Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1234 is very unexpected

Li Feng's work is too abrupt, so that a small shareholder has not responded for a while.

After half, a small shareholder whispered: "Li, you may not know, in fact," squares "box office statistics have come out ..."

Other shareholders attached to the attachment, they thought that Li Feng didn't know how much the "square world" is, after all, Huaxia has been behind the times in their hearts, and the news of the rice is not normal.

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "Are you a final box office for $ 199 million?"

"Yeah, $ 199 billion, although this achievement is quite a lot than Hollywood blockbuster, but it is already excellent than the Chinese movie released in the country,"

"Sheng Tang Entertainment can make our movies in front of us, it is the first-year-old entertainment company!"

"If you want the train, you will have the full leader with the head of Li, and you can express this bright eye."

After a short quicker, the small shareholders sighed and didn't forget Li Feng.

"1.99 billion?" Li Feng hooked a smile: "I will give you a chance to reorganize the language."


A shareholder finally noticed that it was not right. He said that Li Feng knows that "the square is" is falsified by the box office?

It is also possible, Li Feng has acquired the shares on the Barund, knowing that this is in a reasonable.

So, what is the problem? Divided into the gambling agreement with Sheng Tang entertainment? Rely, isn't it harm the HN shadow?

"Li, this matter is actually good for HN shadows."

A small shareholder considers the language and carefully said.

Li Fengbei picks: "Don't cherish the opportunity?"

The shareholder is in the heart of the shares, and I said: "The real box office data is $ 480 million."

Another shareholder said in the side: "I propose, immediately correct the final box office" of the squares ", and divide the gambling protocol according to the gambling protocol."


"I agree."

"Trustworthiness is the basic principle of businessmen, this is unquestionable."

Other shareholders have agreed.

"Very good, everyone is really trustworthy businessman, I am soaked."

Li Feng nodded and said.

The small shareholders are dark red, laughing.

"So next to talk about the second thing."

Li Feng briefly tells the idea about two cooperation "Titanic", including the probably plot of the story, the proportion of the two sides, the director, the choice of the actor, the budget situation, etc.

"You can sell this movie."

"The love film is full of the subject matter of the movie market, and the two will definitely create a larger miracle."

"I have a kind of hunch, this movie will create history."

Regardless of the true idea, now the person who is leading the situation is Li Feng, they can only choose to add the gardit.

Waiting until you know that your poison can not be unwave in other ways, talk about others.

"Very good, everyone is worthy of being a human shareholder of HN shares, the eyes are poisonous, my heart is soaked."

"Don't say it, just a sentence, follow me, I guarantee that HN shadow is more on the first floor, your money is bright!"

Li Feng is playing, and he is angry.

Answer him is a warm applause with a variety of compliments.

A temporary shareholder meeting ended in this warm atmosphere.

After sending away the shareholders, Li Feng got up, in Barron, Kien's accompanied by the next lounge next door, I saw the Allan Duo waiting here: "Waiting for anxious?"

Al Lan Duo took the mobile phone to check all the information related to Li Feng. After hearing the movement, he quickly put down the mobile phone to get up: "No, I am very good at this, um ... it is not bored."

Li Feng, smile: "That is good, now you can take me to find the director of" Mysterious Women "."

"Okay." Al Lan Duo deeply breathed mouth, and the headband walked to the elevator.

After following El Lanko, Li Feng is very full of eyes, because Al Lan Duo is a beautiful champion, and there is a taste of walking posture.

Coupled with her comparable to the supermodel body, wearing it very tight, this back is very attractive.

Not only Li Feng is full of eyes, Albert Brothers have always stared at the back of Allan Duo.

"Cough, our Huaxia has an old saying" Non-evolution ", two or go to see it."

Li Feng saw the green light in the eyes of the two, couldn't help but remind him.

Albert Brothers: "..."

No ... Are you not looking at it, do you let us go elsewhere?

Li Feng saw the dissatisfaction between the two, and said unintentional: "Explosion this thing must be taken in time, otherwise ..."

"Keien, today this ceiling is very clean." Barun Albert looked up and said.

"Yeah, cleaning staff work is very responsible, you should reward." Kars Albert also looked at the ceiling.

Walking in front of the Ayllan mouth hook, silent laughing.

The sixth sense of the woman is very accurate, Li Feng three people look at her later, let her have a feeling of being in the back, but she has become accustomed to this kind of vision, nor is it because someone stares at yourself? .

The eyes are growing in others, she is wearing clothes, what reasons do not let others see?

Just didn't think that Li Shan will spend a reminder, it is very unexpected.

Soon, four people took the elevator downstairs and came to a office, met the director of "Mysterious Women".

Under the introduction of Barron, the director quickly learned Li Feng's identity, and then Li Feng opened the door to see the mountain.

The new boss has spoke, can the director do not agree? Naturally, I promised.

Al Lan Duo did not expect the progress of things so smooth, some couldn't believe this.

"Hey, congratulations, 'Save the goddess Aer Lankou (1)' Mission completed, task rewards release ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquer points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 8.22 million 100 million

System score: 196 million

Conquer point: 2710

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

To complete the task: The birth of the Titanic, saving the goddess of the gods, Efli (2)

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng exits the system: "Congratulations on Miss Ail, soon you will become a world-renowned actress."

"Thank you, Li Li, I will pay 200% effort!" Al Lan Du said very serious.

"Well, I am waiting for your good news."

After this sentence, Li Feng waved with El Lanko and then turned around to leave.

Al Lan Duo is hysterested, looking at Li Fengyuan's back and spoken.

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