Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1221 He is still a child

Marcus and others have a big pupil, shocked, and breathing has a short stagnation!

Do you have a unique! What happened just now, why Kevin Robert will explode in place? What does Li Feng do?

I didn't see it at all, I can't understand it at all!

Li Feng took a square towel from the upper pocket, wirate the right hand, then threw the square towel on the ground.

Although Li Feng's right hand did not contaminate the blood, his movement is very killed, and the cold-blood killer killer in the movie, it is indifferent to the fake man after killing people.

This is very horrible! Marcus and others don't doubt that Li Feng has a determination!

"" ""

The breathing of Musus et al. Starts to be rushing, and the pupils are flashed with fear and desperate interleaving look.

"Sorry, you have a carpet of your home, how much is the carpet, I will lose."

Li Feng retakes back to the couch, and the two lang legs said.

"Li ... Mr. Li said, this is not ... It is not worthless, not ... don't pay."

Baren Albert has squeezed a smile and said.

Bi Chi Sute, a carpet, how much is the money, if the Laozi makes you lose money for this carpet, you can't give it to the life of Laozi?

Both this situation, don't say a carpet, you have to give this villa to a fire point, Laozi will not let you lose!

"Not worth money? Then I am relieved." Li Feng nodded, took out a cigarette point, leisurely smoke the smoke.

Marcus and others moved to stand in the same place, and a sentence dared to say, a P did not dare to put, I was afraid that I made a little moving and fascinated Li Feng, giving yourself a disaster.

"Hey, don't stand silly, sitting sitting, everyone is a business partner, not so much attention."

Li Feng spit out a smoke ring and smiled.

"Mr. Li, don't interpense us, we don't have your business partner." Marcus said.

"Yeah, Mr. Li, we are not qualified to do your business partner, can only be your follower." Barron Albert squeezed out the smile that is more and refractory, the sound is trembled.

If Li Feng hits them or marks them, they can still be good, but Li Feng not only does not fight them, but also talk to them, this is a bit scary.

As the saying goes, the dog does not call, the talent that is not governing is the most terrible, because you don't know what he wants!

"Modesty?" Li Feng hooked a smell of the arc, smiled: "You are the boss of LSJ's largest casino, one is one of the six major graphics of the six major graphics, absolutely Qualification is my business partner. "

Markus, Barund face, each other, half-bite, asked: "Mr. Li, what do you want?"

"It's very simple, the previous 2 billion mental loss is twice, then you sell your casino, Barron sells him to me, I will put you."

Li Feng played the smoke, smiled and said.

Kill a Kevin Robert problem, if Markus, Albert's father and son are all kicked, Li Feng is afraid that it will never have a day, and it is not possible to kill him.

At present, Li Feng has not yet planned, but it can't punish them, I came up with such a way.

The room is even quiet! Marcus has a big mouth with Barron, and I don't know what to say.

"Hair, do you think who you are, why do you propose this unreasonable requirement ?!"

Jim Albert was completely angry, and directly jumped out to blame Li Feng.

Last night, he went to Li Feng hate, today I wanted to see Li Feng was cleaned up. As a result, Li Feng touched the plate, and let Kevin Robert explode.

This is not enough, Li Feng also puts out the excessive request, not to give them an Albert family!

I don't give them to live, can he bear? Must be burst!


Barron raised his hand is a slap in Jim, hate said: "Give me this louder!"

Even the life and death are mastered by Li Feng. What else is eligible to spend Li Feng? Isn't that a light in Mao Pite, is it dead?

As a successful businessman who has experienced several big winds, Barron knows that now is the most important thing to keep the life, staying in the green hills without a firewood.

If I am angry with Li Feng, I was exploded by him, and it was no play.

"Father, I ..." Jim still wants to say anything, Barron is a whispering.

Jim slammed the cheeks of the old high-rise cheeks, and the grievances is like a drunk woman!

Ma egg, I am your own son, do you use it to make me so much, don't you do it?

"Mr. Li, Jim is still a child, you don't know him with him."

After taking Jim, Barron accompanyed Li Feng with a laugh.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Jim is special for more than twenty, in his parents, no matter how many children are still a child?

Barron also knows that his words are too uncomfortable, and quickly transfer the topic: "Mr. Li, what kind of price do you plan to buy HN film shares?"

In fact, this time he really thought of selling some of the shares of some HN shadow, HN shadow is one of the six major shadow giants in the rice country, with a market value of over 50 billion US dollars.

In a certain period of time, the HN shadow has been the first two movie companies in the country, but the DSN has developed flying quickly in recent years, and the other five movie companies have been opened.

In order to catch up with the DSN shadow, the HN shadow has also launched several super hero movies, but it has ended the end of the street. It not only does not take the distance to the DSN film, but also let the HN shares have fallen a lot.

Allen's heart is born, there is a thought of the shares, but has not been actions.

If Li Feng is reasonable, it will keep your life, why should he have to refuse?

"I have a business, I don't think about it because you make a big mistake." Li Feng smiled slightly and said: "According to the market price, there is also Mr. Marcus's casinos, but also in market price."

"If you don't have enough $ 2 billion, it doesn't matter. You can confirm according to the shares, I don't mind."

As soon as I heard this, Baron has some heart, and it is a little doubtful. How is Li Feng talking so much?

According to their told criteria, when they occupy an absolute initiative, I can't wait to give the other party to the thorough eating, and I will never take only one point.

Like this situation, their little life is in the hands of Li Feng, and Li Feng will acquire it in accordance with the 50% discount on the market price, and they don't have any bargain.

Li Feng showed their doubts. When I laughed and explained: "Don't surprise, I don't have to be confused, the transfer of equity transfer of listed enterprises is publicized, if I use low-priced acquisition, do you want the company's share price? "

As soon as I heard this, Marcus crashed with Barron. After a thoughts were struggling, the two nodded.

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