Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1245 Tangled Scarlett

"He ... what about others?"

Scarlette asked in a hurry.

Li Feng looked up at the sky: "Mountain is wild ... everywhere."

Scarlet is slightly changed, and it is tight: "... He also has a relationship?"

"..." Li Feng's mouth smoked, Dao said: "Of course not, I said ... Forget it, you still don't know how good."

When he punched the white man, he flew ash, and the scene didn't look blood, and it was still bloody.

Scarlette: "???"

Not ... what is the situation, where is the white man going?

At this moment, the babysitter driver trembled to get off, and turned around and wanted to secretly walk.

"Warn, where are you going?"

I heard the moving Sheri came back to see this scene and asked.

Star doesn't talk, it's faster, and it's faster.

"You better stop telling the words."

At this moment, the cold voice of Li Feng passed, Warren stopped the footsteps, and the stiff turned.

After seeing the cold eyes of Li Feng, Warren played a cold, and she said that there was no tear: "I didn't see anything, I really didn't see anything, let me go."

Scarlett did not see Li Feng, a white man, who did not see Li Feng, who had a white man, and Warren went to the eyes.

So big active people, Li Feng gives it to the flying gray, isn't it to see who can I believe in your own?

The movie is a passers-by inadvertently saw that someone was killed, he did not hurry to leave Li Feng out?

"You ... what did you see?" Sheri came down and asked.

"I ..." Warren Zhangpened, looked at Li Feng, lingering: "I didn't see anything, I really didn't see anything."

Scarlett turned to Li Feng: "The man killed?"

At this time, she didn't hear it again, but she was very curious about how Li Feng killed the person and destroyed the dead.

Thinking of destroying the corpse, Scarlett couldn't help but hit a chill.

Li Feng shrugged: "Yes, he wants to kill me, but also to see you, I can only kill him, but you can rest assured that the scene is not bloody, and some people can find it is me killed."

Li Feng was erased all traces of the other party in this world, but also thoroughly than the legendary pair of bones.

"My God ..." Scarlett grabbed his red lips, and his face did not dare to confuse.

In the movie, she killed countless, but then she was filming, she didn't kill only the chicken in real life, let alone murder?

This is what she first saw ... ah, she didn't see it, but when Li Feng killed people, she was standing next to it, which is not very different from her.

This thing is very impact on her, so that she has an impulse away from Li Feng.

"Do you think I am very ... cruel?" Li Feng sighed, slightly helpless.

Scarlett nodded and then shook his head.

She can understand Li Feng's behavior, but ... just killed a person, or let her have some difficult to accept, at least in the same way to Li Feng, her heart will feel.

After all ... No one wants your friends to kill people, right?

"Scarlett, heart is human, I can understand, but you must know, sometimes you are not awkward, the injured will be yourself."

"I will send you back, you should consider what I said."

Li Feng laughed and then sat alone on the babysitter.

After a long time, Scarlett went back to God, and the complexity of the complex is complicated into the back row of the babysitter.

As for the babysitter driver Warren, after the Soul is not going to work, after the driving position, I can't succeed in a few times.

Taking Li Feng sighed and spent 1000 system points revised Warren's memory.

After the loss of this memory, Warren immediately returned to normal: "Boss, where are we going?"

"Go home." Scarlett did not ask Li Feng's opinion and said without expression.

"Ok, please sit a good."

After saying Warren launched a car, the babysitter slowly left here.

After coming to the Villa of Scarlet, two people got off, and Scarlett didn't talk, and the eyes were playing around, and they didn't look at Li Feng.

There is no exchange in the way along the way, and Scarlette doesn't know what to say, she doesn't know if she is going to have Li Feng.

Don't invite it, it is very impolite, invited to ... Li Feng really wants to agree with a person who has just killed people in a building? I think it is very uncomfortable.

"Time is not early, you have to rest early."

Li Feng seemed that Sheri is difficult, and then laugh at it.

"I ..." Scarlett Zhang Zhang did not invite Li Feng to live, but he did not say anything.

"Pay attention to safety, I will call me something that I can't solve it."

Li Fengshi Miss Carrie made a hand gesture called, and then turned to go out.

Looking at Li Fengyuan's back, Scarlett suddenly became a little guilty, no matter what, Li Feng was killing in order to save her, and she did a bit too much.

Thinking of this, Scarleti shouted: "Li Feng ..."

Li Feng's feet, the head does not swaying: "I understand your concerns, you have a good rest, wait for you to understand, call me again, good night."

After that, he walked out of the villa and disappeared in the night.

"Sorry ..." Scarlett looked at Li Feng left, whispered.

Emili is not there, Li Feng has also left, drivers have their own accommodation, and the big villas only live in a person, it is inevitable.

In addition, she has just experienced a murder, and the first thing she did after entering the villa is to open all the lights.

The lights of the light make her feel a little peace of mind. After walking into the bedroom, I went to the bathroom and start taking a shower.

I didn't have long after she walked into the bathroom, and a black shadow quietly sneaked into this villa ...

After half an hour, the shower was taken into the nightdrop and walked out of the bathroom.

This is a milky white silk night sleep, because just took a shower, the nightdress is tightly attached to her, and the perfect curve is hooked.

Scarlett holds a towel with a towel, and stepped on the expensive carpet, slowly walking to the bed.

"Miss Star, you are so beautiful."

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded from her.

Scarlett is stiff, the horrible looks forward, but I saw a white middle-aged man in a black robes, sitting on the bed, and looked at him.

I don't know how long it took, Scarlett "ah", running out!

It's just that she just turned around and hit the black robe.

"Scarlett, you can't run away, hehe."

The black robe is pinching the right hand of Scarlett and smiling.

Scarlett fell in the ice!

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