Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1218, don't be too greedy

"Mr. Li, let's meet again."

Marcus Sapir first is elegant to organize the leader, which is rushing to Li Feng, and looks like an old friend.

Li Feng sighed: "Mr. Marcus, I didn't expect you to be here."

"It is my pleasure to make you feel surprised." Marcus Sapir smiled, then turned to the middle-aged man next to him: "Mr. Kevin, he is Li Feng."

Kevin Robert is proud to nod and lifts the foot to go downstairs.

When two people walked down the stairs, Li Feng smiled: "You have such a chest, is it because I invited Mr. Kevin Robert?"

Kevin Robert eyebrows pick: "Do you know who I am?"

Li Feng is busy and denied: "No, I don't know who you are, but intuition tell me, you are a very very very very very very powerful figure."

Kevin Robert immediately agreed, proudly swept the eyes of Albert, and Marcus.

I didn't see it. When he appeared, he gave him the people in the town, and took him a horse fart. What is this? This is called the own gas field!

"Mr. Kevin, he just said that you are unknown."

Barron Albert reminded.

Kevin Robert's face is stiff, pressed against the anger: "Do you really say this?"

"Yeah, this is my original words." Li Feng did not deny it.

"Looking for death!" Kevin Robert is anger, he is long and horizontal, never being smashed like this, when he is going to do it away.

"Mr. Kevin, please wait!" Marcus Sapier quickly pulled him, attached to his ear, said: "My money has not returned."

Made, that is 1.1 billion dollars, Li Feng wants to die, who is looking for money?

Kevin Robert nodded, spit out a turbidity: "Li Feng, you are framing Mr. Marcus is 1.1 billion dollars, and give money to Mr. Marcus, I can spare you."

While talking, a breath that belongs to S + level broke out in him.

The moment of breath, Marcus Sapir is going out of a invisible force, and Albert, who is sitting on the sofa in the distance, has also been shocked, and even people have a sofa to move 10 The distance between the credit.

As for the black bodyguards that don't fight on the waist, they also retreated, stabilizing the stabilizing the back color to resist the impact.

Li Feng face change again: "This ... this breath ..."

It's a weak!

In fact, he saw that Kevin Robert was a S +-level powerful, but Kevin Robert did not reveal the breath, Li Feng did not dare 100%, after all, someone can hide their own breath.

For example, he can't see him from him before he revealed his own breath.

Therefore, Li Feng felt that the people in Marcus Sapier should not be so weak. After all, I have seen him who shot, and should I ask a strong SS level to help out?

As a result, Kevin Robert is really a S +-level power!

Ask this kind of weak chicken to deal with him, is Marcus Sapir? Is it funny?

Of course, even if Kevin Robert is the SS level or even SSS levels have no difference in Li Feng, Li Feng is a little bit uncomfortable.

However, Li Feng's response fell in the eyes of Kevin Robert, and became the performance of him.

"I can't see it in your realm." Kevin Robert smiled scornful, proudly: "Listen, I am S +-level power! You should know what the meaning of S + level represents "

Albert's father and son are at the same time as Marcus Sapir, and there are still some proud.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... This is still self-blown, and the expression of the emotions makes you misunderstood.

It's also idle, since you misunderstood, Xiaoye will play with you.

"It turned out to be S +-level powerful, disrespectful." Li Feng hugged, admired: "So Mr. Kevin, what do you think I should?"

Kevin Robert is a smile: "Hey, although I can't see your realm, it is because your Chinese people's cultivation skills are very strange, can't see it is normal."

"And I introduced Mr. Marcus, you can clearly determine your realm."

"Yes, what is my realm of my realm?" Li Feng is very curious.

"A level." Kevin Robert said.

Li Feng's pupil, after half a deep sucking, thumbs up: "Mr. Kevin is like a huge torch!"

"Well, this time is late. It's late, and the money will give Mr. Marcus, I will let you have a way." Kevin Robert said large.

At this time, Marcus Sapir said: "No, Mr. Kevin, the money to go back to me is just the most basic, I also need him to compensate my spiritual loss."

Kevin Robert first, then laughed: "Haha, why didn't I think of it, right, want him to compensate your spiritual loss fee, how many mental losses do you want?"

Marcus Sapier touched the chin as a meeting: "No need, $ 1.1 billion can, do not be too greedy."

Li Feng is almost laughing, you have to lose $ 11 billion in the spiritual loss fee, but also said that people don't be too greedy? You must give you a good greed!

"And I still have me." Jim Albert also jumped out, said: "Yesterday, Li Feng lost $ 600 million, plus all the shares of Shengtang Entertainment, please call Mr. Kevin to help me come back."

Barron Albert touched the chin, I only knew that I didn't know the money around, and now I know to compensate, and the scorpion can teach.

Li Feng blinked, and the face was weird: "Do you want to click else?"

"Well ... A380 private airplane transfer to me, just I want to buy a private plane." Marcus Sapier thought about it.

"Hey, is he also a 380 private plane?" Jim Albert just knew this, then regretted: "I know that I will mention it first."

"Haha, it's okay, you can have something equivalent, anyway, Mr. Li is very rich." Marcus Sapir said with a smile.

Jim Albert nodded and began to consider that the bottom and Li Feng points to cancel the A380's meat pain.

At this moment, Barron Albert said: "It is necessary to form the formula of Tong Yan."

At this point, Marcus Sapier has a dramatic change: "Damn, how can I not think of it! Barron, I will give you A380, Tong Yan water formula for me."

Barron Albert brow micro-wrinkle: "Marcus is the child's water formula."

"I know, but Mr. Kevin is me, no Mr. Kevin, you can't get anything!" Mucus Sapier said almost.

Tong Yan water formula, that is, a chicken that can be diamonded! In any case, he must take the child's color formula!

Li Feng: "???"

No ... what is the meaning of this, for the sake of the things?

This is a special one to buy a lottery ticket with the couple. In order to assign these 5 million players?

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