Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1226 Destroying Evidence

Both people are busha!

One person is $ 550 million, two people are 1.1 billion US dollars!

1.1 billion US dollars, such bets are never seen!

"Happy!" Caspa Holthaha smiled, said in front of the bottom card: "Are you coming?"

Qiaoyu is confused: "You didn't even see it, didn't you look at the bottom?"

"No, I know that I will win." Caspa Holt shrugged and said with confidence.

"Yes?" Qiaoyu snorted, opened the topic: "Sorry, I am the same flush, this is deserved!"


On the side of the game, everyone gave a marvel!

Tonghua! What is the truth in such a big card does not win?

Well ... unless the card of Caspa Holt is the red peach Q and Red peach K, just a probability of two similar flush is too small, everyone does not think that Caspa Holt will get These two cards.

Li Feng is very confused, and Caspa Hallter looks too calm, just like it knows that he must win.

The problem is that Caspa Holt doesn't know anything, this is a strange.

In order to determine that you have not read a mistake, Li Feng used a perspective and looked at Caspa Holt's top card, um, or that pair 6.

So Caspa Holt is deliberate to send money to Joy? Is him a fan of Joe?

"Yes?" There is no frustration on the face of Caspa Hortt, picking up the bottom card, laughing: "Sorry, I am also a flush, and it is bigger than you."

The voice falls, Caspa Holt offers the bottom card on the table.

Red peach K with red peach Q!

Combined with five public cards into red peacants 10jqka, the same flowers!

The so-called flower is brush, there is a blend of A, which is the largest card in Texas Hold'em.

Qiao's face became a miserable, the strength of the body was completely extracted in this moment, and the whole person fell to the chair!

The surrounding people are incredible.

Hair, actually is really two bureaus, opposite the same flower, which makes Joy to say? Is there a deny!

The key card will lose $ 550 million, even if the Qiaoyi sucking is amazing, it will succeed in several years.

"The king of basketball ... Oh, the basketball court is your site, you don't have any arrogant qualifications on the casino."

The voice falls, Caspa Holt will pull all the chips to himself.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng suddenly came out.

Caspa Holt looked up at him, browned slightly: "What?"

The viewing people also looked confused to Li Feng, they all knew that Li Feng was a new boss of the Massachio, and what is Li Feng suddenly speaks?

"I have a question." Li Feng came to the table before the gaming table, and the eyes were watching Caspa Holt asked: "How did you change the card in your hand?"


"Change the card?"

"This person is old?"

"Xie! I know that Qiaoyi will not lose, I will know!"

Li Feng's words immediately caused vibration in the crowd.

Joy is even more soul, and then look up and look at Caspa Holt!

The dead, Caspa Holt actually changed the card? I am stasify!

Caspa Holt pupils, followed by anger: "Who are you, why do you say that I changed? I will come out, or I will go to the court to tell you!"

Marcus stepped forward, mocked: "He is from Huaxia's Li Feng, Mr. Li, now is the boss of the Massachusetts."

Marcus has been in the first side of Li Feng, saying that he has to refer to Li Feng to give medicine. He also had to stand out to speak to Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth hook, look back to Muxus, this Nucus is still a bit eye, he is able to try Musus to collect Marcus as your youpia.

Li Feng's response allows Marcus very excited, this shows that Li Feng is recognized by him! I will continue to perform well in the future!

"Casino boss?" Caspapa Holt eyebrows, followed by cold: "How is the casino boss, there is no evidence, you can't say that I changed."

Onlooked the people nodded.

Indeed, the behavior of the cheating of the casino is shameful, but can't get evidence, you can't say that others will change the card, especially the casino boss, otherwise who will come to your casino?

"Your question is good." Li Feng hit a referring to the monks, "said the remaining cards opened, see if there is any red peach Q and Red Peach K."

In this way, Caspa Holt has a dramatic change: "What do you mean?"

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Find evidence, your card is the red peach Q with Red Peach K, if there are two cards in the rest of the card, then explain your cheating, it is so simple. "

"Oh, yes, you can also see which two cards have, and you can infer what you get the true base card."

He can make sure Caspa Holt is changed, but how to change the card ... he has no shortprints for the time being.

However, this is not important, as long as the Caspa Holt is changed, the task is completed.

"Yes, if there is two in the remaining card, then prove that he changed!"

"I don't think it's likely, I just look at it, he has not moved the top card before, how can I change the card?"

"I didn't see him, only when he opened the card, was he changed at that time?"

You said that you said that you have made a view.

"This is unfair, the gaming is over, you can't do this, if you are the casino boss!" Casper Palert is crazy, get up and put the remaining poker card on the table in hand, then double hands together grind!

A stack of playing cards will be smashed! Big fragments are broken!

This scene is shocked!

How do he scared a stack of playing cards? His hand is a shredder!

"Ha ha ha, hahaha, how do you check now?" Caspa Holt laughed.

Joe Yu is anger: "Hair! You are doing this because you know what you cheat!"

"Do you have evidence?" Caspa Holt smiled, ridiculed: "Or do you try to put these debris?"

Everything must be evident, no one seizes him on the spot, that is, he won, and the lawsuit is also him!

As for the brakes ... Oh, he felt that he was humiliated, so the judge will also accept this explanation.

"Especially the unique!" Under the angry, it was necessary to pass through the violent Caspa Holt.

Who knows that he was hit by a person, and he looked back and found that the person who was holding him was Li Feng.

"Do you stop me?" Joy asked ugly.

Li Feng shook his head: "No, just I have a better way to lose."

"What method?" Qiao is a bit unsubalypted, can he still do not connect the cards that become thinned? It's very difficult to see it.

Caspa Holt handed shoulders, the old gods looked at Li Feng at all, not nervous.

Date is broken into this way, it is impossible to spell, he wants to see what the people have any way to lose!

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