Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1228 guess

Joe Yewei picks: "Of course, I am very interested."

Nowadays, he is not right, and then people have a curiosity. Even if Caspa Hallt is not coming, he also wants to see how Li Feng is tried to ask him.

Soon, Marcus called the security in the casino, and these security guards walked toward the security room in Caspa Hallt.

Eat melon people also want to look at the situation in the past, but was stopped by the casino security.

Just kidding, this is privately restricted personal freedom, what is the matter of the law, how can it make these melon people?

Now that the network is so developed, which good thing is taken to the video, and things are big.

"Oh, right."

Li Fenggang is about to get up and followed, suddenly stopping the footsteps: "You come over together?"

Tutural official faces micro-change: "Boss? I ... I have to work."

"It doesn't matter, I will give you a break, don't deduct salary." Li Feng played.

"Ok ... ok." The monolry is a little reluctant to follow.

On the side, Marcus is watching, and it is very clear to see the monolith.

Li Feng will not have no reason, let the monopoly follow the past, and then see the manifestation after the name is named, Marcus can conclude that there must be no one in the people with Caspa Hallte!

Soon, Li Feng has come to the security room.

Caspa Holt has been tied to the chair by security five.

In fact, they really don't have this, Li Feng has shakes the whole body of Caspa Holt, and now he is a waste, don't say that in the face of the well-trained security, it is faced with an ordinary person. There is no threat.

"Who are you? Why is it so strong?"

Caspa Holt looked at Li Feng asked.

If you want him to be a strong, a photo is wrapped, it is a shameless humiliation!

Qiaoyi listened to a mist, he didn't know who Li Feng is, why do you still ask, there is ... Li Feng is very strong, Caspa Holt's expression is too exaggerated, Face the prehistoric giant beast.

In Jie Yoy, Caspa Holt has a faster, but his body is too thin. If it is changed to him, he can't do Li Feng as a knocked Caspa. · Holt's hand bone, but there is still no problem to control the Caspa Holt.

Don't look at Joey 50, the body is not as good as before, but his body is still very good, it is absolutely enough to deal with ordinary people.

"You are not qualified to know my identity." Li Feng smiled, and then waved the security guard.

After waiting until the room left him with Joe, Casper Patri, Li Feng asked: "Tell me what the shadow group is doing."

Caspa Holt Face Drama Changes: "How do you know the shadow group ?!"

Joey brow microstruck: "Shadow Group, what is it?"

It is obvious that even the monograction is obvious, he has not heard the noun of the shadow group.

"You are not eligible to ask me." Li Feng's mouth hook, mocked: "Honor tells me what the shadow group is doing, if you perform well, I will let you go."

"Haha, do you think I can still go back?" Caspa Holt laughed and said: "My mission failed, and I was also made into waste people, so going back to meet me only one kind."

"So your task is to win the money in the gambling table?" Li Feng asked without a sound.

Caspa Holt found that he said that he had a mouth, and he closed his mouth.

Joy also heard it in this time, I quickly asked: "There is someone in the shadow group to be? Why?"

Caspa Holt looked at him and smiled and said: "How much do you have a person who sin, you should be very clear about your heart.

Joey brow, wrinkled, caught in a contemplation.

His character, the character, really made him a lot of enemies, on the court, life, business field, but he felt that this is not serious, and it is too powerful, and after a few days, everyone can still smile. .

So ... who is so be careful, want him to lose?

"Don't guess, you can't guess." Casper Palace closed his mouth after a bridister.

Joe frightened wrinkled, knowing that someone wanted to be ourselves, but I don't know who the other party is, this feeling is too uncomfortable.

At this time, Li Feng laughed: "You really don't have to guess, in fact, no one wants to harm you, just some people want to figure out. You said yes, Mr. Caspa Holt?"

Caspa Hallte is changed again!

Damn, why did he have a feeling that Li Feng is wearing a feeling? !

"Li, I don't quite understand what you mean." Joy frowned.

What is nobody to want to eat him, do you want to hurt him?

"Meaning ... You become fat meat in the eyes of others, others want to fish in you," Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

Caspa Holt pupils, the heart has set off a stormy waves!

Li Feng said that there is no different facts, if this is just Li Feng's speculation, then his eyes are too accurate!

"Really like this?" Joy is revealing the color: "But he is obvious to give me money."


Caspa Holt only felt that a old blood was blocked.

When I will give you money, you can't talk about it? !

Li Feng's mouth hooked a smile: "Of course not, if not for me, he has changed the card to the red peach Q and the red peach K, you said, Mr. Caspa Holt?"

Caspa Holt pupil shrinks: "Is your ghost ?!"

He has been thinking, why he lost the memory after picking up the card, now it seems that all of this is Li Feng.

It's just that he doesn't understand that Li Feng knows that he has to change the card, how is it let him lose that part of the memory, hypnotize ... or a more advanced means?

"You first answer me first, which you have hidden, I just watched it, you didn't hide any poker cards on your body." Li Feng said like a laugh.

Caspa Holt smiled: "Are you not very powerful, then you guess, where I have hidden, as long as you guess, what do you answer?"

He is really hated Li Feng, or if he is Li Feng, he will not fall to this field.

At this point, he has already gone back, no matter where Li Feng does not let him, he is a dead road.

But before you die, he should take a good grace!

"Okay, then I guess." Li Feng touched the chin to consider a while, half of the knife, said: "Your ring is a storage ring?"

Joey and the monkeeper are fascinating, Caspa Hallte is a shock, and the face has changed!

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