Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1247 Trial

"Everything is ready ~"

Richard Steinbeck patted his hand, walked to the bed, looking at the side lying on the bed in the side of the bed: "Are you ready, beauty?"

Si Jiali went back and went back: "No, please don't do this."

Because of some special reasons, although she talked twice in love, she did not follow her boyfriend.

Nowadays, the fear of Richard Steinbeck, Scarlet is facing.

" , you are now beautiful." Richard Steinbeck admired a sentence, and his body leap to Skye.

Scarleti sent a scream, accelerated backwards, just extremely fearful, nervous, her limbs didn't have any strength, Richard Steinke's speed is fast, and she was taken by Richard Stan. Baker gave his feet.

"Yus Jiali, your month is really beautiful." Richard Steinbeck's disappointment.

Scarlett is not honest, even busy recycling the feet, the other's hand is like two big iron clamps, she has more struggles.

"It's ending, isn't I destroyed here?" Skyton was desperate, and he missed Li Feng.

Her mind began to quickly flash back to Li Feng, and he went to the picture of Li Feng back to her.

"Sorry Li Feng, I shouldn't misunderstand you ..." Scarlet is desperate closes his eyes, and a tear from her eyes out of her eyes, and rolling down with pretty face.

"People's family is beautiful, you can appreciate it, but you can't teach, this is a rule."

At this moment, a taste of the sound suddenly sounded distant.

Scarleti opens his eyes!

This sound is ... Li Feng? !

Thinking of this, Scarlett is going to look up, but Richard Steinbeck does not give her a chance to look up.

I saw that he took the hand in the foot of Scarlett, and Scarlett felt that the strength of the body lost, and the simple movements did not do this!

After finishing these, Richard Steinke could only transfer to Li Feng standing at the door, and the old god said: "You are Li Feng from Huaxia?"

Li Feng shrugged: "If you don't have more, you don't change your name, you are you Li Feng, Li Dad."

Richard Stanbeck is anger: "You dare to humiliate me ?!"

Li Feng smiled: "Should you humiliate you? You are wrong, you are humiliated."

Richard Steinbeck: "???"

Not ... ? How do I not understand?

"You look at you, an old age, and do this for people, ashamed?"

"If I have a son like you, I or if I am mad, I will kill him, so you really don't match my son." Li Feng smiled.

Richard Steinbeck is squeezed, and a tricks of Scarlett to yourself and buckled her neck: "You said it again ?!"

Until at this time, Scarlett could see Li Feng standing at the door, and she shouted in the moment: "Li, how come you?"

Li Feng's sudden appearance is like a bunch of light tore over the end of her head, let her feel the desperation of the heart sweep!

Li Feng smiled slightly: "I predict that you are dangerous, so I will return it back to the road, and now I seem to have a good hype, you are safe."

Richard Steinbeck felt that he was humiliated: "Mixed kid, do you know what you are talking about? Star in my hand, I can kill him at any time, and you can only look at it!"

While talking, Richard Steinke deducted the neck of Scarlett, the right hand is very powerful, Scarlett feels that the breathing is not smooth, all have to suffocate.

"No, you won't kill her, I dare to guarantee." Li Feng faces the same, calm.

"Oh?" Richard Stanbeck's eyebrows and taught, "How do you know that I will not kill her?"

Li Feng shrugged: "Because your purpose is not to kill her, but to completely control her, and the dead is not controlled."

"Are you coming here for a long time?" Richard Steinbeck faced a puzzled color.

When Li Feng looked out, he was ready to do his hand, and if you should not know these.

"No, I just arrived." Li Feng shrugged, and then smiled: "The new contract in your hand has this DV has given an answer."

Although there is three or four meters from the distance, the small word on the contract is still seen by Li Feng, plus the DV placed in the big bed, and the action of Richard Steinke, will connect these. One analysis can be easily concluded.

Richard Stanbeck has a slight change, then acknowledged: "It seems that you have a good observation, then you guess it, how long can you live in my hand?"

Li Feng stretched out a finger.

Richard Stanbeck is sinking for two seconds: "One second?"

Li Feng shake his finger.

Richard Stanbeck is still in two seconds: "One minute?"

Li Feng shook his finger.

"Can't always be ten minutes?" Richard Stanbeck smiled: "You seem to know how powerful!"

Li Feng also laughed, let go down the finger: "It is always live."

Richard Steinbeck: "???"

Scarlette: "???"

No ... What is the meaning of feeling a finger? God is associated!

After half of it, Richard Steinke is angry and laughs: "Kid, you are too arrogant! I have to see how you are in my attack!"

The voice is falling, and a breath that belongs to the S +-level power broke out from Richard Steinbeck.

The moment of this breath has shocked some of the small jewelry in the Scarlet bedroom!

"Okay ... I am so powerful!" Scarlett was round, and a face did not dare to confuse.

This is not the effects of the movie, it is true!

So Scarlet can't understand why Richard Steinbeck is only shocked, and it has made such a big move, this ... this is too unscientific!

Confused Li Feng, he is still a calm face, it seems that Richard Steinke's power has nothing to do.

This makes Richard Steinke feels humiliation: "Kid, are you calm? Or do you say it all, don't you know what this means?"

While talking, his hand has been deducting the neck of Scarlett, and it is ready to kill her.

"Are you not taking me?" Li Feng looked up and played.

Richard Stanbeck is slightly changed!

That's right, he is indeed in the test of Li Feng, and after the appearance of Li Feng quietly, he is a little taboo to Li Feng.

Most of his attention have been concentrated in Scarlett, but he did not give up the observation of the surrounding environment. If Li Feng's realm is much lower than him, he will not have nothing to get to Li Feng.

In addition, after he showed his own breath, Li Feng also showed such a calm, then explaining that Li Feng's realm may not be under him!

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