Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1225, one battle

The gambling start.

Joey launched 5 million chips with opposite white men, and the monographer sent two top cards.

Qiaoyi did not look at his own base card and launched 10 million chips directly.


On the side of the game, everyone slammed.

I followed 10 million at the beginning, Joey is a Joe!

"Yes, it is very gorgeous." The white man shook his head and launched 20 million chips directly: "Fill."


It is a buzzing sound.

During the rules of Texas Hold'em, there is a player who has fill it before, and the players who have already followed have once again, either follow or fill, or abandon.

How is Joy?

"Follow." Joey did not move, launched tens of millions of chips.

Just the first round, the chip on the gambling table has reached 50 million US dollars!

This gamble is too big!

"Hey, who is you?"

Before reminding the Joy Casino to change the boss's black man touched the shoulders of Li Feng Feng, curious.

"Who are you?" Li Feng looked at him and always felt that some eyes were familiar, but it didn't think of how to have seen each other.

"I am Joy's broker, Phi Bi Lili, Joy is still his agent." Phi Bi sharp shrugged and said.

"No wonder I think you have some eyes." Li Feng suddenly realized.

In some documentary in Joy, there is a figure of Philipi Lili, but Li Feng is mainly to see Joey, and there is not much attention to Ferri Lili.

After the two met each other, Ferri Lili said: "Li, why do you continue to play with Caspa Holt?"

"That person is called Caspa Holt?" Li Fengbei picks up, then smiled: "Not what, because I know that Joy must win, he is the king of basketball, isn't it?"

Philipbee Lili has a hand: "Oh, the king of the basketball is not the king of the casino, can you not find the Kozza Holt?"

That is to know that Massasa Casino has been acquired by Li Feng, otherwise Ferby Lili will not be so polite.

"Don't be so pessimistic, you have to believe Joey, more importantly ... I believe my pre-judgment." Li Feng said with a smile.

Philipbee Lili: "???"

How do you believe in your predicts?

"Right, how much is your understanding of Caspa Holt?" Li Feng looked opposite the white man, asked.

The system did not give the name of Caspa Holt, but pointed out the existence of the shadow group, then Caspa Holt should be a member of the shadow group.

Now the problem is coming, what is the shadow group? What role is Caspa Holt in the shadow group?

"Unclear, I only know that he is called Caspa Holt." Phi Bi sharp shrugged, then sighed: "Li, $ 510 million is the all of Joe, if this The game gambler is all inward, I will suggest that he is staying in the Masa Casino. "

Li Feng haha ​​smiled: "Okay, I will hire him for the Marsa Casino Manager, the annual salary of 100 million US dollars."

Phi Bi Sili is stunned.

Casino manager? Yearly salary of 100 million US dollars?

I rely on, he is a joke, I have never thought that Li Feng is still big than him!

Just then, the monopoly has already issued three public cards - red peaches A, red peaches J, Red peaches 7.

Li Feng took a look at the bottom card of Joji Caspa Holt, and found that Joe's bottom card was a red peach 8, the red peaches 9, and the cards of Caspa Hallter were plum blossoms 6.

"Qiao is very chance to make a flush, Caspa Holt will join four."

After reading the two people, Li Feng was dark.

At this time, Qiao Yi couldn't help but launch $ 20 million chips with no expression.

Opposite, Caspa Holt still didn't look at your own card: "Follow."

During speaking, he pushed 50 million chips.


I can't help but take a breath.

Do not look at the bottom card, add 50 million? Is this a powerful self-confidence to your luck to make this kind of eye?

"The king of basketball, do you dare to follow?" Caspa Holt shoulders his hand and said.

Joey eyebrows picks up, and it is hesitating.

Seeing, the audience will know that Joe's card is not too good, otherwise, he will not make this expression.

Li Feng's mouth hook, facing the color of the taste.

After all, it is a king of basketball. It is also a good hand on the gambling table.

In fact, Texas Poker is a good player who has a good player with mental war, psychological war, and even if a mess can laugh at the end.

"I don't think your card can be better than me, I will!"

Joy hesitated halfway, and the teeth launched 30 million chips.


Caspa Holt took the palm: "It is a king of basketball, your performance is almost confused."

"Yes?" Joe Ye became a non-sound expression: "Then we walked well. Door, continue to license."

The monottale is nod, continue to send public cards - a black peach 8.

"Pretty." Caspa Holt sent an amazing.

Joey came his eyebrows and threws 5.0 million chips directly after it.


Caspa Holt was scared: "Suddenly aggressive? Then I will continue to pay."


100 million US dollars launched.

"He!" Joey did not hesitate, and launched 50 million chips again.

In this way, the chips on the gambling table have reached the giant of $ 250 million!

The expression of everyone around the battle has become nervous, and the breathing is also a little urgent.

Light looks that the adrenaline soaring, if the person sitting in front of the table is himself, it is not directly picked up?

The monkey did not expect that the two were so big, and after returning to the emotions, the last public card was issued - a red peacha 10.

In an instant, Joy Heart is a wild, but his brow is crying.

Red peach 78910j, flush! This will win!

However, he can't reveal any racket now. In contrast, he must make a relatively high negative response, such as the frowning, such as the finger slightly tremble.

These facial expressions, physical language, will let the other party think that his card is not ideal, so you can insert an enemy!

"Finally, I have to share the winning and negative, I am looking forward to it." Joey smiled and launched 20 million chips.

Seeing, the surrounding melon people are all stunned, how is the last round? How did Joey betting, is it not ideal?

"Joe, this time there is no need to play this set with me?" Caspa Holt laughed and launched all the chips in front of him: "Study, a battle to win!"

Joey pupil, then laughed: "A good battle will lose! I will!"

The voice falls, he also pushed the chips in front of him.

The audience is big!

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