Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1220 is unbearable

No ... this watermelon is from which you are coming out, don't tell me that you have brought a piece of watermelon, the key has not seen him with watermelon!

Marcus three people look at it!

"Old ... boss, I saw he pulled out from the jacket pocket."

A black bodyguard said.

Mukus three people have a question mark, and the upper pocket takes out watermelon? Are you teasing me? Who will put the chopped watermelon in the top of the top!

"It's a real boss, I also saw it."

"I also saw the boss!"

As more and more bodyguards come out, the expression on the three people in Marcus is getting more exciting. They really can't understand the watermelon into the top of the top.

"Boss, I think this person is a magic, just blowing the fire, now picking watermelon from the jacket pocket, too much like magic."

"The technique is too advanced, I can't see it completely."

"It's a master like this, how can I get a million dollars?"

"Tens of thousands of dollars? You are too small to watch the magician, I think there is a starting 100,000 US dollars!"

Baren Albert's mouth, anger, anger: "Don't shut it!"

This is a pit in the breast, and the chatter is still awkward, and it is still going to the scene, and the topic is cheated to the country of Java!

The boss happened, and these bodyguards closed their mouths, and they were like a cold.

"Hey, want to see our inquire? Don't dream!" Marcus Sapir snorted, turned to Kevin Robert: "Mr. Kevin, allocated things, let's talk about it, now the top Heavy, let Li Feng put things out. "

Barron Albert nodded: "Yes, only the things will be safe, and it is only empty talk before this."

Kevin Robert shook his head smile, said: "I don't think so, since I came here, his things are already mine, no, I have no ability to suicide, I have one hundred The method makes him born to death until it takes out what I want. "

Marcus follows Valendi to the eye, the face is very dignified.

Now I am unwise to talk to Kevin Robert, let me not say that there is no help of Kevin Robert, can they get Li Feng, saying that it is not surprised by the consequences of irritating Kevin Robert.

No one can guarantee that a S +-level power can not lose reason without anger!

After the exchange of eyes, Marcus said: "Well, since Kevin wants to have 50% of the income, then according to this distribution plan, I have no opinion, as for the remaining 50% of the distribution ... Barron, we are two Private negotiation, how? "

Barronted nod: "Yes."

Jim Albert is anxious: "Hey ..."

"You give me a mouth, quietly look at it!" Barron exported, while crazy gave him the eyes.

Jim Albert's mouth is slightly talented, and finally, I didn't talk anymore.

Kevin Robert is bright, laughs: "Guide, Duirode, time will prove how it is implied in today's choice."

Just now, he has been ready. If Marcus is unknown with Jim, he will kill them all, and the dead will not grab him.

Although there will be certain risks, but it is insignificant compared to the benefits that are about to get, it is worthy of him.

"Huaxia kid, hand over what we want, and then roll back to Huaxia."

Kevin Robert looked at Li Feng and he said full.

Li Feng put down watermelon skin, sighed: "Marcus, Barron, you will no longer consider the gang to defeat Kevin? As long as you defeat Kevin, Tong Yan water formula is all you, no need to give Others 50%. "

He also wants to watch the dog's big drama, I didn't expect Marcus to use Barron, but even sue to serve Kevin Robert Yinwei.

No, he can't eat it, you must make them once again.

"Hey, Li Feng, don't think about it, our friendship is not your Chinese people can understand." Musus scratiful, directly refused.

"When I arrived at this time, I wanted to provoke us, Li Feng, you are too arrogant!" Barun Albert also spoiled.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, took out a piece of square and wiped his mouth: "You just find excuses for your weakness, know how to understand."

Marcus just felt that a bad breath was blocked.

I don't know why, I know how to understand this sentence, I have the kind of killing, directly hit the spirit!

"Well, since you are so don't live, then I will help you."

Li Feng threw the square towel and looked at Kevin Robert: "Give you a chance, self-scrap, then roll out the lsj, I can spare you."

Kevin Robert somewhat can't believe his ears: "What do you say?"

Li Feng quickly raised his hand to interrupt: "Don't be excited, I haven't finished it, I can't only give you the opportunity, Mucus is willing to give opportunities with Barron, people are not holy sages, is it?"

"Listen, you only need to compensate for my 2 billion dollars, I will forgive your rudeness, as for seven or two or four or six points, I don't care, in short, you have to give me $ 2 billion. "

"Otherwise ... You are afraid to see the prison, see Satan."

"It's so arrogant! Mr. Kevin, let him die!"

"Yes, grabbed him, tortured him, let him know who LSJ is!"

Marcus is angered by Li Feng with Barron, and $ 2 billion in spiritual loss? This time, I dare to be so arrogant, and Mr. Qiwen is a decoration? !

"Don't see the coffin doesn't fall tears!" Kevin Robert is also anger, and he rushed to Li Feng in front of Li Feng.

His movements are like lightning, Marcus and others only feel that Kelvin Robert came to Li Feng.

"Good speed!"

"It's a s +-level power!"

"Is this the ability of the martial arts?"

The excitement sounded, and the black-bodied darts were all revealed, and the color of worship.

Next moment, Li Feng reached out of the hand of Kevin Robert, and then slammed it!

"" !

"Hey! Pain pain! Hand is broken!"

Kevin Robert sounded a miserable call, and the knee fell to the ground.

Marcus: "???"

Albert, father, son: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... I said that there is a hundred ways to let Li Feng live like death? How can I get a trick, what is this?

"Is this?" Li Feng looked at Kevin Robert, desidied: "It's really unbearable."

The voice falls, Li Feng will ferry into Kevin Robert.


Kevin Robert exploded!

The audience is quiet!

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