Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1241 A Tool

Emili is almost almost, I will give the cup!

Why don't you thirsty, how can you not drink water? Miss this lady, you are just sincerely taking me!

Lawrence is not very calm, I am bus busy before and after, I'm not thirsty before and after. Alarm!

Scarlett is also stunned, the Maorkword is still your horses, even this reason is said, sincerely,?

After half of it, Lawrence's face said gloomy: "Mr. Li, are you deliberately playing? Is this what you come to talk to me?"

"No, Mr. Lawrence, you don't misunderstand, I don't have anything to play, just I am really not integrity, or you let Miss Emili first put the cup aside, waiting for me thirsty Drink again? It's all hot. "Li Feng said with a smile.

Emili: "???"

I rub? Do you have a little touching?

Thinking here, Emili quickly put the cup on the coffee table, and then he kept holding his ear.

I have just been burned!

"If I say you have to drink?" The Lawrence tiger is full of angry.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "Mr. Lawrence is serious? If you don't want to drink water, it is my freedom. Do you have always paying attention to the two words?"

Lawrence is smoked, and the anger of the heart will rise to rise: "Of course, there is no free drink, I also don't work with you, you don't drink water, then I don't have to talk to you. Emili, send guests. "

When he finished, he turned his bodchair, and his back to Li Feng, a guest of the guest.

"Then I am not going to choose?" Li Feng sighed and looked sight.

I heard this, the Lawrence's mouth evoke a tauntful smile, then turned around: "The option is in your hands, how do you choose me not to interfere, but the consequence of choice requires you to bear it."

"Okay, I understand." Li Feng two hands and said: "Then I will not cooperate with you, let's talk about the issue of talking about Scarlette."

"What?" Lawrence did not understand Li Feng's meaning.

"X-Girl" script was temporarily changed, joined a piece of drama, what do you think about this? "Li Feng asked directly into the way.

"How do you know?" Amyi first shocked, then look at Scarlett: "You tell him? This is a leak, you default!"

I heard that Lawrence's face suddenly was overcast: "Scarlett, I need a reasonable explanation."

Listening to Amili's story, he understood that Scarlett revealed the "X Girl" story to Li Feng, which clearly violated the confidentiality agreement signed with the company, according to the agreement of Scarlett to compensate 10 million Dollar!

"Yes, it is indeed that I told Li." Scarlett nodded and admitted.

"Do you know that this is a breach of contract?" Lawrence high tone, and asked coldly.

Scarlett smiled: "I know, I will pay for the breach of contract for this, I will ask the Lawrence president to rest assured. But also ask the Lawrence president to tell me, I can refuse this paragraph."

Lawrence's face is a few times, laughing: "Scarlett, we are old friends who know for many years. You can do anything more than a mistake. If you don't hurt our friendship, it is a matter of breach of contract, but not for example, Do you understand?"

The value of millions of dollars is really nothing more than that, not to mention that Scarleti really came out this money. It is impossible to let him swallow.

"President of Lawrence, the focus is not a breach of contract, but the story of the temporary modification of the director makes me unacceptable." Scarlett brow wrinkles, aggravated the gauge.

"Scarlett, the director has the right to modify the script in accordance with his own ideas. He is also to take better work. As a professional actor, you should be able to understand." Lawrence sighed, followed.

"But there is no need to write such a story in the contract." Skyli is responsible.

"But the contract writes this is a r and a film, the director changes in R and the range." Å Lens shrugged, helplessly said.

Scarlett storm.

Indeed, the contract indicates that "X Girl" is a R and movie, but there is no inevitable connection between R and movies and the drama, too bloody is also returned to R.

At that time, Scarlette asked the director. This movie is much more, so will be returned to R and the film, and Scarlett didn't ask more, and he didn't think this is a big pit ...

"You see, do you admit this right?" Lawrence smiled and continued to follow the goodness: "Scarlette, you should know how beautiful you are, you are 30 years old this year, do you not want to put your most beautiful state? Is it recorded? "

"This time when you are old, you can also leave a very good memory, believe me, this is definitely a correct choice."

Li Feng is almost angry, the god is a good memory? Do you want to make a movie to record your most beautiful status? I don't have it to shoot a section? Are people who have to let people around the world?

God is logical!

"No, I don't think this is a correct choice." Scarlett spit out a turbidity, and asked: "I want to ask the Lawrence president, can you communicate with the director, let him delete this paragraph plot."

Lawrence stared at her for a while, and smiled and said: "If I don't, what do you plan?"

The businessman's eyes are only interest, and Skye is a DSN a sister. It is only a tool of making money in the eyes of Lawrence. The tool is mastered by people. How can it be in turn to make tools?

The remaining value of Scarlett is not much, only in this way, it can be pressed all over, unless Lawrence doesn't want to make more money, or he will not promise Sheri's request.

It seems that I have already got this answer, and the expression on the face of Scarlet did not change much: "In this case, then I can only tell DSN."

At this time, the atmosphere of the parcels appeared in an instant.

Half of the Emily screamed: "Sky, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about ?!"

Scarlette looked at her: "With the DSN, what is the problem?"

"The problem is big!" Emisi said almost crazy: "You are the X-girl who likes countless fans, this IP is how you struggled through years, you talked with DSN, it's your own for many years. Work hard! "

"Also ... You must not only return the" X Girl "to the company, but also pay for the breach of about 200 million US dollars! Do you have so much money?"

"Star, don't be stupid, only staying in DSN, you can have a glorious future!"

Lawrence is satisfied with nod, Emily is not his heart, do not need him to open, Emily can persuade Scarlett from all kinds of respect.

Next, Star is refunded and retreat.

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