Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1240 White Swipe

Inside the people I know, I have the power of the gun. Li Feng said the second, and no one dared to say is the first.

Emisi thought she said that she could shock to Li Feng. She didn't know that Li Feng did not put her in their eyes.

Don't explain that the Emily is just the assistant of Scarlett, even if Emily is Lawrence's lover, Li Feng is afraid of her?


On the side, Scarlet is stretched with your face, forcing yourself not to laugh.

Mr. Li is really damaging, even saying that Emily is a watchdog, this is really ... very image!

Hey, how can she have the eloquence such as Mr. Li, otherwise it is also used in Emili to suffering so much?

In fact, this is really not a problem, but the problem of strength, with the strength of Li Feng today, Lawrence stands in front of him, he can take an incorrectly, and do not take any consequences.

And Scarlett is different, there is too much to bear on her body, sometimes have to be swallowed.

Emili is going to be blown!

This bastard dare to marry this lady is watching the dog? This lady fights with him!

I think so, Emisi does not dare to pay actual actions, Jim Albert, Mark Jonathan, Marcus ... all the former car, she can only endure this grievance, wait for the retaliation.

Soon, the elevator came to 36 floors. Under the leadership of Scarlett, Li Feng walked into the DSN headquarters.

"Ah, it is Scarlett!"

"Scarlett is back!"

"How is the" Xi Ji Jiali, "X Girl"? "

"Scarlett, my sister's classmates want your signature ..."

When Shergie entered the door, he was discovered by the DSN staff, and he came over and greeted her.

As a big sister, Scarleti is also very popular in the company. She usually shoots outside, pays on, and rarely returned to the headquarters, so they will receive the passionate reception of colleagues every time.

For these enthusiasm, Scarlet is very polite, then she laughed: "I will take my friends to see the president of Lawrence, I want to sign the name, I will come out."

At this time, the people noticed Li Feng following the Skye, it was suspected for a while.

"Who is this Chinese people? Hao Hao!"

"Take him to see the president of Lawrence, is he is a new artist, a company?"

"I heard that the company wants to shoot a superhero movie that is the protagonist of the people in the protagonist, is he is the protagonist?"

Listening to everyone's whispering, Scarlett just smiled and shook his head, then in the eyes of everyone, took Li Feng to the Lawrence office, knocked on the door.

"Please come."

" "

Scarlett pushed the door, and Li Feng did a gesture, Li Feng nodded, and looked up at the chest.

In the office, a white old man sits on a large luxurious boss chair to smoke a cigar, his silver gray hair comb is bright, wearing a blue suit, the upper two clothes buckles in the white shirt, sitting properly At random, I will give people an animator of a host.

After seeing Li Feng coming in, he spit out a smoking ring, Zhang opened his hand: "Mr. Li, Mr. Sheng Tang Entertainment?"

Li Fengbei picks up, stand firm, said: "Yes, are you DSN Lawrence?"

Standard, guests have visited, should get up and welcome, don't stand it, you have to stand up and prepare to shake your hands with guests?

Lawrence fell, sitting in a chair, just like a shares, how to, how to give Xiao Master?

Lawrence first is a glimpse, then he is very deeply said: "This is the president office."

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "Our Huaxia has an old saying that I am a table tennip, the president is not necessarily president."

Lawrence: "..."

Scarlette: "..."

Emili: "..."

Not ... Is this a relative thing to Lawrence? The two meet the first time! Do you want to be so violent!

After half of it, the Lawrence is sinking and cold: "You are questioning my identity?"

"It's not questioning, but a statement." Li Feng shrugged, and then smiled: "Of course, I believe my intuition, you should be the president of Lawrence."

Lawrence's mouth is slightly, and then laughs after half of the sky: "Haha, Mr. Li is still humorous, please sit!"

Li Feng nodded and sat down before the couch on the side of the office.

"Emili, give Mr. Li, drink it." Lawrence made a thoughts, and then rushed to Li Feng asked: "What do you want to drink? There should be every wine cabinet."

"Do you really have it?" Li Feng said doubts.

"Of course, famous wine, drinks, coffee, don't drink anything." Lawrence looked at the hands and said.

Li Feng nodded: "White boiled water, health."

Lawrence: "... no."

Who is boiling water, he has never been drinking mineral water, and it is also straight to drink water. In addition to Chinese and poor people who will boil water?

Li Feng sinked two seconds: "Don't you say something?"

Lawrence's mouth is pumping, pulling the boom: "Emili, give Mr. Liji mineral water."

"Yes." Emily took out a bottle of Salve mineral water from the wine cabinet, and the faceless came to Li Feng in front of Li Feng: "Give, you want the mineral water."

Li Feng looked at the eye, brow crying: "Mr. Lawrence, I want it to open water."

Lawrence laughs: "This is a $ 90 a bottle of Salve mineral water, isn't it better than the white water?"

Li Feng sighed: "I still want to drink white boiling water, do you have an electric kettle in your office, you can boil it to the cup, don't you become a white boiling water? To understand the President of Lawrence."

Lawrence: "..."

Emili: "..."

No ... You don't have to catch the boiled water, say it, is it? !

"Scarlett, is he coming to cooperate with me, or come to drink white water?" Lawrence laughed.

"Hey ..." Skyli looked at Li Feng: "Are there?"

"For the right, white water is secondary, since you don't have me, the key is not strong, and the key is still talking." Li Feng said with a smile.

Lawrence: "..."

Listen, is this special or people? What is your name, since I don't have it, I don't want to ask, say something that I can't say!

"Emily, go outside to find a electric pot!" Lawrence can't swallow this breath, want to drink white boiling water? " I gave you!

Emily gave me, soon, I found a electric pot of electric pot. After plugging in electricity, I poured in the $ 90 a bottle of Salve mineral water.

After a few minutes, the water was boiled, Emily found a crystal cup to pour hot water, and the cups of the cup of the cup were in front of Li Feng: "You have to open the water."

Li Feng looked at it, then sighed: "It is a bit late, I am not thirsty, I don't drink it."

Emili: "???"

Lawrence: "???"

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