Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1236 Li Feng's Guidance

As soon as I listen to this, Li Feng is Mao, the god is a professional actor, the professional actor wants to sacrifice for art?

What is the sacrifice for art, not such a picture? Long!

Li Feng feels that there are many forms of art, there is no need to express it in the form of a drama.

Of course, it is undeniable that this plot is very embarrassing, especially in the rice country with a movie grading system, will not be affected.

You can imagine that once the Shergie agrees to shoot this, then this will become the biggest selling point of "X Girl".

There is a lot of moonlight in the heart, even in order to see this plot, you have to contribute a movie ticket, the box office is a certain.

If you put it in Huaxia, you can't do it unless you delete these lenses, or this movie will never be released.

Some Hollywood actresters will take some movies with this plot before being famous, but there are not a few actresses after being famous, especially after the world-famous actress, then take this plot.

Because the movie with this plot before you are not famous, you will bring you fame and fortune, and the famous sound is good, and it is famous.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that some actresses are really for art to shoot such a movie.

But after the famous name, the fame and fortune has become a pot, and naturally don't want to shoot such a movie. Of course ... except for those who are sacrificed.

Just like Scarlett, she is already a female star in the world. What is the motivation to take such a plot?

"Director, I think there is a lot in the form of art, there is no need to take this plot."

"If you have to take it, you can use the white manner to leave the audience to imagine space."

Scarlett considers the terms and is based on the struggle.

The director brow is slightly wrinkled. I just want to persuade again. Side of Amy Li has been can't wait to say: "Scarlett, I think the director is very good, you should consider the proposal of the director."

Scarlette Wrinkle Wrinkle: "Emili, don't forget you are my assistant."

"Just because I am your assistant, I have to consider problems from your point of view." Amyi said innocent: "Do you know how many fans want to see this scene? This news will go out, will be The world has caused a sensation! At that time, the box office will be exploded! "

"Not only that, you can also get this movie to get Oscar's best heroine. Isn't this goal you have been pursuing?"

"If you don't shoot the box office, you will not explode? If you don't shoot, I can't get the Oscar Best Actress Award?" Schya is somewhat angry.

"Just do this possibility will be bigger, don't you think?" Amyi asked.

Scarlett storm.

Indeed, she is in the past many years, I only won the nomination of Oscar for so many years, or the best women's match, I want to get Oscar's best hub, I really hope.

Especially DSN is now pushing super hero movie. This film wants to win more difficult. If you don't make a certain breakthrough, she is afraid that they have not wanted to win.

"I heard the bar, I am for you." The director smiled and looked at the man: "John, what do you think?"

John jealized his hair and smiled handsome: "I have no opinion."

Of course, there is no opinion, Scarlett is the type he like, and it is a matter of taking such a plot with Skye.

"Scarlette, you tell them you to consider."

Just when Scarlett didn't know how to answer, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

When the undergreement was exclaimed, I saw it around, I didn't find that Li Feng's figure made her more frightened, and it was a little doubt.

Just now she has an illusion?

Just then, Li Feng's voice sounded again in her mind: "Don't look, I hide, you can't find me, I will explain it with you later, you will do it according to what I said. "

"Scarlett?" Amy Li looked confused at the situation of Scarlett, Scarlett, how suddenly screams still left right? what happened?

"Nothing ... Nothing." Scarlet settled the god, squeezing a smile: "Director, I am a bit tired, can I go back to think about it, give you another reply?"

If there is no discussion, today's drama has been finished, and it is time to go back, or she will not say this.

The director's eyebrows pick: "You go back and consider it. But I still have to remind you that this is a good thing to your company."

Scarlette nodded, didn't say more, turn around and left the film.

When I came out, Sheri sat in the babysitter with Emily, Sheri said whispered: "Mr. Li?"

Then, a voice rang in her mind: "I follow you, I will meet."

Scarlets touched and returned to calm.

"What?" Amy Li Xiuyi picks up, noticeable.

"Nothing, I am tired, take a break."

It is said that he is the reaction of Emily, close his eyes.

Emili brow is slightly wrinkled, Intuitive tells her ... Just now, Star is talking to Li Feng, but no one is around.

Thinking of this, Emily looked around and couldn't help but hit a cold.

Soon, the babysitter started and returned to the villa in NY.

After entering the house, Scarlett said to return to the house, on the second floor, after the bedroom door closed, Scarlett took the mobile phone to call Li Feng.

At this moment, a figure jumped from the balcony, and Scarlett had to scream, and the other side rushed to her mouth to cover her mouth: "Hey! It is me."

Scarlett saw the face of the other party, and the face was surprised.

"Mr. Li, you ... how did you come?"

After Li Feng Song started, Scarlett asked.

"Jumping up." Li Feng shrugged and laughed.


Star also said anything, suddenly knocked on the door.

She first looked at Li Feng and got Lee Peak, she said: "What?"

"I poured you milk, drink it again, help sleep." Amyi's voice came from the outside.

"No ..." Scarlett just refused, Amy Li came in, Li Feng did not hide it?

Who knows that Li Feng journal: "Let her come in."

Scarlet is intimate, frowning shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, let her come in, I have a way to get her." Li Feng continued to pass.

Although it is unclear how Li Feng wants to get Emili, Sheri decided to believe in Li Feng and deep breath and put the door.

After the Emily came in milk, I saw Li Feng and screamed: "Ah! How are you in this ..."


Li Feng is cut in the back neck of Emily, and the Emili eyelid turned and fainted.

Scarlette: "???"

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