Save the Goddess System

Who is more than anyone else?


Scarlette excused, just pulled Li Feng away.

This must be certainly dangerous, in case these people don't care about her identity, even her play together, is he not suffered?

However, Shergia did not want to think about these things, she didn't want to watch Li Feng by the group.


Mark Jonathan was shocked, and now I will go to Save Carry.

Jim Albert has a slight change. In hesitant, don't let the beautiful girl hide, in case, I will hurt a delicate drip, that is not good.

At the time of all the people, Li Feng's feet were moved, avoiding Scarlett pulling, and put Scarlets behind him.

Then Li Feng lifts the foot.


A sudden sound, a strong man who just rushed to Li Feng was kicked out by him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Li Feng strange, fists like a rain, all people who rushed to him were just a photo, they were flying out by him.

From the distance, it is like those people who deliberately go to Li Feng's fists. If they run, they will fall back, and the scene is extremely wonderful.

In less than two minutes, Jim Albert's followers were lying on the ground and screamed.

"Check ... Charlini Kung Fu ?!"

"This is the legendary Charney Kung Fu? My God, I am magical!"

"He is damn, how is he is so strong?" Mark Jonathan was also shocked by Li Feng, and it was stunned.

Jim Albert is even more eye-catching, but soon he taps, quietly moving towards the firearm.

"My God ..." Scarlett took his mouth, and the eyes were light: "Mr. Li is so powerful!"

People are worshiped, if they are just better than you, you may still be embarrassed, if that person is more excellent than you, you will have worship psychology.

At this moment, Scarlett is a little worshiped, the luck is magical, the gun method is magical, and the skills of the skills, such a man is simply the male protagonist in the martial art.

"Is this?" Li Feng looked at Jim who was lying on the ground, ridicuing: "A group of earth chicken tiles, I also want to me? Nerve disease!"

Trying, Li Feng looks to Jim Albert, and I smiled: "Mr. Jim, I have given you a chance, but you don't have a good cherish, you said, how should I pick you up?"

"You ... what do you want to do, I warn you, I am the king of LSJ, you don't come, otherwise it will be very serious!"

At the same time, Jim Albert pretended to be afraid to go back and step down. In this way, he only had a step away from the firearm.

Li Fengbei picks: "You are still very hard?"

Jim Albert stopped, anger: "The damn Huaxia scorpion, you dare me? I really thought that I would have to do it for what I want? Dream!"

The voice falls, he burst into one step back to pick up a pistol, aiming at Li Feng, kicking the insurance.

The whole move is a good, almost no time to react to everyone!

"Ah! Don't!" Scarlett quickly stood up and reached out to discourage: "Mr. Jim! Please calm! Ten thousand people want to calm!"

Li Feng's mouth, Sprie God, Si Jahi, has already shouted many times in this evening, "Don't"?

"You don't want to, do you think you are, why do I give you face?" Jim Albert made a clear.

Although Scarlett is an international superstar, it is a play in his eyes, there is no status.

Besides, Scarlett is still a headed company, he is even more impossible to give Scarlett.

"Miss Star, give it to me."

Li Feng took a shot of the shoulders of the West, and once again blocked it in front of her.

"Give you? What can you do now?" Jim Albert didn't smile: "If you have a good work, can you pass the pistol?"

"Mr. Li, I see you or first to accept it, and save your life." Scarlett said in the ear of Li Feng.

The bullet is not long, even if the response speed of the person is fast, I can't open the bullet. This thing is a hole in the body, Jim Albert's gun method is so accurate, in case his heart, a shot It is also very possible.

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Remember the Schrödinger's cat I said?"

Jim Albert: "???"

Mark Jonathan: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... , , is it frightened?

"Remember, what do you mean ...?" There is a bold idea in the heart.

"Let me believe that after he shooting, not only I can't get me, will you hurt himself?" Li Fengshi Bi Li blinked and laughed.

Scarlette: "... Will n't it?"

Do you want to hurt yourself unless the muzzle is reversed?

Jim Albert was laughed: "You are crazy, or said, do you think you can scare me? Don't make trouble, hurry to give money, or I am a shot of you!"

"It is impossible to give money. You have to bother, you will shoot, you see I am afraid not afraid of you." Li Feng adjusted down the posture and smiled.

"Hair! This is your forced me!" Jim Albertben is a unableful master. It is used to LSJ, never eat so much in a person.

Li Feng's arrogant attitude is also completely angered him, let him have a bloodstream straight, and the trigger is deducted!


A sudden sound!

"Do not!"

Scarleti is scared that it has been painful, as if I have seen Li Feng's picture in the bloody.

Mark Jonathan's face revealed a piece of bloodthirsty, dog biting a dog, this is called a dog biting a dog, from now on, let him disgust the Chinese kids to disappear forever!

However, the bloodthirsty color of Mark Jonathan's face suddenly solidified, and it is extremely shocking: "Fried ...?"

Scarlett also returned to God, shouting: "Drake!"

I saw Jim Albert's pistol gun, and his right hand was blurred!

So ... some people rushed to Li Feng shot, the gun will blow up? That is, Li Feng's cat said by Li Feng?

God, it is a magical!


Jim Albert felt the pain in his hand. After a pistol, he held his right hand scream.

At the time of everyone, Li Feng two arrows came to the firearm stage, took a pistol and took directly on the Sun of Jim Albert: "Do you think I will shoot?"

"You don't dare! If you dare to shoot, you can't get out of lsj!" Jim Albert is also a person, it is still uncomfortable in this case.


Almost on his voice, shooting!


Jim Albert only felt that there was a hot pain after the brain, took hands, one's blood, and one shake!

Everyone turned to see, only found that Jim Albert's brain spoon was drawn by bullets, blood DC!

What kind of self-confidence dares to use this way to warn a person, Li Feng is not afraid of a little bit of deviation, put Jim Albert to the head?

At this moment, Jim Albert's psychological defense collapsed completely!

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