Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1215 is bursting

Prior to this, Li Feng did not think that he would dance with Scarlett, and it is so close.

From Li Feng's perspective, it can appreciate the beauty of Scarlett and charming, the two dances, and some strange atmosphere began to brew.

Scarlett's body is well recognized, plus she wears a black tight dress today, stepping on a pair of 10 cm high black high heels, and dancing.

Taking Li Feng's stress, I can't help but breathe.

When the end of the song, the two stopped the action, Li Feng said that he said: "Thank you for dancing with me."

Scarlett fails to breathe, laugh: "It should be that I thank you, you helped me solve the big trouble today."

The two speaking opposite the dance pool, no one has to leave.

Just then, the music then puts up, Scarlett is a head: "Jump again?"

"My honor, lady." Li Feng hurting the Sheri's little hand came to a kiss, and then danced with her again.

"The damn Huaxia scorpion, I will never let you succeed, will not!"

Next to the bar, Mark Jonathan is watching the desire to crack, jealous, almost put the wine glass!


Originally, I only jumped a dance, jumping with Li Feng and Scarlett jumped out, so the two jumped another, and thoroughly jumped.

Scarlet's dance skills are very good, Li Feng's dance skills are more, mechanical dances, jazz, break dance, hip-hop, latin dance, even national dance, almost all dance moves, he can believe in hand, and it is close to the dance music Rhythm.

At the end, the customers who danced around will stop the action, enclose a circle to see two performances.

Under this atmosphere, the two more jumped, until Sather jumped, Li Feng was still a song, and the two people in the tide-like applause were returned to the card.

"I haven't been so happy for a long time, it is really happy, ~"

After returning to the card, Sheri looked very excited, and the real emotion of the heart of the heart, and finally shouted a scorpion, provoked everyone around him.

After a star, Si Jiali has a bright surface, but behind the huge pressure on the common people.

The pressure of interpersonal communication in the industry, is the pressure on the self-breaking through the huge gambling debt under her father.

Like this evening, forget all troubles, go to dance, it is the first time she became a star.

She is not the first time to dance, only with Li Feng, can have such a feeling, maybe it is with Li Feng to let her feel ... security?

Li Feng, smile: "Can you feel happy is my honor, respected lady."

Joinen, just next to the bar station, Mark Jonathan, only felt a mouthful of dog food!

The next time, the two talked for a long time, Mark Jonathan became a furnishings and unspeakable.

When I went to the bar, Scarlett remembered that Li Feng still lived, and took the initiative to invite him to rest.

Mark Jonaton officed with Emily: "No!"

Scarlette looked at the two, frown: "Why can't you, Mr. Li is far away, so late to let him find a hotel? You should know how dangerous in lsj's night."

In China, two or three o'clock in the night, a woman also dared to walk in the street.

In the country, don't say a woman, even if the two big masters, I don't dare to walk on the street, the small mixed, tramp, and teach you people in the street.

It is still walking, and the unlucky little life will be lost, this is the public security of the rice, nothing.

"We are of course clear, but you are Scarlett, international superstar, if you let him go to your home overnight, will have a covered gossip in the network."

"Scarlett, he is Chinese people, once you have two gossip, have you considered a consequence?"

Amiti language is reluctant to persuade.

In China, the star artist exploded the gossip against popularity, it was a small meat of the top traffic, and the gossip was exposed, and the popularity fell sharply, it would be better than before.

So Huaxia's artists will hide their love.

But the country is not the same, star artists talk to fall in love, and the popularity is not affected.

Even if you don't stop the object, as long as you don't have a bad thing, the problem is not big.

But the premise is that the other party can't be a Chinese, of course, this is the female star, the male star doesn't matter.

I used to be a white and female net red, just because my boyfriend's Asian identity, she suffered some fans, and her popularity fell.

In rice, there is no ethnic seven view just zz correct. In fact, the race 7 is everywhere in rice, and the public can not say that private is in private, just huh.

If you use the food chain, you are in the top, black, latino in the middle, as well in the middle.

If you pass the Gali and Li Feng's gossip, Scarlett's fan will be crazy, she has always created the goddess will collapse!

Scarlette Wrinkle Wrinkle: "I am just a friend relationship with Li."

Mark Jonaton's heart is happy, does not move the sound: "Yes, you know that you know that you are nothing with him, but the dog is not thinking like this, they like to have no things."

"Yeah, there is nothing to make rumors. If you let the dog take Li Feng to go to your home to go through the night, you can immerse!" After the end, Emily turned to look at Li Feng and warned it.

The appearance of this man has a feeling of Shergi to be separated from the control. She can't be re-contacted by Li Feng again.

Also, this thing must be reported to the president, be sure to kill the seedlings in the cradle!

Li Feng shrugged: "You don't say, I will live in the hotel."

Mark is quite reasonable with Emili, and he does not want to bring trouble to Sherli.

Besides, today, the time he is with Sheri is enough for a long time. The so-called still, temporary separation is more likely to make each other's relationships,

What is the fate of him and the fate of Scarlets will not be interrupted, I believe how long they can't use them again.

"Mr. Li ..." Scarlett is some can't bear it, and now you have to stay.

Li Feng put his hand: "I usually have trouble in the place, so I still don't go to your home. If I have time, I will come out again."

On the first day of LSJ, he got two enemies. He didn't know that Jim and Marcus would not borrow things in the evening, or they were first separated by Scarlett.

After saying that Li Fengshi Miss Carli waved, turned to go out.

Looking at Li Fengyuan's back, Scarlett's expression continues to change, and finally make a sigh.

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