Scarlett lifted his skin, said that there was no expression: "Emili, you should know that since I propose to tell DSN, I have already thought of these problems."

"Oh, is it?" Amyi is surprised: "Do you have money?"

So long for Shergi, she is more familiar with the financial situation of Scarlett. In the past few days, in order to give Johnson more than 100 billion US dollar gambling debts, Scarlettes need to sell a house, and hundreds of millions of breach of contract can come out. Weird!

What's more, "X Girl" 40 million US dollars have already hit it before starting shooting, and Scarlett has to spit these money.

It is more important to say that she leaked the plot, which violated the agreement and was a violation of $ 10 million.

Added up to 20 billion yuan before and after, what kind of compensation?

Scarlett shook his head and turned to look to Li Feng.

Amili pupil is big, and a face is surprised to point to Li Feng: "You ... what do you mean should he help you?"

Lawrence is also shocked, and the cigar is almost unstable to hold it on the table.

Is this a special to give Scarlett? The burger is big!

"Don't you do it?" Li Fengbei picks up and asked.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how much? $ 250 million!" Amyi is almost screaming.

Scarlette Wrinkle Wrinkle: "250 million? Are you wrong?"

When she was planning to Li Feng, she was calculated at $ 240 million, although "only" more tens of millions of dollars, but she didn't want to be a big head.

"Since you have to talk to the company, the breach of contract you leaked will compensate." Amyi brugally said.

Scarlet is slightly changed, and the powder punch is cleared.

It is said that people are cool, really just.

"It is still more than 250 billion to me. As long as Sheri leaves DSN, these money is nothing." Li Feng smiled and took the bank card: "Come, swipe."

Lawrence: "..."

No ... How did he say this to buy a Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, so hang, $ 250 million is not in the eyes?

"President of Lawrence, he has a A380 private aircraft, and has won the $ 1.1 billion of the gambling gold from Mr. Marcus, in short ... 250 million US dollars is really nothing wrong with him."

Emili walked to Lawrence, with the ear.

Lawrence's face is slightly changed, and then spit out a touch of violence: "It's some small to see him."

How many houses can he think of a boss of Huaxia Entertainment? Don't say it can't get $ 250 million, but it is sure to throw so much money for a woman.

Scarlette came here with Li Feng, just want to use the contract to threaten him to modify the script.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that this Huaxia people won 11 billion dollars a gamble. This money is too easy, and it will naturally not feel bad.

"Scarlett, DSN is a platform that allows you to show ambitious, I hope that you can think about it in a few days."

Lawrence looked at Scarlett and said softly.

There is still a lot of value to be developed. "X girl" has begun to promote all over the world before shooting, and Scarlett fans have very high expectations for this movie.

The fans of the "Super League Alliance" also have expected, once the shooting ends, officially released, the global market room achieved a more than $ 1 billion in box office is not.

Reward, $ 1.5 billion, global box office is not impossible. The "Super Pass" series of movies is now a gold medal.

Once there is a midway, it is also very big for the fight against this drama. Scarlett fans are unwilling, the fans of the "Super People Alliance" will feel violated, and the box office results will definitely be a discount.

Not to mention the "Super League 5", there is still a lot of drama, her departure will bring some negative impacts to the "Super League 5".

In this way, the box office loss of the two play is far from the 200 million knives.

Without Siss Carli, Li Feng was smiling: "Mr. Lawrence, maybe you still don't know, I am now the big shareholder of HN shadow, with the talents of Scarlett, with the resources of HN shadow, she comes After HN, it will definitely achieve better results. "


Lawrence screamed, then a resentment turned to the Emily.

The death, the HN shadow is the death of DSN, if you know that Li Feng is a major shareholder of HN shadow, how can he agree with Li Feng?

Emili as he is inserted by his heart, concealing this news is just a crime!

Emily shaked his head: "I don't know, I really don't know ..."

"Mr. Lawrence, don't waste time again, hurry to brush the money, then I can take the Jiali back to LSJ, just in the HN shadow, there is a new movie to stand up, and Scarlet is very suitable for the actor of the actress."

Li Feng said with a bank card and smiled.

Before encountering Scarlett, Li Feng is to let Tiffi star in the "Titanic" of the "Titanic", now ... He changed his mind, and felt that Sheri may be more appropriate.

Perhaps this movie allows Spherli to circle the dream after Oscar?

Lawrence's noodles change several times, half-horizontal, rude: "I don't agree, Scarlet is the excellent staff of DSN, I can solve this problem with her, don't need to contract."

"Scarlett, I consider it, and the drama plot is really unsatisfactory. I will call the director, let him delete this, you can act at ease."

The leeks have to run, just don't think of the root planing, can only find a way to leave her, then how much can you cut ...

The Lawrence's response really said like Li Feng, Li Feng is really a good time!

Then, Scarlette shook his head: "Sorry Lawrence, you just answer me very disappointed, I don't want to continue working with DSN."

"Have you heard it? Skick cancellation of the contract, I have to go to dinner with Scarlett." Li Feng said something impatient.

Lawrence is full of ear, continue to persuade: "Scarlette," X girl "needs you," Super People Alliance "needs you, DSN needs you, your colleagues need you, do you have to leave?"

"Leave it, for your dreams, for DSN, please ... leave it!"

Scarlet is facing the color, if you don't have to have already, she doesn't want to leave the DSN, which is poured here too much feelings.

Li Feng smiled and broke the memories of Scarlett: "It is the fox of the millennium, you don't want to play with me, say that you are worried about Shergi will bring losses."

"So, I will give you a choice, rely on Scarlett, telling her, she can continue to shoot" X girl "with the" Super League 5 ", of course, the ability is constant."

"If you don't agree, then I will swipe her away, the two movies, you can also please!"

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