Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1244 Tracking

Next time, under the leadership of Scarlett, Li Feng appreciated the charm of the world's largest city.

Of course, Li Feng can't transfer the entire NY in such a short time, just take a relatively representative place to pick up the card.

I was waiting until 7 o'clock in the evening, and the two went to a Chinese restaurant after having dinner, Li Feng proposed to continue to go around.

"Amount ... Go to the nightclub?" Asbe asked.

"The nightclub has nothing to do, just go shopping near this." Li Feng thought about it.

Scarlette Micro-change: "Li, I advise you to disperse this thought, the Nimano in the evening is very dangerous."

"I know, however, you said that the danger is just a danger for me." Li Feng smiled.

"Hey ..." Si Jiali speechless, half a little laughed: "I know you will work hard, but ... The danger of the street is not only able to deal with just work."

In the rice country, don't go to the street after 9 o'clock in the evening, it is a consensus. The rich neighborhood is still better, because the police, the security is better.

Low per capita income, less tax payment, less police, will be very poor.

The slum is more serious, and the police will not go, don't say that night, in addition to local residents, no one dare to go in the day.

NY's public security situation is more good, but there is also a street violence. Li Feng's Kung Fu is afraid that there is not too great role in the face of the firearm. Unless Li Feng once again fires, let the other side's bumper.

"Don't worry, I will not only work hard." Li Feng said blinking.

Seeing Li Feng's idea has been determined, Scarlett didn't persuade: "What do I call a few bodyguards?"

This time I went out to bring a driver, I didn't bring my bodyguard. If she called her bodyguard, the problem should not be big.

"I am calling for bodyguards." Li Feng said: "If you are afraid, I will go, it doesn't matter."

"No, I can't let you go alone." Scarlett is anxious, is Li Feng, is this kind of connotation? " She is not becoming less!

Li Feng smiled, put it up and got up behind the 20 dollar bills.

Out of the Chinese restaurant, the time has come to 9 o'clock in the evening, and the road is almost not seeing the pedestrians in the road.

This gives Li Feng a very ridiculous feeling, the world's largest city is so cold at 9 o'clock in the evening?

In Huaxia, don't talk about Beijing, pearls, it is on the pedestrian street of the second and third tier cities. After 9 o'clock, it is very busy, and it is only 12 o'clock.

"You see, NY is nothing over, I want to shop or play, I have to go to the mall or the nightclub, the club." Scarlet was tight, the small voice said.

Li Feng nodded: "Let's go back, let's go back."

Scarlett nodded, looked back, slowly followed the babysitter car in the back and drivers driving, and the heart was slightly smart.

After the distance from a neighborhood, the two came to a small-scale, plastic bag, plastic bag, and the previous bustling.

"It should be almost the same here ..." Li Feng looked at the scene around 'desolate', muttered.

Scarlett didn't listen clearly, I couldn't help but ask: "What?"

"If you have any things, you don't scream, everything has me." Li Feng rushed her blink, and said mysteriously.

Scarlet's heart is shocked, there is a very bad premonition, it will not be ... Li Feng wants to do not have the track?

No, although the time I have known to Li Feng is not long, but she can see that Li Feng is not that kind of person.

Besides, Li Feng wants to use it to hit the way, it can not come to this place, it can be completely available at home ...

So what is Li Feng?

On the occasion of Scarlet, a black shadow suddenly walked out from the front corner.

This is a white man who left a Moss dry hairstyle. He looks about thirty years old, the five senses are still right, and the upper and lower lips are on the lips, it looks some evil.

After this person came out, he slowly walked to the two meters of five meters, and the cold looked at Li Feng. "You have already found me?"

Scarletse is surprised to see Li Feng, is Li Feng insisted on going out, just because it was found to be tracked?

Li Feng shrugged: "Yes, from us to DG Building, you follow us, so ... What is your purpose?"

"You are a bit eye." White man is not surprised, and the laugh is to point to Scarlett: "She is my prey, and I will roll myself, so I will die here."

Si Jiali has changed, and the next consciousness will be retired.

At this time, the driver following the back will open the babysitter's headlights, and directly at the white man.

Under the stimulation of glare, the white man took the hand to cover up, then he snorted and succumbed.


The two regiments are shot, "" "" two sullen sounds, the two headlights of the front of the head were exploded!

"Ah ..." Scarlets just had to scream, this remembers Li Feng's, even if you hold your mouth, then self-probably: "What is it?"

"No, it is the force of qi." Li Feng laughed.

Scarlett: "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This noun, she is a first heard, a foggy.

"This will explain this time, I will clean him up, and explain him again." Li Feng smiled.

Scarlette nodded, and he didn't ask again.

The opposite white man glaught out: "Do you want to pick me up? Do you think who you are? To tell you, Scarlett I want, who can't come!"

Li Feng also did not refute, but asked: "I am very curious, what is your hatred between Skye, why should she follow her?"

After discovering that the white man was tracked, Li Feng was guessing that he was sent by Lawrence, and now it seems that this possibility is very big.

"There is no hatred, I am a fan of Sheri, I have already liked her for a long time." The white man said with a smell: "Today, I finally found the opportunity, she is mine!"

Li Fengbei picks up, secretly saying: "It seems that I guess wrong, he is not Lawrence."

Just now, he used the white man to read the heart, and determined that the other party did not lie, it was so ...

"Still don't roll? Then I will help you!" The white man lost patience, and a arrow rushed to Li Feng, and slammed the big fist to Li Feng.

At the same time, a A-level breath broke out on him.


Li Feng shook his head and he didn't look at it.


Blow the spurious skirt!

Scarleti quickly made a classic movement of Marilyn Monroe, holding hands holding a skirt.

At the same time ... "Boom" sounds.

Scarlett looked up, but found that white man ... I got it? !

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