Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1216, you explain to me

Early the next morning, a Rolls-Royce phadate stopped in the door of a mansion in a mansion in Beverly, and Li Feng came from the back.

This Rolls-Royce Phase is a special car for Li Feng, and Li Feng doesn't have to pay more, because he stays for two thousand knives.

"I am waiting for me."

After Li Feng, after the driver, Li Feng came to the door to rang the doorbell.

Soon, the iron gate slowly opened, a black suit man walked out from the inside, after reading Li Feng, "" Do you have Mr. Li Feng from Huaxia? "

Li Fengbei picks: "Is it, Mr. Barron Albert is at home?"

"In the case, Mr. Barron has been waiting for you for a long time, please come with me." The voice is falling, the black west man turned into the way.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly said: "Waiting for me for a long time? Is it ready to be prepared, or said ... Is there a strong means waiting for me?"

Then Li Feng shook his head smile and looked up.

What is the preparation of Baren Eiburt? What is the difference between Li Feng? Fist is hard to do!

Baren Albert's mansion is very large, the building area is more than one thousand square meters, and the world's first high-end residential area is also recognized. Its value is self-evident.

After three or four minutes, Li Feng walked through the former court, came to the door of the living room, and the black man came from the doorbell, and a steady voice came: "Mr. Li is here?"

" "

The unlocked sound sounded.

"Yes!" Blackman loudly, pushed the living room, turned to Li Feng: "Mr. Li, Mr. Barron is inside, please come."

Li Feng nodded, walked into the living room, seeing two people sitting on the sofa at a glance, a young man in a middle age.

Youth is Jim Albert, who just wrote the owe of the owner yesterday, he was on a glass of orange juice, and smiled and laughed. Looking at Li Feng.

Middle-aged man must be Branglen Albert, he took a cigar, looked at Li Feng, and there was some taste.

After two people, I still stand a row of black clothes, and they drums in their waist, and they must bring their guids.

"Baren Albert?" Li Feng looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Li, welcome, please take it." Barund Albert nodded, pointing to the sofa opposite, laughing.

Li Feng's mouth hook, walk down before the sofa, and tapped a smoke after taking the Erlang legs: "Can I pick it?"

Barron Albert opened his mouth, Li Feng has already squatted.

Barron Albert: "???"

Jim Albert: "???"

Black man: "???"

No ... I haven't got to smoke it yet, is it so unconscious? Then you just ask the chicken hair?

"Mr. Barron, I think you are smashing a cigar, a person is smoking, two people are smoking, so do you don't mind, right?" Li Feng spit out a smoke ring and laughed.

Barron Albert's mouth took a slogan to nod: "I listen to Jim said that Mr. Li is unwrap, I didn't believe it at first, now I saw it ... I believe."

"Li Feng, you still dare to be so arrogant, I really want to be invincible for yourself," Jim Abert took the table, and the anger said.

"Jim, Mr. Li is coming, don't be so arrogant." Barron Albert took the shoulders of Gim Albert, and looked to Li Feng. "I listened to Jim said, I played a game last night. game?"

Li Feng bombed the smoke, laughed: "It seems that Mr. Barron knows, then I don't talk nonsense, your son owes me $ 200 million, take advantage of time is not more than 24 hours, no interest, you as soon as possible Help him put money on, otherwise, it is not so good. "

"Lee-rolling?" Jim Albert first, then poor anger: "Do you still want interest?"

Li Feng lifted his eyes: "If you have interest by bank money, why not have interest?"

"I didn't write on the owner!" Jim Albert was angry.

"Yes?" Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that there must be, you say that there must be, you say that there is no mistake. "

In the case of a few words, Li Feng has many ways to do.

Jim Albert is still saying anymore, Barron Albert quickly pressed him, smiled: "Mr. Li, I know that you just open a little joke with Jim, right?"

Li Feng smiled: "What little joke, who is joking? That is a $ 200 million! If others owe yourself, will you think you are kidding?"

Barron Albert is hysteresis, then reminded: "Mr. Li, we are business partners, you don't want our follow-up cooperation, right?"

"Oh, you have to say that we are a business partner, I almost forgot." Li Feng threw the cigarette butt, smiled: "Come, you give me an explanation," the square world "is in the box office of the rice country. thing."

The cigarette head fell to the ground and quickly burned a hole in the carpet, rising the smoke of the nose.

Barron Albert is slightly changed, and it is quickly playing a gesture. After one hand, I took a pot of water on the cigarette.

"", open fire extinguish.

Everyone just slammed the tone, Li Feng said: "This fire is not completely extinguished."

The voice falls, he leaned over, blowing his tone.


The fire of the fire has been thrown suddenly!

Li Feng strange: "Oh, I said that you have not yet destroyed, you see, I will blow again."

Barron Albert: "???"

Jim Albert: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... Can the fire that is extinguishing can be blown? What is your special spray?

After the one in the hand, the hand is going to take the fire, so soon, we will raise the bucket. The fire extinguisher is coming back, and the seashabage will be extinguished.

Just when they stood in the same place, Li Feng was blown up again.


This helper is like crazy, and it is busy discouraged.

In the trough, I am scary enough, you have to come again, is it to burn the entire house? No, do you do this!

Li Feng looked at them and smiled and didn't blow it again.

Barron Albert was in the emotions, spit out a touch of breath: "Mr. Li, I don't quite understand what you mean," the squares "box office is there?"

"Do you have any questions?" Li Feng smiled: "Our signed gambling protocol is half-divided into half."

"The pre-box office is so fierce, suddenly the box office statistics system is down, the total box office" of the "squares" is $ 199 million, is your HN shadow not to treat our people in a stupid? "

Barron Albert shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Li, this is the normal performance of" squares ", please don't worry about it."

Li Feng smiled and said: "You have explained me to explain, what is normal performance, what special is a special manifestation!"

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