Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1230 Mysterious Women

Under the instructions of Li Feng, the casino is alarm.

Massa Casino is a large Tax of LSJ, Marcus has a very profound person in LSJ, so the police station is alarms in Massasa, and the actions are very positive.

Soon, the policeman who had a lot of money rushed to the casino. After a simple understanding, he took the Caspa Holt with the monkeeper back to the police station.

Of course, the Massa Casino must also follow it back to make a transcript, but Li Feng is definitely won't go, but it is a country, how many rich will go to the policeman to make a transcript?

If you really need him to make a pen, you have to drink secretary's hand-grinding coffee in his wide luxury office, smoking a cigar, knot the Erlang legs, respectfully sit and hold one or two police officers, Patiently give him a transcript.

So Li Feng found a security guard present ...

Anyway, Li Feng does not expect the Police Bureau to ask from the mouth of Caspa Holt, whoever goes, as long as things can be described again.

After two people were taken away, Joey successfully converted the chip into cash and entered his bank account.

Even if the 5% of the water is deducted, Joe is also 1045 million US dollars, deducting his 550 million yuan, and lost 30 million knives, he also stayed at 465 million knives tonight.

Top of his one and a half years!

At the same time, a system prompts the audio: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'Save the Boxer Joe' task completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 810,200 million

System Points: 194 million

Conquer point: 2690

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

To complete the task: The birth of the Titanic, saving the goddess of the gods, Efli (2)

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quits the system.

In order to thank Li Feng, Qiaoyu invited Li Feng to go to his family, Li Feng also wanted to make a friend with the king of the basketball, and he agreed.

However, Today is too late, and after another time, Li Feng leaving the casino and found a five-star hotel.

Early the next morning, Li Feng got a call after got up in bed, waiting until he used breakfast at the hotel, a lengthened Linken parked at the hotel door.

Soon, Li Feng came out of the hotel, sitting on lengthening Linke, car slowly, and going to the HN film headquarters.

On the road, I asked Li Feng on the right side of the back to say: "Are you notified?"

"Not knowing, I have already received the news, most shareholders have come to the meeting room No. 1." On the side, Barron Albert said respect.

Li Feng nodded and closed his eyes on the back of the chair.

Yesterday, Li Pefei gave him a meeting of shareholders who grew HN shadow today. At present, Baren Albert did not let him down.

After half an hour, the Leng Lincoln came to the door of the HN film building, and the door security was the first time to help Li Feng opened the door.

Like last night, the security of the security is Barund Albert, so I have a moment after I saw Li Feng.

Barron Albert said: "This is Mr. Li Feng from Huaxia. He will be the big shareholder of HN shadow in the future."

The security face is slightly changed, and Li Feng has been quickly met.

Li Feng smiled nodded, and stepped into the building first.

When the two came to the door of the elevator, the elevator door was just open, and then a tall brown-haired woman walked out from the inside, and he hit the past.

Li Feng, I wanted to dawn while, just standing on the right side of the security guard, standing on the left of Barun Ebert, he avoided, only after retreating a right hand while retreat: "Miss, please pay attention Under the foot. "

This woke up, I quickly looked up and looked forward. Under the inertia, the body rushed forward, just met the palm of Li Feng.


Brown hair is exclaimed, this stopped his body shape, then she apologized: "I am sorry, I am too anxious, I didn't touch you?"

After Li Feng saw her face, it flashed an amazing color in his eyes.

The five senses of the brown-haired woman are very three-dimensional, although there is no beautiful, but give people a feeling of moving.

If her face is a little bitorious, her body is better than Host.

Li Feng's height is 180. It is 183, his height is already in the man, but the brown hair in front of him is not inferior, but even more than him is still slightly higher than him. !

Looking down, um ... wearing a pair of black high heels, then her net is about 175?

175 The net body is also calculated. She also wore a black denim shorts, a pair of straight big long legs, let Li Feng have some dizziness.

This is divided into the gold proportion?

I wore a black sporty vest, and the body is almost a list!

Li Feng is in his heart, and the brown sister is not in the face of Tiffany El West.

Supermodel, must be thin, so in some ways Tiffany Erps will lose a little ...


The brown-haired sister saw Li Feng, but he didn't talk himself, but he did not speak.

She knows what her body means what it means, so she hates this look.

"Ah, no, you didn't touch me." Li Feng smiled, then let the road.

Just then, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you see it right away?"

Li Feng is in the heart, this time is to task ... shouldn't it be related to the brown feet?


"Task: Save the goddess Erlodo (1)"

"Task Objective: Change the idea of" Mysterious Women "director, let Ail Lanko do a heroine, if the task fails, the host 5 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquers points."

After reading the task, Li Feng can't help but ask: "Barron, HN shadow should be taken a new superhero movie?"

Barron Albert nodded: "Yes, this is a new superhero movie, and it is a female super hero movie."

After the "Mysterious Women", she has already begun, so Barron Albert is not surprising, Li Feng knows this.

Until at this time, Ail Lankou saw Baron Albert, and she was awkward: "Ah, President of Barron, you are here?"

Barron Albert nodded: "Hello, Al."

Al Lan Duo is a star excavated in the first few years of the HN film, and the development momentum is good.

Li Feng nodded and then looked at El Lankau: "I think she is more suitable for the heroine of" Mysterious Women "."

Ail Lankon: "???"

Barron Albert: "???"

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