Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1222, a Dragon Soul

Marcus agreed with Barron, after the conditions of Li Feng, the next time was to pay one hand in one hand.

Barron Albert holds 15% of the HN shadow, Jim Albert holds a 1% shares with his big brother. The current market value of HN shadow is $ 45 billion.

Li Feng acquired 17% of the shares to Albert's $ 7.65 billion.

Marcus's casino is not listed, but there is an agency to make a valuation, about $ 5 billion, this assessment can be found online.

Li Feng certainly believes in such an assessment to believe that its valuation is 5 billion. Now let the system have an assessment, the results of the assessment are more accurate than this, $ 5.5 billion.

With the system's endorsement, Li Feng has a spectra, and the price is proposed to acquire 5 billion in prices.

Marcus knows the true value of his casino, and sometimes some meat pain, but under the threat of a small life, he agreed.

Next, Baron relied in Marcus, and each person undertake $ 2 billion in compensation.

In this way, Li Feng only pays $ 5.65 billion to Barron, pays $ 3 billion to Marcus, with a total of 8.65 billion US dollars.

Marcus is now looking forward to Li Feng in the hands of Li Feng, so you can leave them time.

Just Li Feng, this big might legend will give them this opportunity? He has a cash of 1.1 billion US pounds plus 1.2 billion US dollars, 7.6 billion Huaxia coins.

"District" is 8.65 billion US dollars, can it be difficult to fall?

Of course, the pound is redeemed into the US dollar, especially for pounds of pounds.

But there is a system help, that is, a few seconds can solve things, after all, the system can directly convert some fixed property into the presence of cash.

After redeeming some of the pounds on the account into US dollars, Li Feng said: "I can prepare the shares in the shares here."

Marcus with Barron's face!

No ... The account lying on the account is lying with $ 8.6 billion, you can use the concept of the concept, and the rich is difficult to do with a million dollars.

The shock was shocked, but the two did not have any suspicion. After all, Li Feng was specially achieved from the opening of the sun.

The next time, Marcus is old and realistic to make his secretary have brought their own equity documents, and Barron also made his eldest son to come back.

Wait until the tripartite signed a good equity transfer agreement, it is already 10 o'clock in the night, busy all day!

"The two bosses are refreshing people, I look forward to working with you next time."

Li Feng is satisfied with the document into the upper clothes mouth, getting up with two people.

Marcus: "???"

Albert, father, son: "???"

No ... How do Li Feng put it in the big clothes pocket?

The magician is hungry!

As for another cooperation ... Oh, I can say that I don't want to see you again in the future?

After a long time, Marcus spit out a turbidity and carefully asked: "Mr. Li, I can know why you want to buy my casino?"

Barron is attached to and nod, this is what he also wants to figure out.

To say that Li Feng acquires the shares of HN shadow. He can understand that after all, Li Feng's name is a film and television company, but he acquired Marcus's casino is a hair?

In order to make money? Is Marcus's casino with Osville more profitable?

Besides, a Chinese man opens a casino in the country, and the relationship between all aspects can be flattened. Li Feng's power is very powerful, but only the force value wants to settle these relationships, unless he is invincible.

Li Feng sinks for two seconds: "Because you can't get enough cash to compensate me?"

Marcus: "???"

Barron: "???"

No ... Because you can't get enough cash to compensate you, you can buy a company under the name of others, can you still find a reason to be more pulling than this?

Li Feng is of course not because of this reason to acquire Marcus's casino. He is a place where the casino is a gathering of three schools in the country, which is conducive to the collection of information.

Well ... even if you left the dragon soul, Li Feng still has a heart of the dragon soul.

Li Feng smiled and transferred the topic: "Okay, time is not early, you eat this pill, I can go back to the hotel."

When I heard the first half, Marcus and others had a little stealing, and the heart said that Li Feng finally had to go.

When I heard the latter half, they fell into a state of pills.

"This is the intestine of June, after taking this pill, if you can't get an antidote in six months, you will die."

Li Feng took out four red pills from the top of the upper clothes and smiled.

"Mr. Li, we all according to what you said, why don't you let us go ?!"

Marcus asked with anger.

"Mr. Li, I am trying to give you a lot of hard work, what do you want?"

Barron also asked in a grief.

Li Feng looked at the two and smiled: "Don't be a whole like a big boy, it is, according to your two, for me, even if I kill you, but I will not kill you. I also allow you to make a rich family in the second half, it is already very kind. "

In this way, Marcus and others have a face.

Indeed, although they ate a big loss, Li Feng also left a billion dollar property, even if they did not do anything in their lives, and these money did not spend.

If Li Feng is a little, kill them directly, they have not said.

"I will take you into the June, because I believe you, if you make me satisfied, I will give you medicine."

"Of course, you can also choose not to eat, then I can only kill you now. 2 choice one, I will give you the right to choose."

Li Feng said with pills and laughed.

Marcus and others face each other, they want to say that these two roads don't want to choose, but they don't have the qualifications to Li Feng negotiated.

After struggling half, Markus and others took a pill from Li Feng from Li Feng, and the mouth swallowed.

Li Feng is not afraid of them, this medicine is inevitably, it is impossible to cover it.

After a few words, Li Feng smiled: "Mr. Marcus, this point is the most lively in the casino. Is there any interest to take me to turn?"

Makus's mouth is bitter, nodded: "Of course, this is my honor."

Li Feng nodded and walked out of the villa.

After half an hour, a long version of Linke stopped in the gate of Massasa, seeing this extension Linken, the security guard at the door immediately came over.

"Boss, you are coming." Security and respectfully opened the right rear drill door and said.

"Well, good performance, look back to you." Li Feng got off the bus and laughed.

Security: "???"

No ... How to sit on the right back of the boss car is a Chinese man, what is this special?

"Cough, this is Mr. Li from Huaxia, he acquired my casino, and later he is the boss of the Massa Casino." Marcus walked off the car from the other side and complicated.

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