Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1235 is a sacrifice for art

In the subconscious, Al Lan Du always felt that Li Shu will hinted himself, and he didn't think that things were finalized. Li Feng still did not give her any hint.

Is Li Feng, is the legendary gentleman? Still ... he is playing with himself to play the trick?

"If you want to do it, you will change it."

Al Lan Du shook his head and shook these ideas out of his mind.

Shortly after Li Feng left HN headquarters, the official account of the major social platforms of HN shadow updated the final box office of "squares".

There is also an official account of the box office statistics network with them.

Once this news was released, he shakes the rice film industry.

"Oh, what is wrong, why will the box office statistics be wrong?"

"I really damn, I don't believe that the Chinese film can achieve such results, HN shades are very shameful, I am very confident that this!"

"This is definitely there is information we don't know, I bet!"

"There is a saying, this movie is really good, you can't first be the main thinking that Huaxia movies cannot achieve such results, this is unfair."

What is the messy in the Social network of Mi-country, a mess.

Soon, this news was learned by Huaxia's movie bloggers. This information was published on Weibo and WeChat public account.

The netizens who support Li Feng were naturally delight, and they were called "squares".

Those who look at the "squares" before, but they have closed their mouths, just like they have not said this.

"Hey, congratulations, 'who belongs to me, who also grabs the' mission completion, task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points reward."

After receiving the system prompt, Li Feng is dark, whispered: "This time, the initial goal of the country is already realized, or there is also a task related to Scarlett, I can fly back Huaxia ..."

He is a real box office for HN shadow to announce the "square world", but it is planned to have a change in the way, he has to help the contract with DSN shadow ...

Thinking of this, Li Feng took the mobile phone to Shergi called the phone.

After the phone is connected, the voice of Emily: "Skye is filming, please don't call her if there is no urgent matter."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Can Emili have a phone call? This assistant is full of power.

"Don't talk, I hang up." Amy Li said.

"Wait, where is Scarlette to shoot?" Li Feng asked.

"This seems that there is no need to tell you? That's it, I am very busy." After the Emily hangs, I hang up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Li Feng's face became gloomy.

Li Feng, thought that after a series of things through the day before yesterday, Emisi did not dare to show him uncomfortable, and did not think that this woman is still so arrogant.

It seems that she didn't make her feel hurt, some people only made her really feel painful, they can be completely honest.

"I thought I didn't tell me where I couldn't find it? Childish."

Li Feng smiled and got up and sat into the extension Lin Mel.


The next day, the A380 took off from the LSJ airport and flew NY.

A380's route approval is Baron to help, because there are many rich people in Mi State have private aircraft, and the route application is also convenient than Huaxia, and Li Feng is only used for half a day.

After more than two hours of flight, the A380 landed in NY Airport, like LSJ, Li Feng directly gave a five-star hotel to the unit, and he took a taxi to MHD.

The MHD area is the most intense area of ​​NY population, and is also the most richest area of ​​NY. In 2005, the per capita GDP exceeds 100,000 knives.

More famous companies are concentrated here, and the headquarters of most of the world's 500 companies have been set up in this economic center of the world.

Scarlett's unique film "X Girl" is shooting in MHD.

The X girl is the role played in the "Super People League", and Scarlet can have the current famous gas and have a big relationship with this role.

The DSN shadow has taken a single movie in the "Super League League", but has not yet out of the X girl's alone movie.

With the popularity of Scarlett, the DSN has finally taken the X girl's alone movie.

The "X Girl" Today's shooting scene is in a building, the film is released, and the plot must be confidential. Non-staff can't enter the shooting place, even if the media reporters who have a majority of the Media, it is difficult to mix.

However, Li Feng wants to go in and is too simple. If you use it directly, you will go in.

After entering the film, Li Feng saw busy staff, as well as Scarlett that was playing in front of the green curtain.

From their performance, this should be a fight, Scarlett and more than a dozen "full armed" blackman fighting.

When I came to the show, Scarleti saved a blondery guy from 'prison'.

Li Feng, the whole process, is tasteful.

Then all the staff will be transferred to the next room, which has already been placed here, and Scarlett stayed with the blonde.

First, I am a hovering, and then I have arrived at the emotional stage.

Seeing this, Li Feng is somewhat uncomfortable, there is always a kind of own cabbage to give others a feeling.


At this time, the director shouted, and the Skye, the blonde hands called the past.

Li Feng thought that it was over, when the moment is loose, who knows what it is, the more it is.

"Scarlett, John, this drama you have to be bigger when the tension during the performance, just accepting enough." Said the director.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... this directive is meaning, the question is not enough, what do you want to play?

Scarleti asked: "What should we play?"

"I have revised the script last night, let's take a look."

Director of speech took out the script and handed over the two people.

Under the curiosity, Li Feng went to Scarlett, and the more uncomfortable in Li Feng, the more uncomfortable in Li Feng, this is the rhythm of the drama!

No wonder this director said that the performance of the two is not enough, compared to this plot, only accepts not enough tension.

But How many of the moonlight in how many shadows is, she is not full of people?

Scarlett's expression is also ugly: "Director, I can't accept this story."

Although the X girl's settings are not a good woman in the traditional sense, there are many emotions of her "Super League", but she has never taken a drama.

The man did not say anything, it is a smile look at Scarlett, as if I look forward to shooting this plot with her.

Director brow microstruck: "Scarlette, you are a professional actor, is there no courage to make a sacrifice for art?"

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