you know who I am?" Li Fengbei picks up, and asked.

Jim Albert: "..."

Lying ... He is really being asked by this kid!

"Who he?" Jim Albert turned to Mark Jonathan.

Mark Jonaton's mouth smile, silence.

As a red fried chicken as a DSN, I have had contradiction with Jim Albert, and he will not answer Jim Albert's question. Especially in Jim Albert's tone is like a situation of acceptance. under.

"Who?" Li Feng's eyelids lifted, and asked coldly.

"I am ..." Jim Albert is going to be his own identity. Suddenly, it will be a bit self-sufficient, and after the rushing, I have said a song: "Tell this kid, who I am ! "

There is a big gold chain, which is also a black man who is dressed up. "Hey, kid, you listen, he is HN film old ..."

"No need to introduce, I don't have any interest in him." Li Feng put his hand to turn it.

Black man: "..."

Jim Albert: "..."

No ... You are not interested to know who he is who, do you have a cat? !

Because Li Feng's sentence, Jim Albert only felt that a breath was blocked.

After half of the half, Jim Albert smiled and said: "I have never seen such a arrogant person!"

Li Feng shrugged: "You will see it today."

"Xie!" Jim Albert is anger, and now you have to teach Li Feng a meal.

Scarlett wonderful, even busy standing up: "Mr. Jim, he is Li Feng, from Huaxia, is my newly met friends, and it is also a partner of HN shadow."

As soon as I heard this, Jim Albert is interested: "It is a partner of HN shadow? It is great, talk about it, which company is you, look back, let Dad end with your company. Cooperative relationship, let you arrive with me! "

His father is the largest shareholder of HN shadow. Although there is no absolute control, it is necessary to convene an Shareholders' meeting on the major issues of company development, but it is still no problem with the cooperation with a Chinese company.

Because Jim Albert knows, Huaxia Company with HN shadow has a cooperative relationship, is a small company, one more than one a lot.

Li Fengbei picks, tastes: "Sheng Tang Entertainment, you can call your father now, then tell him, he is in the" square world "box office, I already know, I will pass tomorrow. Looking for him account. "


The younger brother behind Jim Albert can't help but take a breath.

Hou Leete! This Chinese child is too special, and dares to threaten the Boss of Albert boss at LSJ? Cattle is bad!

Jim Albert's anger and laughed: "Okay, I will call my dad, I see that you dare to find my dad tomorrow!"

Decumbent, Jim Albert took out the phone to call his father, and said that this is a vinegar.

In the phone, Baren Albert's reaction was not very intense, and the speech revealed contempt.

After putting down your mobile phone, Jim Albert said nearly biting his teeth: "My dad said, he will" wait for your big driving ", you must go!"

Li Feng shrugged: "Don't worry, I will go, after all, the HN shadow owes me a lot of money."

Jim Albert has a brunette, but he has not continued to be entangled with him, but he said to Skye: "Scarlette, I want you to dance, can you?"

Scarlette is picking up, I don't know how to get back.

"Jim, Scarleti has just promised to dance with me." Mark Jonathan bluntly in Scarlett and said.

Scarlett is a glimpse, then facing the color, she understands that Mark wants to give yourself, but she doesn't want to dance with Mark.

Of course, if you want to make a choice in Jim with Mark, she is more willing to choose Mark.

Jim Albert's eyebrows pick: "Mark, do you want to call me?"

"Jim, don't forget that you are my hand." Mark Jonathan's mouth evoked a smile.

"Man ..." Jim Albert first, then angered: "Do you dare to compare with me again?"

"Is there anything wrong? Even if it is more than 10 times, 100 times, you are still my hand! My table, the outer rocket is not white." Mark Jonathan self-confident.

"Sorry, I have the title of the tips of the emperor." Jim Albert shrugged.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... , , what is this two people say, shouldn't it ...?

"In this case, let's take a higher on the table." Mark Jonathan ignited the bears war and said.

"Okay, I have this means! But ..." Jim Albert's words turned, pointing to Scarlette: "Who wins, who can win the opportunity to dance with Scarlett, dare not?" "

Mark Jonathan has a whole collar, which is proud: "Of course, because the person lost, it is not me!"

"Okay, one words are customary!" The voice falls, Jim Albert turned to the stairs.

Mark Jonathan snorted and looked up.

Scarleti is a face!

Not ... what is the situation, just dance with me? Have you asked this lady? !

These two people are too big menist!

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