Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1232 will soon become a piece

HN shadow top meeting room, a shareholder of a HN film smoked a cigar, talking to a laughter.

As a listed company, the HN film equity is very scattered, and the first major shareholder Li Feng holds 17% of the HN film, the second largest shareholder Shaun Albert holds 15% shares.

Yes, Sean Albert is Baron Albert's brother, HN shadow is created by both brothers.

The shares in other small shareholders added 28%, and the remaining 40% shares were circulated in the stock market.

"Sean, Barron suddenly convened us to come over, what is it for?"

A small shareholder asked curiously.

Today is not the time to hold the shareholders' meeting. Last night, Barron suddenly notified the meeting, and did not explain the reasons, which makes everyone very doubts.

"I don't know." Shawn Albert shakes his head, and then she said: "Barron is very inseparable. I believe that he will call us if he will not have no reason, he will definitely be very important. Things announce. "

The father and son fighting brothers, Barron with Sean from Xiao relations is very good, and the relationship between each other after starting business is also increasing, and each time faces major choices will be retired.

Although other shareholders did not show dissatisfaction, this time Sean Albert must first determine the tone.

Other shareholders nodded, the meeting indoor smoke, laughter.

A few minutes later, the gate of the meeting room was suddenly pushed away from the outside, and the Baren Albert came in the chest.

A shareholder immediately stopped and saw him.

Before Barron Albert came to the primary position, he didn't have the first time, but picked up the microphone: "Mr., ladies, you must be very surprising, why will I call you, right?"

"Yeah, Barron, what happened?"

"Barron, don't hang our appetite, hurry up."

"Is there a plan for a new DSN film?"

The small shareholders have an inquiry.

"No, Of course, not, defeating the DSN shadow is not so simple, at least I have never thought of a good method, but I will introduce the gentleman to everyone, it is very likely to lead the HN shadow to defeat DSN."

"So, let's applaud, please Tang Tang Entertainment - Li Feng, Mr. Li!"

The voice falls, Barron Albert took the palm.

Others in the conference room: "???"

Not ... ? Barron Albert convened them, just to welcome the Li Feng of Tang Tang Entertainment?

What international jokes!

Sheng Tang Entertainment is an entertainment company who does not enter the stream. It doesn't matter to the HN shadow. Li Feng is a boss of Sheng Tang Entertainment, nor worthy of these shareholders to meet.

It is not good to say that Li Feng came over, and the HN shadow sent a department manager reception. It was already a face!

Because a shareholder is unlikely, only Baron Albert is applauded indoors, and the atmosphere looks very cold.

"I have been applauding. You, my shares have been sold to Mr. Li, he is now the biggest shareholder of HN shadow."

Barron Albert is anxious, this special, if Li Feng thought that this helper is given to Ma Wei, then?

I heard this words, and the shareholders are all bright!

Shete, Barron put all his HN shadow shares to the Chinese people?

Why did Barron do this? !

"Okay, since everyone doesn't want to applaud me, don't be difficult to everyone."

Li Feng two-handed bag, Shijan went into the meeting room.

Baren Albert is now : "You may have been shocked by this news, so I can't go back."

Shocking is really shocked, but I will come back to say something ... that is not necessarily.

"It doesn't matter, everyone will be colleagues in the future, I will have two cooked, so soon, we can make a piece." Li Feng is like laughing.

Baren Albert's mouth is pushing: "You don't have to play ..."

As far as your martial arts is realized, you have to die ...

"Haha, our Chinese people say 'to become a piece of' can do the meaning of the true fight, but expressed his closeness." Li Feng blinked and laughed.


Shawn Albert took the table stood up, and the face was ugly: "Brother, I think you need to explain it to us."

Baren Albert's eyebrows pick: "What?"

"Explain why you have to sell the shares to this damn Chinese people!" Xiaoen Albert said with his teeth.

Suddenly Baren Albert has a dark road, not waiting for him to talk, just seeing Li Feng's body to the side of Sean Albert, raising his hand is a slap in the past.


A crisp, Shawn Albert's left side of the cheeks a palm print, followed by redness.

Sean Albert grabbed his cheeks like silly, and looked at Li Feng.

Other shareholders are also a face.

This brighteree is too powerful, and if you don't want to play, who gives him the courage?

"Do you send it ..." After it was forced, Shaen Albert was angry, and he violently violently.


Li Feng didn't wait for him to finish, raising his hand again, a slapque, pumped on another side of his cheeks: "Full of the sorrow of the mouth, did you teach your social etiquette from a small mother?"

"Hair ..." Shawn Albert opened his mouth, seeing Li Feng, the electric shock is generally detached, and then closed his mouth.

Nima, this brilliant man is too fast, he will not open it, and then you can only be a loss, let him move in the sky, let him move for a while!

"What to hide hide? Being beaten!"

Li Feng smiled, and step forward was a slap in the past.


Sean Albert was really hung this time.

Hair, Laozi is so closed, you still play Laozi, really thinking is that Laozi is bullied? !

Other shareholders were also scared by the behavior of Li Feng's brutary, and the atmosphere fell into the freezing point for a while.

"Shawn apologized to Mr. Li!" Barron Albert quickly said.

He knows that Li Feng has more horrible, don't want to see your own younger brother to explode!

"Brother ?!" Sean Albert is a little dare not believe in his ear, and the people who are hit are themselves. My brother let myself apologize to Li Feng?

"Come!" Baron crazy made the eyes.

Shawn is also a small piece with Barron. It's very tacit with Barron. Seeing Xiao En kneans that things are not as simple as they imagined. When I got his teeth: "Sorry Li, Mr. Li, I shouldn't say you like that. "

Li Feng nodded, smiled: "Remember, don't add any disrespectful adjectives in front of the 'Chinese people'", otherwise I will hear you once! "

Shawn is in the heart, and the proud skull is low.

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