Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1243 is not too soft

Lawrence: "???"

Emili: "???"

Not ... Free with DSN, continue to take "X Girl" with DSN, "Ultra League 5"?

Feelings let Scarlett tell DSN not only a penny, but still continue to earn DSN's ability?

What is this brain?

"Don't you think this requires too much?" Lawrence laughed.

Li Feng shrugged: "Then I will swipe the card, who is eager to pay,"

Lawrence's face is hysterested, and the whole person is not good.

Yeah, why don't he want to let Laceley walk, isn't she brought a lot of losing for DSN after she left?

But I don't let her go, I have to accept Li Feng's conditions, let Scarlett ruled free with DSN?

Xiete, why he has a feeling that he is pitted by himself?

"You let me first."

"You took out 250 million let Star, and Scarlett no longer appeared" X girl "with the" Super League 5 "..."

"The popularity of Scarlett, and the fixed fans of these years ..."

"The two movie estimated box office should be ... change the Scarlette box office ... um ..."

Lawrence left the left hand, and the right hand was re-opened with his head. The more I felt this is a loss of sale.

The outside world is an estimated box office for "X", the "Super League" estimated box office is $ 2.8 billion, which is in the case of stamping.

If you replace Scarlett, if you have newcomers, the box office of the two movies will be lowered, once a drop of more than $ 500 million, it is enough to offset the 250 million defaults of Scarlett.

More terrible is the negative impact of the decline in the box office!

In recent years, DSN earned a lot of money through the superhero series movie, countless investors have great expectations to this big IP.

Once these two movies have not achieved expected results, the negative impact on this big IP will be difficult to estimate, and DSN's stock price will fall ...

Lawrence can't accept this loss, he can't explain to the board!

After half, Lawrence looked up and laughed: "Scarlette, I have been too impulsive, not reasonable, I will call the director, let him shoot according to the original script."

"You also go back to consider a few days, if you think about it, I will want to tell the company, I will respect your ideas, what do you see?"

Li Fengbei picks up, turned to look at the nod to Skye, Scarlett silence.

She is not really trying to consider, but I want to give Lawrence a face, after all, two people have met many years, he said this, if you have insisted now, it will be tetanted, and some is too face.

Seeing, Lawrence launched a tone, enthusiasm, sent Scarlett and Li Feng out of the office.

Original Amy Li also wanted to follow the two, but he was rejected by Scarlett, and two of them were completely torn, and there is no need to let her follow.

"Lawrence, you will put them like this? What should I do if I don't think about it after a few days?"

After returning to the office, Emisi took the arm of Lawrence, and half of it was fraudulent.

Since it is the heart, it is natural to have a trust in Lawrence, so Emili is actually Lawrence's underground lover.

Amyi is not a traditional beauty, and the long-faced body can only be said to be middle, but Lawrence is like Emily type.

Lawrence's scratched her shares were a smile: "Of course, I will not put them like this, I want to fight with me, they still have a tender!"

Speaking here, Lawrence's eyes flashed a cold light.

Emili Face Micro Variation: "Lawrence, you shouldn't want ..."

"Hey!" Lawrence quickly made a gesture: "How do you guess it is your business, I don't recognize it, understand?"

Emili nodded and then shook his head: "No, Lawrence president, you don't know how terrible Li Feng."

"Terrible?" Lawrence first stunned first, and it wo the faces: "In addition to having money, what is the terrible place? Here is the country, can he have a lotion here?"

Li Feng did let Lawrence feel pressure in this area, but the strength is more than reflected in the wealth, and there is also a person, means.

What is difficult to clean up a manner that Lawrence is in the rice country?

"Lawrence, listening to me said that Li Feng's terrible is his luck ..."

At the moment, Emily explained the magic of Li Feng with Lawrence in several times.

Lawrence is after listening: "???"

No ... , 's XXX, special Emili brain show, even this kind of thing is also believed?

"I know that you are hard to accept, but this is what I have to see, or Marcus will be willing to give Li Feng1 billion yuan?"

"No matter what, I think you want to deal with Li Feng, you have to carefully."

Amyri suffered his mind.

Lawrence's face is changed several times, and then spit out a turbidity: "I probably know what people are ..."

"What?" Emili heard a foggy water.

"Nothing, you give me the information very important, very timely, I will reward you well."

Lawrence pinch the Emily chin laughing.

"I hate." Emily pushed the Lawrence's hand and went on his face and looked shy.

Seeing, the Lawrence index finger is active: "Go to the door."

"Ah!" Amy Li first, then asked: "What do you want ...?"

"What are you talking?" Lawrence missed, reached out, Amy Li went to the door to lock the door ...

After leaving DSN headquarters, Li Feng asked: "Do you really have to give him a reply a few days?"

"Actually, I have already considered it, I will tell, but Lawrence said that this is, I pretend to consider it for two days, so as to tear the face." Scarlett wore sunglasses, masks, laughing.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Don't be too weak, sometimes it will be a burst."

Scarlette nodded and accepted it, and then asked: "Li, you said that Lawrence can agree with me free of charge?"

Before before, Li Feng told her that he had a way to successfully tailored still without spending a penny, but also continued to show "X girl" with "Super League 5".

Because of this, Scarlett agreed to talk to him to find Lawrence negotiations, otherwise, how can she promise to let Li Feng out of this $ 25 billion default? That is not to help her to help her redemption?

At first she also felt that Li Feng said something unreal, it seems that things are really developing to him.

I feel that Li Feng is very powerful!

"Don't worry, Lawrence is a businessman, businessman is blew, he must know that you will continue to show the two movies is the most beneficial choice for DSN shadow."

Li Feng smiled slightly, then said: "The first time I came to NY, Miss Star didn't mind bringing me all around?"

Scarlett first, then laughed: "Of course, this is my honor."

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