Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1231 I am talking about?

"No ... Who is this person, let's talk about the woman who is" mysterious women ", so big?"

If you don't see the President of Baren Albert, Al Lan Duo will definitely speak this sentence.

"Xiete, should he still look at El Lanko? Oh, unfortunately, Aer Lanko is not a woman who accepts hidden rules, otherwise I have long been able to have."

Barron Albert is dark in the heart of the belly.

Al Lan Duo is a beauty champion, and the face is full of face-watering. She is digging into the HN shadow is Barund Albert.

Baren Albert's intention is to let her start from the female three girls, so that she adapts to the feeling of becoming a star.

When I was obsessed with this sensation of the public, she would definitely hope to get more attention, then become a big-produced female one has become her greatest pursuit.

At this time, he tailored to her, a little suggested, Al Lan Duo is still a hand?

Therefore, "Mysterious Women" is to be tailored to Allan Duo.

However, Baren Albert suggested a few times, Al Lan Duo is only stupid, which is angered Baren Albert, and he will make the director to change the candidate.

As a result, Al Lan Du actually let Li Feng hit, Li Feng also said that she is suitable for "mysterious women" heroine?

The emotional Laozi is busy so long to give Li Feng a wedding dress?

"Barron, what do you think of my proposal?"

Li Feng turned his head to the Baren Albert, asked.

"Yes, I think so." Can Baren Albert said? He even has a shares of HN shadow ...

Al Lan Duo is bright, then it is bleak: "Barron president, I am coming over the audition today, but the director said that I am not suitable ..."

It is because of the failure of the trial, she didn't look up at the road, almost hit Li Feng.

"But I think you are very suitable." Li Feng said firmly.

Al Lan Duo's eyebrows micro-wrinkle: "President of Barron, may he be ...?"

This person is really big, is it not small?

"Oh, forgot to introduce you." Baren Albert took the brain, quickly introduced: "He is from Huaxia's Li Feng, Mr. Li, I just acquired all the shares in HN shadow, now he is now It is the big shareholder of HN shadow. "

"Mr. Li, she is a well-known actress of Ail Lankuo, HN film."

Ail Lankon: "???"

No ... Barron president actually sold the shares, is the HN shadow really can't work?

Wait, it seems that this is not a focus ... The focus is, this Li Mr. is HN shared shareholder, but also she is suitable for a female master, then she is not a great hope?

In Hollywood, the student is a movie center.

The producer determines a project, selects the screenwriter creation script, determines the cost budget according to the possible market prospects of this project, and then determines the funds, actors, pre-shooting, post-production, etc. according to the budget fees, how much To determine what grades are looking for.

The director can select an actor within the range allowed by the producer, but when the filmmaker conflicts, the producer can speculate the director.

So who can be starring is a student who said.

And the producer is serving investor, the investors of "Mysterious Women" are HN shadow, Li Feng is the greatest shareholder of HN shadow, saying that Li Feng is not a investor.

Just ... Li Feng should I want to play with her mount rules?

El Lanko double business is very high, I have long, I know what I'm playing with her. For the "mysterious woman", she can only pretend to see.

This is not hypocritical, but a means, men want to play mount rules, don't blame women to play with him.

Unfortunately, her means fails. Barron Albert is better than she imagined, and there is no herde.

Now jump out of a Li Feng ...

Woman, long and beautiful, sometimes it is not only an advantage, or a burden ...

"Hello, Miss Ail, I am very glad to meet you." At this time, Li Feng reached out and laughed.

Al Lan Duo held handshake with him: "Hello, I am very happy to meet you."

Li Feng took back to his hand and laughed: "I have seen the comics of" Mysterious Women ", you have the same temperament with the mysterious woman in the comics, so I think you are a woman who will sell" mysterious women "big sale. "

Al Lan Duo is a little bit: "Thank you, Mr. Li praises. I also think that I will show my" mysterious woman ", this movie can be sold, just ... The director has eliminated me."

Huaxia people pay attention to the moderate way, no matter what they think, others will show a modest side.

But Westerners are not like this, how do you think about it?

The two cases can't say that the best, but only the culture.

"Nothing, I will go with him." Li Feng shrugged, then turned to see Baron Albert: "Do I speak good?"

Baren Albert's mouth smoked, heart says "You want to sell it in front of beauty? Are you special shareholders, this small matter is not good?"

In the heart, Barron Albert is still saying: "It's good, of course, you have the biggest shareholder of HN shadow, there is a right to make a woman."

"That's good." Li Feng nodded, and then he looked to El Lanko: "Do you have any questions now?"

Ail Lankon: "... What do you need to do?"

Since it is a hidden rule, Li Feng must hint her. If Li Feng really hinted her, then she refused.

People, can't sell their bodies in order to dream, if you can achieve your dreams by selling your own body, you will not be excited after the implementation, will only be extremely empty.

"Of course." Li Feng nodded.

"Oh, really." Al Lan Duo couldn't help but laugh.

Baren Albert is also a cold smile, and do a good job in the preparation of Li Feng joke.

"I need you to act, use 120% of the efforts to play this drama, don't live up to my expectation to you." Li Feng said.

Ail Lankon: "???"

Barron Albert: "???"

Not ... this is what you want to do? really!

"Nothing?" After a long time, Al Lan Duo asked uncertain.

"Nothing." Li Feng two hands, a face is inexplicably.

What else can you, what else? Xiaoye is not that silver!

"Call." Al Lan Duo touched, the face finally appeared a smile: "Thank you, Li's trust, if I can really spend the" Mysterious Women ", I will pay 200% effort. ! "

Li Feng nodded and said: "Then you will go with me, wait for me to finish, I will give you the name of the female master."

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