Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1219 Eating melon

"Marcus, calm, we are all calm."

Baren Albert also knows that it is a bit infatuated, after all, the main planner of this bureau is Marcus Sapier, and Kevin Robert is a friend of Marcus Sapir.

"Good Barron, we are old friends, will not be turned over for a little smaller."

Marcus Sapier laughed and said.

Tong Yan water formula is not a minimalley, but takes an inexhaustible gold mine!

Such interests are placed in front of it, don't say how old friends, even if the brothers will be reversed!

But he also mastered the leading power, so he can now speak flat with Barron Albert.

"Yes, we are friends." Baren Albert smiled, and the typion took a turn: "Frank, if there is no words, you must not know that Li Feng is still the boss of Osville, right?"

Because of the relationship with Sheng Tang entertainment cooperation, Barron Albert did some investigations to Li Feng. Of course, what he investigated is very shallow, including Li Feng's information on Osweil's boss.

Originally, he did not think about Tong Yan, waiting until Marcus Sapir said that after Li Feng's A380, he was only flashing, and he thought of Tong Yanshui formula.

Marcus Sapier has a slight change, and then smiled: "Barron, are you looking down on me? Of course, I still know that he is still Osweil's boss."

Barron Albert's mouth, I think you know that you know a fart, if you know what you know, can you notify the children's painting?

But at this time, I can't tear my face with Marcus Sapir. Barron Albert can only smile: "Okay, my fault, I shouldn't say this."

"But ... Everything is always coming first, since the Tong Yanfu formula is what I mentioned first, then I want half, but I am separated?"

"Half?" Marcus Sapier stunned, and the face was geek: "Is half the childhood water formula can be used?"

This special goods are not ordinary goods, half of the value of half, this is a formula, just like the paper, you divide half of the wool?

"No, Mukus, you didn't understand what I meant, I meant ... Let's share the Tong Yan Formula, and then pay for the factory, the income is half points." Barun Albert laughed A little way.

Marcus Sapir is a sinking, and he said: "Seven three, I seven you."

This is not a small business, this is a rich enemy's business, five or five points have a big difference.

Barron Albert's finish change: "Marcus, we are old friends, you will hurt our feelings."

"Barron, the brothers, this matter, this is more, and it should be more accounted for some benefits." Marcus Sapier said with laughing.

"Mr. Marcus, you are forgotten, people who have lost more are me, no, if you don't think about Li Feng, I think I need to participate."

Kevin Robert smiled slightly, and the old god said.

Marcus Sapier: "..."

Baren Albert: "..."

Haol, how to forget Kevin, Kevin is the main force of Li Feng, Ma!

"Mr. Kevin, I have already given you a remuneration ..." Marcus Sapier is a little bit, some is difficult.

In order to invite Kevin Robert, he promised a high price of 100 million US dollars. Before he came, he has paid to Kevin Robert 50 million in advance.

Kevin Robert shook his head and smiled: "What is your remuneration you give to me? If you don't have me, if you don't have anything, don't you get anything, isn't it?"

"I am not greedy, you will pay two buildings together, I will provide security services, I will have 4 achievements."

"As for the 1.1 billion US dollars you want to return, and A380 private aircraft ... I can have a partial text."

In this way, Marcus Sapier has changed its color with Baren Albert!

4 achievements? "Just", the word is used to pass God? Do you know how much interest is younger, you can still have 4 achievements.

Greedy, no snake swallowed!

"It's too greedy, too gentle, I have never seen such a shameless person, you don't want to promise him!"

Just then, a voice was loud next to everyone.

Marcus will nod to attach it to Barley. Then, the person who reacted and talking is Li Feng, and immediately looks down to Li Feng.

Li Feng spit out a smoke ring and said: "How much value is you knowing about the Tong Yan water formula? There are nearly 30 million US dollars."

"How many women in the world want to buy children's pain? Can you buy less than 100,000 people? One person is 30 million US dollars, 100,000 people are 3 trillion dollars!"

"So 4, what is the concept you are all clear? If you don't know, I will help you calculate it, it is 1.2 trillion dollars! It is enough to buy a listed company in the world!"

The statistical threshold of the Fubes World Regal is $ 1 billion, and the number of people in the list last year is 2,200.

If the threshold is reduced to $ 100 million, this number expands 10 times no problem? If the threshold is reduced to $ 50 million, this number will continue to expand several times.

Therefore, Li Feng said that the person who bought a baby-like water is at least 100,000 is no problem.

Perhaps the number of female rich is less, but the male rich is no wife, my girlfriend? The other half asked him to want Tong Yan, can he not buy?

what? Not willing to buy? Don't buy it, it is not true!

This theory did not persuade? It doesn't matter, the merchant can give this set of advertising literacy, no brain promotion.

Just like "diamond constant long, a never-circulation", giving Tong Yan water plus a representative of love symbolic meaning.

At that time, ordinary people bought a diamond to the girlfriend, richest, rich to buy a diamond ring to her girlfriend, do not buy it!

I heard Li Feng's description of Tong Yan's prospects, and everyone in the field became a hurry.

The people who are dead are dead, and those who can resist the temptation of money, and there is no one in the scene.

"50%, I want to get 50%!" Kevin Robert double-eyed red, suddenly shouting.

"Mr. Kevin, you have a bit too much!" Marcus Sapir was anger, and the four points were very too much. I still want 50%?

"Mr. Kevin, don't forget that I am with Marcus!" Barun Albert is a little angry.

Kevin Albert is the martial arts that is not fake, but he is not covered with Marcus, I really want to urge them, they can find a person who is stronger than Kevin Robert!

"Hey, you hurry to play with him, S +-level powerful, nor can't fight, unite and defeat him!"

Li Feng took out a piece of watermelon and he said, and the melon spitted.

Marcus three: "???"

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