Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1233 is too violent

Li Feng nodded and then turned to go to the home position.

In the moment he turned around, Shawn Albert flashed a little fierce look.

He has not been hurt for a long time. When I was a child, I was fighting with people, and I was unilaterally smoked.

I have just started to start, he didn't have a foundation with my brother, and I have had a day that is invisible.

But after they succeed, this situation is completely changed, only he humiliates the part of others.

Just like he said "The death of the Chinese people", it is completely natural, I don't think it is wrong, because I didn't put the people in the eyes in my heart at all!

"You must be very curious why Barron advised you to apologize to me, right?"

Li Feng sat down and took out a smoke and said.

Shawn Albert is a flash, no sound.

Other shareholders have not spoken, but their curiosity is still selling their true thoughts at the moment.

"Barron, telling them." After Li Feng smoked, spit out a smoking ring.

Barund's color is slightly changed, hesitate to ask: "Hey ... all said?"

"Well, let you know the whole, rest assured that Li Feng nodded and laughed.

"Okay." Barund's monster nodded, and then he had a contradiction between Li Feng and how Li Feng did not tell Kevin Robert.

After listening to Barron, the face of a shareholder, including Sean, has become very exciting.

Warfare? What is the original explosion? This is a special story!

"Mr. Barron is very exciting, let us applaud." Li Feng has begun to applaud.

Sean and others, the ,

When the applause ended, Li Feng went to: "But Mr. Barron has just missed a very important thing."

Bararel color micro-changes: "Mr. Li, you refer to ... June to cross the street?"

"Yes, it is June to cross the street." Li Feng smiled nodded.

Sean and others listened to a mist,

"I will not stay too long this time, not so much energy to convince you with truth, so ..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng took a few red Dan medicine from his arms, which is in June to cross the street!

Seeing, the Barund skin shook: "Mr. Li, no need to do this?"

This hand played by Li Feng is too embarrassed. I haven't said a few words. I have to give people to the June, too irritating? !

"I said, as long as you perform well, everything is as usual."

Li Feng said with Dan medicine and his face: "Come, whoever has a reward first."

Sean and others: "???"

No ... You said that the small pots of the small pots like the kindergarten, and whoever eats, there is a reward, can you respect our shareholders!

"That ... June is a poison. There is no poisonous side effect in six months, but if you don't get antipogen in time, you will die, you will die."

Barron spit a turbidity and introduced the people to the role of June.

As soon as I heard this, Xiao En is all fried: "What is the ghost, I don't eat!"

"You are threat, red fruit threat!"

"What threats, this is a crime, I want to call alarm!"

The conference is chaos in the chamber, and several shareholders have to make a call.

"Don't eat? Then I feed you!"

Li Feng smiled and leaving the seat after leaving the seat.

Sean and others only feel that their mouth is pinched, then there is something in the entrance ...

When Li Feng returned to the host, the time was only 5 seconds.

At this moment, a shareholder opened a police phone: "Hello, here is the demon, what can I help you?"

That member pinched the throat and looked at Li Feng on the primary position.

Nima, in June, Dan, has been eaten by him. At this time, he let the police come over, is it not explained?

"The phone is connected, talking." Li Feng did a given gesture and said.

"Hey ..." The shareholder opened his mouth, and he smiled and smiled. "Sorry, I am wrong."

When he finished, he hanged the phone.

A silence in the conference room ...

Sharp, I didn't dare to call the alarm phone. I really gave us a person in the country!

In fact, they are also clear, they are all induced by Li Feng, and then the alarm is that the Mao Pite is light, but they hope that someone can stand up.

Just noble, you are the person who is standing ...

"It seems that everyone has recognized the reality, I am very pleased."

Li Feng smiled and took a small porcelain bottle from his arms.

Seeing, Kith and others are again nervous.

Nima, last time I took out the intestine of June, what is the drug?

"This is the treatment of trauma, very useful, you apply it."

Li Feng deliver Garne Albert, laughing.

Karne Albert is shaking, and he waves in Lianlian: "No need, I have a few days."

Nima, who knows what you taken out, I dare to use it!

"You see, don't care about it? Just now, I am hopping because you are not bad, give you the next June, I am afraid that you have two hearts."

"As long as you are always mixed with me, not only life is safe, I can still keep you big and expensive, come, oh, painting this is not hurt."

Li Feng was unplugged in the porcelain bottle, poured on the palm of the palm of the palm, and gently helped Shan on his face.

During the whole process, Shawn's body is like a stone, and there is no dare to move.

Other shareholders seem to have thought that after you were hurt, the old man was applied to iodine.

When Li Feng was applied to her brillove, Xiao En felt that his face was cool, and it was found that the cheeks before the swollen cheeks didn't seem to hurt.

"This ... is very magical!" Xiao En hilied.

"I said it is very useful?" Li Feng smiled slightly, putting the porcelain bottle in Shawn, returning to the master sitting down, then said: "Hold, be a commemoration, also a reminder, pay attention to words."

Shawn's complex nodded and held the porcelain bottle tightly.

Other shareholders are the same complex, Li Feng is a hit a stick and give a sweet date, the means is high!

Li Feng glanced a circle, and he said: "Now everyone is a big shareholder, then I will talk about it."

"There are not too many things, just two, the first thing is the real box office" of the square ", the second is to take a new movie with Sheng Tang Entertainment."

The small shareholders are in the face!

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