"This shot is just a warning, if you still have this, I am hard, I ..."

Did Li Feng said to the threat, Jim Albert opened to give up: "I give money! I give money! Please don't shoot, don't shoot!"

Haol, this Chinese people are a madman, a complete madman!

He now does not suspect that Li Feng has a shot of his determination. He is still young, he has not played enough, he has a lot of time a lot of money used to squander, he still doesn't want to die!

Li Feng's mouth: "I think you have a hard, you have a hard, you have never thought ... Hey, you are too disappointed, do you want to turn again?"

Jim Albert: "???"

Not ... The kinemares come once, I know that you have to fight with an ear, I will come back? Then I don't have a cat?

"If you don't have to come back, don't give me a face? Let me not believe me to kill you?" Li Feng was not happy, and he took the gun to bid to Jim Albert's temple, and it was possible to shoot.

Jim Albert has been crying, this Huaxia is a madman, and the crazy madman!

"Mr. Li, don't!" Scarleti quickly rushed over and held the right hand of Li Feng took the gun.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "Miss Star, do you especially like to say, 'Don't you'?"

"Ah?" Scarlett is a bit of a little, how can the topic turn to her like "Don't", your thinking can't be soone?

"Opening a joke." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Since you give him a feeling, then I will give you a face, Jim, I don't hurry to thank Mrs. Sheri?"

"Miss Jisher, thank you very much!" Jim Albert expressed his gratitude to Scarlett, or she didn't know how this Huaxia madman would make crazy things.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Mr. Jim, given me very dissatisfied, so our gambling will change ... Give me 200 million US dollars, there is two words between us, don't give it ... Ha ha "

"200 million US dollars? You are mad ..." Jim Albert just had to break, then reacted his situation, he said: "Mr. Li, I didn't have so much money."

Don't say $ 200 million, it is 100 million US dollars. He also didn't. His father is not only one son. He also doesn't have his own career. It is to play every day, take a piece of money from Dad every week.

"No money? Then you will die." Li Feng smiled and wanted to deduct the trigger.

"Don't, Don't, Mr. Li, good discuss!" Jim Albert quickly asked for Rao: "100 million, 100 million I have."

"No, it is 200 million, lower than this number," Under normal circumstances, Li Feng is a very truly person, or Jim Albert does not face, he will not temporarily increase.

Jim Albert is so arrogant, and it is not to accomplish the account and threaten him. Do he want to retaliate back, or Li Feng?

Can't you!

Jim Albert has a face: "200 million is really too ..."


In the gun ring, the bullet wiped Jim Albert's ears.


Jim Albert only felt that the ear was painful, and the screams took the hand and found the ear, it was still, it was wiped the skin, and the heart was put down, while afraid, " 200 million, I am willing to give you 200 million, but there is so much money on my card, I have to contact my home! "

"It doesn't matter if you have no money, you can hit the owed, I will go to your home tomorrow." Li Feng also agreed to it.

Just now, he used his heart to Jim Albert, knew that he didn't lie, ran and still ran a temple. Tomorrow he would even take a piece from Jim Dad.

Jim Albert didn't expect Li Feng to talk so much, and some happened.

"Do you write not writing?" Li Feng asked impatiently.

"Write, I will write it." Jim Albert quickly made people a paper pen, and wrote a 200 million owned strip according to the standard owed format.

Li Feng took a look, nodded: "It's still honest, no hand, you can take you, you can roll with you."

Jim Albert is like a Daddy, and even the tape climbed with a shot room.

"You let him go with him?" Mark Jonathan is a bit of a little dare to believe this.

"Otherwise?" Li Feng looked at him and smiled and asked.

Mark Jonathan is almost a naked eye, so he is quite uncomfortable to Mark Jonathan, but there is no chance to make him out.

It seems that Mark Jonathan wants to create opportunities to create itself?

"You may not know about the Albert family, they like to ignore the rules, even if they do business with the local people, let alone you from Huaxia, there is no foundation."

"So you may not come back this money ..."

Mark Jonathan two hands, a slight tone.

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you want to fight?"

Mark Jonathan: "..."

No ... How did this person love to bet? He now listens to the words, these two words are huge!

"I dare not even think." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "In short, I will be back, no matter who the other person is."

"In addition, I will remind you, don't try to irritate me, because you can't afford my consequences!"

Li Feng's words let Mark Jonathan feel murderous, and his pupil is never shrunk.

He is his follower who wants to take the opportunity, after looked at the pistol holding the eye, they immediately canceled this thought.

Xiete, this is a man who is comparable to Li Xiaolong in the movie, and there is still guid on his hand. They are still low-key ...

"Miss Star, can we go to dance now?"

Li Feng received the owed, put down his pistol and said.

"Ah, oh, ok, ok, Of course you can."

Scarlett remembered that he promised Li Feng dancing, and after a pretty face, he reached out.

Li Feng first glanced, this suddenly realized that the small hand of Scarlett, then two people walked out of the shot in the complex eyes of everyone.

When the two people hand in hand into the first floor of the dance pool, they have attracted many customers. Some people also take out the phone to take pictures.

Scarlette smashed, here, there are too many people, and she is not just right.

Li Feng's heart moves, launched the system intervention, for a time, surrounded by "Xiete", "How did I be bad", "My mobile phone is bad".

Si Jiali faces, Intuitive tells her that this can be related to Li Feng, but this is not scientific.

On the occasion of Scarlet, Li Feng has pulled her into the dance pool.

In the bar, I can't jump, the dance is squeezed, I don't want to jump, I have a lot of music at this time, so the two naturally jumped with the people around the iron.

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