Caspa Holt was really scared by Li Feng. This Chinese people actually knew that the store is known. Who is he?

"What is Li, the storage ring?" Joey brows smashed, curiously burst.

Li Feng shrugged: "Law meaning."

"Field ... mean?" Joe was pensive.

Lite meant is to say ... Is that a ring that can be used to store items? The ring is so big, how can I use to store items or such a big item?

The monopoly is also a face, but they all know that they will know the truth, and the two are expected.

"How did you find it?" Caspa Holt spit out a touch of turbidity, and the face is dignified.

Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "I said, you don't have a poker card, the only thing that makes me not think is that you in your hand."

Under the eye, there are several ............

Before using the time of use, Li Feng has been thinking about how Caspa Holt changed, and I didn't want to come out.

Therefore, after the insurance, after the time post flow, Li Feng used him to use him before the Caspa Holt changed.

Now Li Feng wants to understand that Caspa Holt should have space storage equipment, only so, he can change the bottom card in a moment!

Li Feng took a closer look, the rings on the ring on the hand of Caspa Holt, should be a complex rune, which should be that the storage ring is undoubtedly.

When he got out of the storage ring, the hearts of Caspa Holt were also confirmed by the hearts of the heart.

"How do you know that there is no hug box on my body?" This is where Caspa Holt can't understand, Li Feng did not search for him, wherever he didn't hide poker on him? "

"This is not what you need to know." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Look at your reaction, you can know that I guess, so you should know if you know?"

Caspa Holt snort did not speak.

He just wants to tease Li Feng, no longer think that Li Feng actually guess, guess, guess, Laozi is killing will not admit.

"Don't talk? Then I will ask others first." Li Feng turned his head to the monks, taste: "How much do you charge Caspa Holt?"

The monogram is tight, and it is busy and deny: "The boss, I don't know him, I have confisited him."

"Oh, 100,000 US dollars." Li Feng nodded.

"How come you ..." The monasterry came out, and then quickly grabbed his mouth, and it was full of horror.

How can Li Feng know accurate numbers? !

Joy's mouth looked at the monasteries, and looked at Li Feng again, he asked again after half of it: "Do you guess?"

Intuition tells him that Li Feng said if it is said, nor is it a thin guess, but a guess.

This will be scraped by Niima, will he read the heart? !

Li Feng shrugged, the expression on his face was a little smudged.

"He gives you 100,000 dollars, ask you how to cooperate with him? Give him a good sign?" Li Feng looked at the monks and continued.

The master's psychological endurance is general, and in the case of Li Feng, it is directly collapsed. When the truth is true, "no, he just let me give him a new poker."

Li Fengbei picks: "The casino's playing card is special, can't buy it outside, right?"

The doctor nodded: "Yes."

In order to prevent players from cheating, Massa Casino has made a playing card, it is destroyed after it, and it is usually visible to the playing card, and only casino managers, suppliers and monks.

Because I can't buy a playing card in Massa Casino outside, I want to do article on my card, I can reduce the behavior of players.

"It turns out." Li Feng said a flash, turned to look into Qiao: "You all understand?"

Qiaoyi brow microstruck: "I understand almost understand, that is, the storage ring ... I still didn't understand what."

Joji is not only the body's talents, the IQ is also the average level, no matter which occupation, only the body is not a brain, Striry still pays attention to a force.

After listening to the three dialogue, Joey has roughly resembles the dragon debil in the heart.

Caspa Hordte first found the official, gave him 100,000 US dollars, got a special playing card for a Massa Casino.

After that, Caspa Holt hooded the poker card ... um ... After the rings, then after he entered the casino, sat in his opposite to him.

Then ... he lost to Caspa Holt that can be changed at will.

Only the last game is so big, how does Caspa Holt lose, is it really like Li Feng, is he helped from him, and let himself win the last game?

When I think this is possible, Joey looks more gratitude to Li Feng's eyes.

"The storage ring is like the separation space in the sci-fi movie, and the items can be taken out at any time." Li Feng as much as the generous words explained.

"Oh, buy it, is it so amazing?" Joe is light, and it is interested.

Anyway, Caspa Holt made mistakes first. Does he don't give Caspa Holt's ring?

"Yes, but you still don't think, this thing is not ordinary people can use, and the husband is not guilty. If you are known, you have this thing, there will be a constant trouble."

Li Feng saw Joe's ideas and persuaded.

"Ordinary people don't use it?" Qiao Yi did not believe it.

Li Feng nodded: "This is like a hammer of Thunder, only people who meet specific conditions can take it."

When I heard this, Joey understood: "Ok, it seems that I don't have to hit it."

Li Feng shrugged and turned to Caspa Holt: "Where is your headquarters?"

"I don't know." Caspa Holt smiled, full of despair: "I am actually a periphery, you don't have any valuable information on me, kill me, Give me a happy. "

Li Feng stared at him for a long time, and smiled and laughed: "Mi is a 'rule of law' country, I will give you to the police."

Caspa Hallte is changed, no longer.

Then Li Feng also looked at the monasteries and cold voice: "Massa Casino will never hire a staff member who sells casino interests, you are dismissed, and the old man is always in the police to do a transcript, then wait for the court. Scene. "

The monolithic face is white, directly taking the place!

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